Gladdy - TBC
The most powerful arena addon for WoW TBC 2.5.1
v1.19-Beta Download Here
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Based on
Motivation for this edit
The goal is to make Gladdy highly configurable in it's appearance. Everything can be arranged left or right independently. Also I gave Gladdy a new look with black borders. A lot can be configured.
- Announcement (drink, trinket usage, spec detection ...)
- ArenaCountDown
- Auras (show important (de)buffs as well as interrupts on the class icon)
- BuffsDebuffs (show buffs and debuffs on arena frames - can be filtered)
- CastBar (shows a castbar, can be disabled)
- ClassIcon (or specicon, once detected)
- Clicks (bind spells or macros to click actions)
- CombatIndicator (shows a sword icon if unit is in combat)
- Cooldown (tracks important cooldowns)
- Diminishing (tracks DRs)
- ExportImport (share your profile with your friends in the form of a string, which can be imported)
- Highlight (highlights focus and target)
- Pets (show arena pets)
- Racial (show arena racial cooldowns)
- Range Check (checks the range to a unit by a configurable spell)
- Shadowsight Timer (shows a little movable frame with time left until Shadow Eyes spawn)
- TotemPlates (show totem icons instead of normal nameplates, compatible with Plater, NeatPlates, KUI, ThreatPlates, ElvUI, TukUI)
- Trinket (tracks trinket usage)
- VersionCheck (checks if you use an older version that your teammate)
- XiconProfiles (predefined profiles to start your configuration from)
Valid Slash commands
- /gladdy ui (shows config)
- /gladdy test (standard 3v3 test mode)
- /gladdy test1 to /gladdy test5 (test mode with 1-5 frames active)
- /gladdy hide (hides the frames)
- /gladdy reset (resets current profile to default settings)

Special Thanks
- miraage - the origininal author of Gladdy! Your work set the foundation for this edit. Thanks!
- Schaka - the maintainer of Gladdy! (thanks for letting me continue Gladdy and all the work you put into the TBC community)
- Macumba (thanks for all the support, your feedback and your dedication for the TBC community)
- RMO (without you I would not have modified Gladdy at all and thanks for all the suggestions and active feedback)
- Ur0b0r0s aka DrainTheLock (thanks for testing, giving feedback and correcting/adding wrong CDs)
- Klimp (thanks for all the suggestions and active feedback)
- the whole TBC addons 2.4.3 discord (thanks for the support and great community, especially the MVPs)
- Hydra (thanks for constructive feedback and suggestions)
- fix gladdy frames not showing v2
- minor bug fixes
- castbar font now working properly
- option TimerFormat added (seconds or seconds + milliseconds) (General > Cooldown General > Timer Format)
- hide blizzard arena frames without cvars
- fix Gladdy bugging out on arena join when in combat
- fix some TotemPlates issues
- fix Feign Death causing to reset DR and Aura tracking
- ArenaX option in Healthbar module now only shows the number
- add background for all frames (General > Frame General > Background Color)
- add evasion and banish to Aura
- add MSBT to Announcement module
- Shadowsight timer can be locked now
- add "All" modifier to Clicks module
- updated testmode for BuffsDebuffs (show only from enabled set)
- updated Klimp's profile
- added a new Profile in XiconProfiles -> Rukk1
- unit gray in stealth when rangecheck module disabled
- hotfix added entangling roots nature's grasp
- hotfix for secure button grow direction up
- frames behave now to mouseover macros
- added Range Check module (configurable which spell is used for range check)
- added Shadowsight Timer module (with announce)
- added Clicks module
- added Interrupt Tracker in Aura module (border color by spell school locked)
- TotemPlates compatible with Plater, NeatPlates, KUI, ThreatPlates, ElvUI, TukUI
- added a new Classic Profile in XiconProfiles
- hide blizzard arena frames option added in General
- castbar enable/disable
- powerbar enable/disable
- added some auras (Blackout, Improved Hamstring, Mace Stun, Stormherald Stun, Shadowsight Buff)
- added Swiftmend and Berserker Rage cooldowns
- changed textures for Mace Stun, Charge Stun and Intercept Stun
- reduced BLP size by 80%
- show XiconProfiles on first login
- DR bigger icons possible
- minor fixes
- fix classic profile
- TotemPlates fix after blizzard update
- fix german and russian client not working
- ArenaCountdown loacalization now working for all languages (except itIT...beta has no option to select italian)
- Race and Class localization working for all languages
- Localization finished for German
- fix Blizzard profile not having all modules preconfigured
- fix Buffs not showing on class icon
- added option highlight to be inside
- added option to grow frames vertically
- added new profile to XiconProfile (Blizzard raid style)
- minor bugfixes
- CombatIndicator module added
- spec icon option added to Classicon module
- arena1-5 for name option added
- add a couple buffs to LibClassAuras
- add blessing of sacrifice and intervene to auras
- general options updated to apply font/borders/etc for all frames
- XiconProfiles updated
- /gladdy test1-5 now possible
- fix PowerBar text updates
- click through frames exept health/power bar
- add mask texture for icons
- fixed BuffsDebuff module
- fix racial texture reset
- minor bugfixes
- fixed Aura-Module
- Racial module added to EventListener and Version check updated
- constants for auras/cooldowns/racials updated
- anchoring for modules rewritten
- fix Aura module options (localization independent for profile export)
- Power-/HealthBar customize texts added and UNIT_DESTROYED added
- Racial module added and trinket modified
- XiconProfiles import strings
- Pets position extended
- delete unused saved variables
- ExportImport, VersionCheck & XiconProfiles fix
- TotemPlates add option to show friendly/enemy icons
- XiconProfiles fixed
- port form 2.4.3