
567 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
local setmetatable = setmetatable
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
local C_CreatureInfo = C_CreatureInfo
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
local GetLocale = GetLocale
local L = {}
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
-- Classes
L["Druid"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(11).className
L["Hunter"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(3).className
L["Mage"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(8).className
L["Paladin"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(2).className
L["Priest"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(5).className
L["Rogue"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(4).className
L["Shaman"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(7).className
L["Warlock"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(9).className
L["Warrior"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(1).className
-- Races
L["Human"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(1).raceName
L["Orc"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(2).raceName
L["Dwarf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(3).raceName
L["Night Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(4).raceName
L["Undead"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(5).raceName
L["Tauren"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(6).raceName
L["Gnome"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(7).raceName
L["Troll"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(8).raceName
L["Blood Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(10).raceName
L["Draenei"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(11).raceName
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Specs
L["Balance"] = "Баланс"
L["Feral"] = "Сила зверя"
L["Restoration"] = "Исцеление"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "Повелитель зверей"
L["Marksmanship"] = "Стрельба"
L["Survival"] = "Выживание"
L["Arcane"] = "Тайная магия"
L["Fire"] = "Огонь"
L["Frost"] = "Лед"
L["Holy"] = "Свет"
L["Protection"] = "Защита"
L["Retribution"] = "Возмездие"
L["Discipline"] = "Послушание"
L["Shadow"] = "Тьма"
L["Assassination"] = "Ликвидация"
L["Combat"] = "Бой"
L["Subtlety"] = "Скрытность"
L["Elemental"] = "Cтихии"
L["Enhancement"] = "Совершенствование"
L["Affliction"] = "Колдовство"
L["Demonology"] = "Демонология"
L["Destruction"] = "Разрушение"
L["Arms"] = "Оружие"
L["Fury"] = "Неистовство"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Вас приветствует Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "Обнаружен первый запуск, показываем тестовое окно."
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Валидные команды:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "Если это не первый запуск, переместите, либо закрепите окно во избежание показа окна."
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - тащите для перемещения"
-- Options.lua
L["Announcements"] = "Оповещения"
L["Announcement settings"] = "Настройки оповещения"
L["Auras"] = "Ауры"
L["Auras settings"] = "Настройки аур"
L["Castbar"] = "Полоса применения"
L["Castbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы применения"
L["Classicon"] = "Иконка класса"
L["Classicon settings"] = "Настройки иконки класса"
L["Clicks"] = "Клики"
L["Clicks settings"] = "Настройки кликов"
L["Diminishings"] = "Диминишинги"
L["Diminishings settings"] = "Настройки диминишингов"
L["Healthbar"] = "Полоса жизней"
L["Healthbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы жизней"
L["Highlight"] = "Подсветка"
L["Highlight settings"] = "Настройки подсветки"
L["Nameplates"] = "Индикаторы здоровья"
L["Nameplates settings"] = "Настройки индикаторов здоровья "
L["Powerbar"] = "Полоса маны"
L["Powerbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы маны"
L["Score"] = "Счет"
L["Score settings"] = "Настройки счета"
L["Trinket"] = "Тринкет"
L["Trinket settings"] = "Настройки тринкета"
L["Reset module"] = "Сбросить настройки"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Сбросить настройки модуля к начальным"
L["No settings"] = "Нет настроек"
L["Module has no settings"] = "Модуль не имеет настроек"
L["General"] = "Основные"
L["General settings"] = "Основные настройки"
L["Lock frame"] = "Закрепить фрейм"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Включите, если фрейм можно двигать"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Расти вверх"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Если включено, то фрейм будет расти вверх, а не вниз"
L["Frame scale"] = "Масштаб фрейма"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "Масштаб фрейма"
L["Frame padding"] = "Отступы фрейма"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "Отступы фрейма"
L["Frame color"] = "Цвет фрейма"
L["Color of the frame"] = "Цвет фрейма"
L["Bar width"] = "Ширина полос"
L["Width of the bars"] = "Ширина полос"
L["Bottom margin"] = "Нижняя граница полосы"
L["Margin between each button"] = "Отступ до следующей полосы"
-- Announcements.lua
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "ВОСКРЕШАЕТ: %s (%s)"
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "СПЕЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "МАЛО ЗДОРОВЬЯ: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "ТРИНКЕТ ГОТОВ: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "ПЬЁТ: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "Сам"
L["Party"] = "Группа"
L["Raid Warning"] = "Объявление рейду"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Стандартный текст боя"
L["MikScrollingBattleText"] = "MikScrollingBattleText"
L["Scrolling Combat Text"] = "Scrolling Combat Text"
L["Parrot"] = "Parrot"
L["Drinking"] = "Питьё"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Оповещать, когда вражеский игрок начинает пить"
L["Resurrection"] = "Воскрешение"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Оповещать, когда вражеский игрок начинает воскрешать союзника"
L["New enemies"] = "Новые враги"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Оповещать о найденных вражеских игроках"
L["Spec Detection"] = "Обнаружение специализации"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Оповещать, когда обнаружена специализация вражеского игрока"
L["Low health"] = "Мало жизней"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Оповещать, когда уровень здоровья вражеского игрока падает ниже определенного количества"
L["Low health threshold"] = "Процент малого количества здоровья"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Укажите процент здоровья вражеского игрока, когда нужно показать оповещение"
L["Trinket used"] = "Использование пвп-тринкета"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Оповещать об использовании пвп-тринкета вражеским игроком"
L["Trinket ready"] = "Готовность пвп-тринкета"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Оповещать, когда пвп-тринкет вражеского игрока готов"
L["Destination"] = "Вариант оповещений"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Выберать, как показывать оповещения"
-- Auras.lua
L["Font color"] = "Цвет текста"
L["Color of the text"] = "Цвет текста"
L["Font size"] = "Размер текста"
L["Size of the text"] = "Размер текста"
-- Castbar.lua
L["Bar height"] = "Высота полосы"
L["Height of the bar"] = "Высота полосы"
L["Bar texture"] = "Текстура полосы"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "Текстура полосы"
L["Bar color"] = "Цвет полосы"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Цвет полосы применений"
L["Background color"] = "Цвет фона полосы"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Цвет фона полосы применений"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Icon position"] = "Расположение значка трансляции"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Diminishings.lua
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "Позиция ДР таймеров"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Позиция ДР таймеров"
L["Left"] = "Слева"
L["Right"] = "Справа"
L["Icon Size"] = "Размер иконок"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Размер ДР иконок"
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Show the actual health"] = "Показывать текущее здоровье"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Показывать текущее здоровье на полосе жизней"
L["Show max health"] = "Показывать максимальное здоровье"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Показывать максимальное здоровье на полосе жизней"
L["Show health percentage"] = "Показывать здоровье в процентах"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Показывать здоровье в процентах на полосе жизней"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Border size"] = "Размер границы"
L["Target border color"] = "Цвет контура цели"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Цвет контура цели"
L["Focus border color"] = "Цвет контура фокуса"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "Цвет контура фокуса"
L["Raid leader border color"] = "Цвет контура цели рейд лидера"
L["Color of the raid leader border"] = "Цвет контура цели рейд лидера"
L["Highlight target"] = "Подсвечивать цель"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Включите, если необходима подсветка цели"
L["Show border around target"] = "Показывать контур вокруг цели"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг цели"
L["Show border around focus"] = "Показывать контур вокруг фокуса"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг фокуса"
L["Show border around raid leader"] = "Показывать контур вокруг цели рейд лидера"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the raid leader"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг цели рейд лидера"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Show the actual power"] = "Показывать текущую ману"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Показывать текущую ману на полосе маны"
L["Show max power"] = "Показывать максимальную ману"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Показывать максимальную ману на полосе маны"
L["Show power percentage"] = "Показывать ману в процентах"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Показывать ману в процентах на полосе маны"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Цвет фона строки состояния"
-- Trinket.lua
L["No cooldown count (OmniCC)"] = "Не показывать кулдаун (OmniCC)"
L["Disable cooldown timers by addons (reload UI to take effect)"] = "Отключить таймер кулдаунов для аддонов (необходима перезагрузка интерфейса)"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
elseif GetLocale() == "deDE" then
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Announcements.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Announcements"] = "Meldungen"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "Wiederbeleben: %s (%s) "
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "Talenspezalisierung entdeckt: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "Niedriges Leben: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "Insiginie benutzt: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "Insignie bereit: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "Trinken: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "Selbst"
L["Party"] = "Gruppe"
L["Raid Warning"] = "Schlachtzugwarnung"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard Kampftext"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Trinket used"] = "Insignie benutzt"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Warnt, wenn ein Gegner seine Insignie benutzt"
L["Trinket ready"] = "Insignie bereit"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Warnt wenn die Insignie eines Gegner wieder bereit ist"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
L["Drinking"] = "Trinken"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner sich zum Trinken hinsetzen"
L["Resurrection"] = "Wiederbelebung"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner versuchen Teammitglieder wiederzubeleben"
L["New enemies"] = "Neue Gegner"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Gibt an, wenn neue Gegner entdeckt wurden"
L["Spec Detection"] = "Talent Entdeckung"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Gibt an, wenn Talente eines Gegners entdeckt wurden"
L["Low health"] = "Wenig Leben"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Warnt, wenn das Leben eines Gegners unter einen bestimmten Prozentwert fällt"
L["Low health threshold"] = "Prozentwert: Wenig Leben"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Bestimme wie wenig Leben ein Gegner haben muss, damit vor wenig Leben gewarnt wird"
L["Destination"] = "Ziel"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Bestimme wo Warnungen dargestellt werden"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
-- ArenaCountDown.lua
L["Arena Countdown"] = "Arena Countdown"
L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = ""
L["Size"] = "Größe"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Auras.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Auras"] = "Auren"
L["Frame"] = "Frame"
L["Cooldown"] = "Abklingzeit"
L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "Verstecke Abklingzeitzirkel"
L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "Abklingzeitzirkel Alpha"
L["Font"] = "Schrift"
L["Font of the cooldown"] = "Schrift der Abklingzeit"
L["Font scale"] = "Schriftskalierung"
L["Scale of the text"] = "Skalierungfaktor des Texts"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
L["Font color"] = "Schriftfarbe"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Color of the text"] = "Farbe des Texts"
L["Border"] = "Rahmen"
L["Border style"] = "Rahmen Stil"
L["Buff color"] = "Buff Farbe"
L["Debuff color"] = "Debuff Farbe"
L["Check All"] = "Alle auswählen"
L["Uncheck All"] = "Alle abwählen"
L["Enabled"] = "Eingeschaltet"
L["Priority"] = "Priorität"
-- BuffsDebuffs.lua
L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "Buffs und Debuffs"
L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "Buffs und Debuffs Modul einschalten"
L["Show CC"] = "Zeige Crowdcontrol"
L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "Zeigt alle Buffs & Debuffs, die auch auf dem Klassensymbol dargestellt werden"
L["Buffs"] = "Buffs"
L["Size & Padding"] = "Größe und Abstand"
L["Icon Size"] = "Symbol Größe"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Größe der DR Symbole"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor"
L["Stretches the icon"] = "Streckt das Symbol"
L["Icon Padding"] = "Symbol Abstand"
L["Space between Icons"] = "Abstand zwischen den Symbolen"
L["Position"] = "Position"
L["Aura Position"] = "Aura Position"
L["Position of the aura icons"] = "Position der Aura Symbole"
L["Top"] = "Oben"
L["Bottom"] = "Unten"
L["Left"] = "Links"
L["Right"] = "Rechts"
L["Grow Direction"] = "Richtung"
L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "In welche Richtung die Symbole wachsen"
L["Horizontal offset"] = "Horizontaler Offset"
L["Vertical offset"] = "Vertikaler Offset"
L["Alpha"] = "Alpha"
L["Debuffs"] = "Debuffs"
L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "Dynamische Textfarbe"
L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "Verändert die Farbe des Textes dynamisch"
L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeit und Stapel"
L["Spell School Colors"] = "Zauberart Farbe"
L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "Zauberart Farbe Eingeschaltet"
L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "Färbt den Rahmen entspechend der Zauberart"
L["Curse"] = "Fluch"
L["Color of the border"] = "Farbe des Rahmens"
L["Magic"] = "Magie"
L["Poison"] = "Gift"
L["Physical"] = "Physisch"
L["Immune"] = "Immun"
L["Disease"] = "Erkrankung"
L["Aura"] = "Aura"
L["Form"] = "Form"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Castbar.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Cast Bar"] = "Zauberleiste"
L["Bar"] = "Balken"
L["Bar Size"] = "Balken Größe"
L["Bar height"] = "Balken Höhe"
L["Height of the bar"] = "Höhe des Balken"
L["Bar width"] = "Balken Weite"
L["Width of the bars"] = "Weite des Balken"
L["Texture"] = "Textur"
L["Bar texture"] = "Balken Textur"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "Textur des Balken"
L["Bar color"] = "Balken Farbe"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Farbe des Balken"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
L["Background color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Hinergrundfarbe des Zauberbalkens"
L["Border size"] = "Rahmen Größe"
L["Status Bar border"] = "Balken Rahmen"
L["Status Bar border color"] = "Balken Rahmen Farbe"
L["Icon"] = "Symbol"
L["Icon size"] = "Symbolgröße"
L["Icon border"] = "Symbolrahmen"
L["Icon border color"] = "Farbe Symbolrahmen"
L["Spark"] = "Funke"
L["Spark enabled"] = "Funke eingeschaltet"
L["Spark color"] = "Funkenfarbe"
L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "Farbe des Zauberleisten Funke"
L["Font of the castbar"] = "Schriftart der Zauberleiste"
L["Font size"] = "Schriftgröße"
L["Size of the text"] = "Schriftgröße"
L["Format"] = "Darstellung"
L["Timer Format"] = "Zeitdarstellung"
L["Remaining"] = "Verbleibend"
L["Total"] = "Total"
L["Both"] = "Beides"
L["Castbar position"] = "Zauberleistenposition"
L["Icon position"] = "Symbolposition"
L["Offsets"] = "Offsets"
-- Classicon.lua
L["Class Icon"] = "Klassensymbol"
L["Balance"] = "Gleichgewicht"
L["Feral"] = "Wilder Kampf"
L["Restoration"] = "Wiederherstellung"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "Tierherrschaft"
L["Marksmanship"] = "Treffsicherheit"
L["Survival"] = "Überleben"
L["Arcane"] = "Arkan"
L["Fire"] = "Feuer"
L["Frost"] = "Frost"
L["Holy"] = "Heilig"
L["Protection"] = "Schutz"
L["Retribution"] = "Vergeltung"
L["Discipline"] = "Disziplin"
L["Shadow"] = "Schatten"
L["Assassination"] = "Meucheln"
L["Combat"] = "Kampf"
L["Subtlety"] = "Täuschung"
L["Elemental"] = "Elemental"
L["Enhancement"] = "Verstärkung"
L["Affliction"] = "Gebrechen"
L["Demonology"] = "Demonologie"
L["Destruction"] = "Zerstörung"
L["Arms"] = "Waffen"
L["Fury"] = "Furor"
L["Show Spec Icon"] = "Zeige Spezialisierungssymbol"
L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "Zeigt das Talentspezialisierungs Symbol sobald die Spezialisierung erkannt wurde"
L["Icon width factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor"
L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "Das tauscht die Position mit dem Trinket, wenn auf der gleichen Seite."
L["Border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe"
L["Combat Indicator"] = "Kampfindikator"
L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "Schalte Kampfindikator ein"
L["Anchor"] = "Anker"
L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Kampfindikatorsymbols"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert die Position relativ zum Anker"
-- Cooldowns.lua
L["Cooldowns"] = "Abklingzeiten"
L["Enabled cooldown module"] = ""
L["Cooldown size"] = "Abklingzeit Größe"
L["Size of each cd icon"] = "Größe eines einzelnen Symbols"
L["Max Icons per row"] = "Maximale Anzahl an Symbolen pro Reihe"
L["Scale of the font"] = "Skalierung der Schrift"
L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "Anker der Abklingzeiten Symbole"
L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "Richtung der Abklingzeiten Symbole"
L["Offset"] = "Offset"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Diminishings.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Diminishings"] = "DR"
L["Enabled DR module"] = "DR einschalten"
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "DR Position"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Position der Symbole"
L["DR Border Colors"] = "DR Rahmen Farbe"
L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "DR Rahmen Farben eingeschaltet"
L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "Färbt die Rahmen der DR Symbole je nach Stärke der Verminderung"
L["Half"] = "Hälfte"
L["Quarter"] = "Viertel"
L["Categories"] = "Kategorien"
L["Force Icon"] = "Erzwinge Symbol"
L["Icon of the DR"] = "Symbol des DR"
-- ExportImport.lua
L["Export Import"] = "Exportieren Importieren"
L["Profile Export Import"] = "Profile Exportieren Importieren"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Healthbar.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Health Bar"] = "Lebensbalken"
L["DEAD"] = "TOT"
L["General"] = "Allgemein"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Farbe des Balkenhintergrunds"
L["Font of the bar"] = "Schriftart des Balken"
L["Name font size"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen"
L["Size of the name text"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen"
L["Health font size"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit"
L["Size of the health text"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit"
L["Size of the border"] = "Rahmengröße"
L["Health Bar Text"] = "Lebensbalken Text"
L["Show name text"] = "Namen zeigen"
L["Show the units name"] = "Zeige den Namen des Gegners"
L["Show ArenaX"] = "ArenaX zeigen"
2021-07-26 14:55:23 +02:00
L["Show 1-5 as name instead"] = "Zeigt 1-5 anstatt des Namens"
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Show the actual health"] = "Zeige die momentane Gesundheit"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Zeigt die momentane Gesundheit"
L["Show max health"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit"
L["Show health percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert der Gesundheit"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Highlight.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Highlight"] = "Hervorhebung"
L["Show Inside"] = "Zeige innen"
L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "Zeige die Hervorhebung innerhalb des Frames"
L["Colors"] = "Farben"
L["Target border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Ziels"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Ziels"
L["Focus border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Fokus"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Fokus"
L["Highlight target"] = "Hervorhebung des Ziels"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Ziel hervorheben ein/ausschalten"
L["Show border around target"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Ziel"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein momentanes Ziel"
L["Show border around focus"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Fokus"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein Fokusziel"
-- Pets.lua
L["Pets"] = "Begleiter"
L["Enables Pets module"] = "Schaltet das Begleiter Modul ein"
L["Width of the bar"] = "Breite des Balkens"
L["Health color"] = "Gesundheitsfarbe"
L["Color of the status bar"] = "Farbe des Balkens"
L["Portrait"] = "Portrait"
L["Health Values"] = "Gesundheitswerte"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Powerbar.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Power Bar"] = "Mana/Energie Balken"
L["Power Bar Text"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Text"
L["Power Texts"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Texte"
L["Show race"] = "Rasse zeigen"
L["Show spec"] = "Spezialisierung zeigen"
L["Show the actual power"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana"
L["Show max power"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana"
L["Show power percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
-- Racial.lua
L["Racial"] = "Rassenfertigkeit"
L["Enable racial icon"] = "Rassenfertigkeit einschalten"
L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Rassenfertigkeitssymbols"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert doe Position relativ zu seinem Anker"
-- TotemPlates.lua
L["Totem Plates"] = "Totem Symbole"
L["Customize Totems"] = "Individuelle Totemeinstellungen"
L["Custom totem name"] = "Individueller Totem Name"
L["Totem General"] = "Totems Allgemein"
L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = ""
L["Show friendly"] = "Zeige für freundliche"
L["Show enemy"] = "Zeige für feindliche"
L["Totem size"] = "Totem Größe"
L["Size of totem icons"] = "Größe der Totemsymbole"
L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "Schriftart der benutzerdefinierten Totem Namen"
L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn kein Ziel anvisiert ist"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn man kein Ziel anvisiert hat. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1"
L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1"
L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "Alpha aller Totems"
L["Totem icon border style"] = "Totem Rahmenstil"
L["All totem border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe aller Totems"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Trinket.lua
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
L["Trinket"] = "Insignie"
L["Enable trinket icon"] = "Insignie einschalten"
L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "Dies ändert die Position der Insignie"
-- XiconProfiles.lua
L["Profile"] = "Profil"
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - ziehe um zu bewegen"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Willkommen bei Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "Erster Start wurde entdeckt, zeige Testbild an."
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Gültige slash Befehle sind:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "Wenn dies nicht dein erster Start ist, sperre oder bewege das Bild um diese Meldung zu verhindern."
-- Options.lua
L["settings"] = "Einstellungen"
L["Reset module"] = "Modul zurücksetzen"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Setze das Modul auf seine Standardwerte zurück"
L["No settings"] = "Keine Einstellungen"
L["Module has no settings"] = "Modul hat keine Einstellungen"
L["General settings"] = "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
L["Lock frame"] = "Sperre Frame"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Aktivieren falls das Frame bewegt werden kann"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Frame von unten nach oben aufbauen"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Falls aktiviert, wird das Frame von unten nach oben aufgebaut"
L["Down"] = "Runter"
L["Up"] = "Hoch"
L["Frame General"] = "Frame Allgemein"
L["Frame scale"] = "Frame Skalierung"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "Skalierung des Frames"
L["Frame padding"] = "Symbolabstand"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "Abstand zwischen den Elementen des Frames"
L["Frame width"] = "Frame Breite"
L["Margin"] = "Frame Abstand"
L["Margin between each button"] = "Abstand zwischen den Arena Einheiten"
L["Cooldown General"] = "Abklingzeiten Allgemein"
L["Font General"] = "Schriftart Allgemein"
L["General Font"] = "Allgemeine Schriftart"
L["Font color text"] = "Schriftfarbe von text"
L["Font color timer"] = "Schriftfarbe von Abklingzeiten"
L["Color of the timers"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeiten"
L["Icons General"] = "Symbol Allgemein"
L["Icon border style"] = "Rahmenstil"
L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Symbole"
L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Symbole"
L["Statusbar General"] = "Balken Allgemein"
L["Statusbar texture"] = "Balken Textur"
L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Textur aller Balken"
L["Statusbar border style"] = "Balken Rahmenstil"
L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Balken"
L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "Rahmenstil offset Quotient"
L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "Offset des Rahmens zur Statusbar (falls der Balken hinter dem Rahmen erscheint)"
L["Statusbar border color"] = "Balken Rahmenfarbe"
L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Balken"
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
2021-05-24 12:41:21 +02:00
2021-05-17 16:49:54 +02:00
-- Superhack allowing use key as value if not present in table
LibStub("Gladdy").L = setmetatable(L, {
__index = function(t, k)
return k