2017-06-21 22:41:04 -07:00
README.md adding i-Bright7x 2017-06-21 22:41:04 -07:00

TriCascade i-Bright7x


name value
model i-Bright7x
firmware unknown currently
features WiFi capable remote controled power supply. that runs linux



from nmap -PN -sV -p 1-65535, get:

23/tcp   open  telnet  BusyBox telnetd
53/tcp   open  domain  dnsmasq 2.59rc1
80/tcp   open  http
8080/tcp open  http    GoAhead WebServer

the same service looks to be running on both 80 and 8080, prompting for a username and password, but none are provided by the manufacturer.

it appears that the only way to configure this device is to use the Java applet through bright.tricascade.com


by watching traffic, see that the applet is served from resources/applet/WifiDevice.jnlp

finding the corresponding .jar was more of a pain than expected, basically:

$ find ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/cache/6.0 -type f -exec file {} \;
./10/78085f0a-4eab1a82: XML 1.0 document text, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
./10/78085f0a-4eab1a82.idx: data
./10/78085f0a-c5a84a41ecc99150f548eb0393049f0d8c67849abe845af78c894a676aa18086-6.0.lap: ASCII text
./39/3dc5b4e7-2469db01-1.4.2-: Java archive data (JAR)
./39/3dc5b4e7-2469db01-1.4.2-.idx: data
./45/4766c42d-176a5aa0: XML 1.0 document text, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
./45/4766c42d-176a5aa0.idx: data
./45/4766c42d-8bd095d4847349acdbba85a1e70f0d08d3990cfbb19c6007fde8f07bf0b52dbd-6.0.lap: ASCII text
./63/4600b2ff-0e27775cc2e9212bf6c7096ed895db16ef7cdd6b6f1d4e615eec8c92787d0f53-6.0.lap: ASCII text
./63/4d02c2bf-562ad327: Java archive data (JAR)
./63/4d02c2bf-562ad327.idx: data
$ 7z l 39/3dc5b4e7-2469db01-1.4.2-
Listing archive: ./39/3dc5b4e7-2469db01-1.4.2-

Path = ./39/3dc5b4e7-2469db01-1.4.2-
Type = zip
Physical Size = 77973

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2015-06-12 19:10:02 .....         8149         3263  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
2015-06-12 19:10:04 .....         7954         3196  META-INF/BRIGHTEN.SF
2015-06-12 19:10:04 .....         6165         4081  META-INF/BRIGHTEN.RSA
2015-06-12 19:10:02 .....         2232          884  com/insnergy/wifi/applet/b.class

lucky guess.

unzipping gives a bit of a clue about the structure - but nothing really interesting.

decompiling with the help of cfr, however, does give us some hints:

// from com/insnergy/wifi/value/DeviceAP.java

    public final String getSsid(String string) {
        return this.ssidPattern + DeviceAP.extractMac(string);

    public static String extractMac(String string) {
        return string.substring(8, 20);

    public final String getPassword(String string) {
        return a.a(DeviceAP.extractMac(string)).substring(0, 10).toLowerCase();

it looks like the password is derived from the MAC address of the device - which is worse than it sounds, because the WiFi network it exposes for configuration is 'B7' + $MAC_ADDRESS

// from com/insnergy/wifi/applet/e.java

    public final void run() {
        try {
            if (b.a((CharSequence)this.a.a) || !RegexPattern.DEVICE_ID.isValid(this.a.a)) {
                throw new ApiException("Not a valid device ID : " + this.a.a);
            DeviceAP deviceAP = DeviceAP.of(this.a.a);
            WiFiDeviceAPI.a(this.a.b, deviceAP.getSsid(this.a.a), deviceAP.getPassword(this.a.a));
            WiFiDeviceAPI.b(this.a.b, WiFiDeviceAPI.d(this.a.b).trigger(), "");

in a roundabout way, we're right: the MAC address is being pulled out of the device ID, which is 'TC060000' + $MAC_ADDRESS, hence the substring

additionally, it looks like the signature for a is ($IP, $SSID, $PASSWORD)

// from com/insnergy/wifi/device/api/c.java

    public final Connect a(String object, String string, String string2, String string3) {
        String string4 = "Connect?ssid={0}&secmode={1}&encrypt={2}";
        MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat(string4);
        if (b.b((CharSequence)string3)) {
            messageFormat = new MessageFormat(string4 + "&conpass={3}");
        object = this.a(messageFormat, new String[]{object, string, string2, string3});
        return (Connect)this.a((JSONObject)object, new Connect());
    protected a(String string, String string2) {
        String string3 = "";
        int n = 30000;
        if (com.insnergy.wifi.b.b.b((CharSequence)string)) {
            string3 = string;
        if (com.insnergy.wifi.b.b.c(string2)) {
            n = Integer.parseInt(string2);
        this.b = string3;
        this.c = n;

this is the only reference to this address, have not dug to deeply

password: 97451790c9

key value
MAC 8C:C7:AA:02:97:48
SSID B78CC7AA029748 // so.. 'B7' + $MAC
ID TC0600008CC7AA029748 // so 'TC060000' + $MAC

8CC7AA029748 in decimal is 154789178677064