2022-01-14 03:14:02 +01:00

1778 lines
88 KiB
Raw Blame History

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local setmetatable = setmetatable
local C_CreatureInfo = C_CreatureInfo
local GetLocale = GetLocale
local L = {}
-- Classes
L["Druid"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(11).className
L["Hunter"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(3).className
L["Mage"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(8).className
L["Paladin"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(2).className
L["Priest"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(5).className
L["Rogue"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(4).className
L["Shaman"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(7).className
L["Warlock"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(9).className
L["Warrior"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(1).className
-- Races
L["Human"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(1).raceName
L["Orc"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(2).raceName
L["Dwarf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(3).raceName
L["Night Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(4).raceName
L["Undead"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(5).raceName
L["Tauren"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(6).raceName
L["Gnome"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(7).raceName
L["Troll"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(8).raceName
L["Blood Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(10).raceName
L["Draenei"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(11).raceName
if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then
-- Specs
L["Balance"] = "Баланс"
L["Feral"] = "Сила зверя"
L["Restoration"] = "Исцеление"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "Повелитель зверей"
L["Marksmanship"] = "Стрельба"
L["Survival"] = "Выживание"
L["Arcane"] = "Тайная магия"
L["Fire"] = "Огонь"
L["Frost"] = "Лед"
L["Holy"] = "Свет"
L["Protection"] = "Защита"
L["Retribution"] = "Возмездие"
L["Discipline"] = "Послушание"
L["Shadow"] = "Тьма"
L["Assassination"] = "Ликвидация"
L["Combat"] = "Бой"
L["Subtlety"] = "Скрытность"
L["Elemental"] = "Cтихии"
L["Enhancement"] = "Совершенствование"
L["Affliction"] = "Колдовство"
L["Demonology"] = "Демонология"
L["Destruction"] = "Разрушение"
L["Arms"] = "Оружие"
L["Fury"] = "Неистовство"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Вас приветствует Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "Обнаружен первый запуск, показываем тестовое окно."
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Валидные команды:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "Если это не первый запуск, переместите, либо закрепите окно во избежание показа окна."
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - тащите для перемещения"
-- Options.lua
L["Announcements"] = "Оповещения"
L["Announcement settings"] = "Настройки оповещения"
L["Auras"] = "Ауры"
L["Auras settings"] = "Настройки аур"
L["Castbar"] = "Полоса применения"
L["Castbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы применения"
L["Classicon"] = "Иконка класса"
L["Classicon settings"] = "Настройки иконки класса"
L["Clicks"] = "Клики"
L["Clicks settings"] = "Настройки кликов"
L["Diminishings"] = "Диминишинги"
L["Diminishings settings"] = "Настройки диминишингов"
L["Healthbar"] = "Полоса жизней"
L["Healthbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы жизней"
L["Highlight"] = "Подсветка"
L["Highlight settings"] = "Настройки подсветки"
L["Nameplates"] = "Индикаторы здоровья"
L["Nameplates settings"] = "Настройки индикаторов здоровья "
L["Powerbar"] = "Полоса маны"
L["Powerbar settings"] = "Настройки полосы маны"
L["Score"] = "Счет"
L["Score settings"] = "Настройки счета"
L["Trinket"] = "Тринкет"
L["Trinket settings"] = "Настройки тринкета"
L["Reset module"] = "Сбросить настройки"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Сбросить настройки модуля к начальным"
L["No settings"] = "Нет настроек"
L["Module has no settings"] = "Модуль не имеет настроек"
L["General"] = "Основные"
L["General settings"] = "Основные настройки"
L["Lock frame"] = "Закрепить фрейм"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Включите, если фрейм можно двигать"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Расти вверх"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Если включено, то фрейм будет расти вверх, а не вниз"
L["Frame scale"] = "Масштаб фрейма"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "Масштаб фрейма"
L["Frame padding"] = "Отступы фрейма"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "Отступы фрейма"
L["Frame color"] = "Цвет фрейма"
L["Color of the frame"] = "Цвет фрейма"
L["Bar width"] = "Ширина полос"
L["Width of the bars"] = "Ширина полос"
L["Bottom margin"] = "Нижняя граница полосы"
L["Margin between each button"] = "Отступ до следующей полосы"
-- Announcements.lua
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "ВОСКРЕШАЕТ: %s (%s)"
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "СПЕЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНА: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "МАЛО ЗДОРОВЬЯ: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "ТРИНКЕТ ГОТОВ: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "ПЬЁТ: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "Сам"
L["Party"] = "Группа"
L["Raid Warning"] = "Объявление рейду"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Стандартный текст боя"
L["MikScrollingBattleText"] = "MikScrollingBattleText"
L["Scrolling Combat Text"] = "Scrolling Combat Text"
L["Parrot"] = "Parrot"
L["Drinking"] = "Питьё"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Оповещать, когда вражеский игрок начинает пить"
L["Resurrection"] = "Воскрешение"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Оповещать, когда вражеский игрок начинает воскрешать союзника"
L["New enemies"] = "Новые враги"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Оповещать о найденных вражеских игроках"
L["Spec Detection"] = "Обнаружение специализации"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Оповещать, когда обнаружена специализация вражеского игрока"
L["Low health"] = "Мало жизней"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Оповещать, когда уровень здоровья вражеского игрока падает ниже определенного количества"
L["Low health threshold"] = "Процент малого количества здоровья"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Укажите процент здоровья вражеского игрока, когда нужно показать оповещение"
L["Trinket used"] = "Использование пвп-тринкета"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Оповещать об использовании пвп-тринкета вражеским игроком"
L["Trinket ready"] = "Готовность пвп-тринкета"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Оповещать, когда пвп-тринкет вражеского игрока готов"
L["Destination"] = "Вариант оповещений"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Выберать, как показывать оповещения"
-- Auras.lua
L["Font color"] = "Цвет текста"
L["Color of the text"] = "Цвет текста"
L["Font size"] = "Размер текста"
L["Size of the text"] = "Размер текста"
-- Castbar.lua
L["Bar height"] = "Высота полосы"
L["Height of the bar"] = "Высота полосы"
L["Bar texture"] = "Текстура полосы"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "Текстура полосы"
L["Bar color"] = "Цвет полосы"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Цвет полосы применений"
L["Background color"] = "Цвет фона полосы"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Цвет фона полосы применений"
L["Icon position"] = "Расположение значка трансляции"
-- Diminishings.lua
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "Позиция ДР таймеров"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Позиция ДР таймеров"
L["Left"] = "Слева"
L["Right"] = "Справа"
L["Icon Size"] = "Размер иконок"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Размер ДР иконок"
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Show the actual health"] = "Показывать текущее здоровье"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Показывать текущее здоровье на полосе жизней"
L["Show max health"] = "Показывать максимальное здоровье"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Показывать максимальное здоровье на полосе жизней"
L["Show health percentage"] = "Показывать здоровье в процентах"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Показывать здоровье в процентах на полосе жизней"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Border size"] = "Размер границы"
L["Target border color"] = "Цвет контура цели"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Цвет контура цели"
L["Focus border color"] = "Цвет контура фокуса"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "Цвет контура фокуса"
L["Raid leader border color"] = "Цвет контура цели рейд лидера"
L["Color of the raid leader border"] = "Цвет контура цели рейд лидера"
L["Highlight target"] = "Подсвечивать цель"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Включите, если необходима подсветка цели"
L["Show border around target"] = "Показывать контур вокруг цели"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг цели"
L["Show border around focus"] = "Показывать контур вокруг фокуса"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг фокуса"
L["Show border around raid leader"] = "Показывать контур вокруг цели рейд лидера"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the raid leader"] = "Включите, если необходимо показывать контур вокруг цели рейд лидера"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Show the actual power"] = "Показывать текущую ману"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Показывать текущую ману на полосе маны"
L["Show max power"] = "Показывать максимальную ману"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Показывать максимальную ману на полосе маны"
L["Show power percentage"] = "Показывать ману в процентах"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Показывать ману в процентах на полосе маны"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Цвет фона строки состояния"
-- Trinket.lua
L["No cooldown count (OmniCC)"] = "Не показывать кулдаун (OmniCC)"
L["Disable cooldown timers by addons (reload UI to take effect)"] = "Отключить таймер кулдаунов для аддонов (необходима перезагрузка интерфейса)"
elseif GetLocale() == "deDE" then
-- Announcements.lua
L["Announcements"] = "Meldungen"
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "Wiederbeleben: %s (%s) "
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "Talenspezalisierung entdeckt: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "Niedriges Leben: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "Insiginie benutzt: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "Insignie bereit: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "Trinken: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "Selbst"
L["Party"] = "Gruppe"
L["Raid Warning"] = "Schlachtzugwarnung"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard Kampftext"
L["Trinket used"] = "Insignie benutzt"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Warnt, wenn ein Gegner seine Insignie benutzt"
L["Trinket ready"] = "Insignie bereit"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Warnt wenn die Insignie eines Gegner wieder bereit ist"
L["Drinking"] = "Trinken"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner sich zum Trinken hinsetzen"
L["Resurrection"] = "Wiederbelebung"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner versuchen Teammitglieder wiederzubeleben"
L["New enemies"] = "Neue Gegner"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Gibt an, wenn neue Gegner entdeckt wurden"
L["Spec Detection"] = "Talent Entdeckung"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Gibt an, wenn Talente eines Gegners entdeckt wurden"
L["Low health"] = "Wenig Leben"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Warnt, wenn das Leben eines Gegners unter einen bestimmten Prozentwert fällt"
L["Low health threshold"] = "Prozentwert: Wenig Leben"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Bestimme wie wenig Leben ein Gegner haben muss, damit vor wenig Leben gewarnt wird"
L["Destination"] = "Ziel"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Bestimme wo Warnungen dargestellt werden"
-- ArenaCountDown.lua
L["Arena Countdown"] = "Arena Countdown"
L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = ""
L["Size"] = "Größe"
-- Auras.lua
L["Auras"] = "Auren"
L["Frame"] = "Frame"
L["Cooldown"] = "Abklingzeit"
L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "Verstecke Abklingzeitzirkel"
L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "Abklingzeitzirkel Alpha"
L["Font"] = "Schrift"
L["Font of the cooldown"] = "Schrift der Abklingzeit"
L["Font scale"] = "Schriftskalierung"
L["Scale of the text"] = "Skalierungfaktor des Texts"
L["Font color"] = "Schriftfarbe"
L["Color of the text"] = "Farbe des Texts"
L["Border"] = "Rahmen"
L["Border style"] = "Rahmen Stil"
L["Buff color"] = "Buff Farbe"
L["Debuff color"] = "Debuff Farbe"
L["Check All"] = "Alle auswählen"
L["Uncheck All"] = "Alle abwählen"
L["Enabled"] = "Eingeschaltet"
L["Priority"] = "Priorität"
-- BuffsDebuffs.lua
L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "Buffs und Debuffs"
L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "Buffs und Debuffs Modul einschalten"
L["Show CC"] = "Zeige Crowdcontrol"
L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "Zeigt alle Buffs & Debuffs, die auch auf dem Klassensymbol dargestellt werden"
L["Buffs"] = "Buffs"
L["Size & Padding"] = "Größe und Abstand"
L["Icon Size"] = "Symbol Größe"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Größe der DR Symbole"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor"
L["Stretches the icon"] = "Streckt das Symbol"
L["Icon Padding"] = "Symbol Abstand"
L["Space between Icons"] = "Abstand zwischen den Symbolen"
L["Position"] = "Position"
L["Aura Position"] = "Aura Position"
L["Position of the aura icons"] = "Position der Aura Symbole"
L["Top"] = "Oben"
L["Bottom"] = "Unten"
L["Left"] = "Links"
L["Right"] = "Rechts"
L["Grow Direction"] = "Richtung"
L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "In welche Richtung die Symbole wachsen"
L["Horizontal offset"] = "Horizontaler Offset"
L["Vertical offset"] = "Vertikaler Offset"
L["Alpha"] = "Alpha"
L["Debuffs"] = "Debuffs"
L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "Dynamische Textfarbe"
L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "Verändert die Farbe des Textes dynamisch"
L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeit und Stapel"
L["Spell School Colors"] = "Zauberart Farbe"
L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "Zauberart Farbe Eingeschaltet"
L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "Färbt den Rahmen entspechend der Zauberart"
L["Curse"] = "Fluch"
L["Color of the border"] = "Farbe des Rahmens"
L["Magic"] = "Magie"
L["Poison"] = "Gift"
L["Physical"] = "Physisch"
L["Immune"] = "Immun"
L["Disease"] = "Erkrankung"
L["Aura"] = "Aura"
L["Form"] = "Form"
-- Castbar.lua
L["Cast Bar"] = "Zauberleiste"
L["Bar"] = "Balken"
L["Bar Size"] = "Balken Größe"
L["Bar height"] = "Balken Höhe"
L["Height of the bar"] = "Höhe des Balken"
L["Bar width"] = "Balken Weite"
L["Width of the bars"] = "Weite des Balken"
L["Texture"] = "Textur"
L["Bar texture"] = "Balken Textur"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "Textur des Balken"
L["Bar color"] = "Balken Farbe"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Farbe des Balken"
L["Background color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Hinergrundfarbe des Zauberbalkens"
L["Border size"] = "Rahmen Größe"
L["Status Bar border"] = "Balken Rahmen"
L["Status Bar border color"] = "Balken Rahmen Farbe"
L["Icon"] = "Symbol"
L["Icon size"] = "Symbolgröße"
L["Icon border"] = "Symbolrahmen"
L["Icon border color"] = "Farbe Symbolrahmen"
L["Spark"] = "Funke"
L["Spark enabled"] = "Funke eingeschaltet"
L["Spark color"] = "Funkenfarbe"
L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "Farbe des Zauberleisten Funke"
L["Font of the castbar"] = "Schriftart der Zauberleiste"
L["Font size"] = "Schriftgröße"
L["Size of the text"] = "Schriftgröße"
L["Format"] = "Darstellung"
L["Timer Format"] = "Zeitdarstellung"
L["Remaining"] = "Verbleibend"
L["Total"] = "Total"
L["Both"] = "Beides"
L["Castbar position"] = "Zauberleistenposition"
L["Icon position"] = "Symbolposition"
L["Offsets"] = "Offsets"
-- Classicon.lua
L["Class Icon"] = "Klassensymbol"
L["Balance"] = "Gleichgewicht"
L["Feral"] = "Wilder Kampf"
L["Restoration"] = "Wiederherstellung"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "Tierherrschaft"
L["Marksmanship"] = "Treffsicherheit"
L["Survival"] = "Überleben"
L["Arcane"] = "Arkan"
L["Fire"] = "Feuer"
L["Frost"] = "Frost"
L["Holy"] = "Heilig"
L["Protection"] = "Schutz"
L["Retribution"] = "Vergeltung"
L["Discipline"] = "Disziplin"
L["Shadow"] = "Schatten"
L["Assassination"] = "Meucheln"
L["Combat"] = "Kampf"
L["Subtlety"] = "Täuschung"
L["Elemental"] = "Elemental"
L["Enhancement"] = "Verstärkung"
L["Affliction"] = "Gebrechen"
L["Demonology"] = "Demonologie"
L["Destruction"] = "Zerstörung"
L["Arms"] = "Waffen"
L["Fury"] = "Furor"
L["Show Spec Icon"] = "Zeige Spezialisierungssymbol"
L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "Zeigt das Talentspezialisierungs Symbol sobald die Spezialisierung erkannt wurde"
L["Icon width factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor"
L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "Das tauscht die Position mit dem Trinket, wenn auf der gleichen Seite."
L["Border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe"
L["Combat Indicator"] = "Kampfindikator"
L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "Schalte Kampfindikator ein"
L["Anchor"] = "Anker"
L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Kampfindikatorsymbols"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert die Position relativ zum Anker"
-- Cooldowns.lua
L["Cooldowns"] = "Abklingzeiten"
L["Enabled cooldown module"] = ""
L["Cooldown size"] = "Abklingzeit Größe"
L["Size of each cd icon"] = "Größe eines einzelnen Symbols"
L["Max Icons per row"] = "Maximale Anzahl an Symbolen pro Reihe"
L["Scale of the font"] = "Skalierung der Schrift"
L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "Anker der Abklingzeiten Symbole"
L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "Richtung der Abklingzeiten Symbole"
L["Offset"] = "Offset"
-- Diminishings.lua
L["Diminishings"] = "DR"
L["Enabled DR module"] = "DR einschalten"
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "DR Position"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Position der Symbole"
L["DR Border Colors"] = "DR Rahmen Farbe"
L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "DR Rahmen Farben eingeschaltet"
L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "Färbt die Rahmen der DR Symbole je nach Stärke der Verminderung"
L["Half"] = "Hälfte"
L["Quarter"] = "Viertel"
L["Categories"] = "Kategorien"
L["Force Icon"] = "Erzwinge Symbol"
L["Icon of the DR"] = "Symbol des DR"
L["DR Duration"] = "DR Dauer"
L["Change the DR Duration in seconds (DR is dynamic between 15-20s)"] = "Verändere die DR Dauer in Sekunden (DR ist dynamisch zwischen 15-20s)"
-- ExportImport.lua
L["Export Import"] = "Exportieren Importieren"
L["Profile Export Import"] = "Profile Exportieren Importieren"
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Health Bar"] = "Lebensbalken"
L["DEAD"] = "TOT"
L["General"] = "Allgemein"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Farbe des Balkenhintergrunds"
L["Font of the bar"] = "Schriftart des Balken"
L["Name font size"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen"
L["Size of the name text"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen"
L["Health font size"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit"
L["Size of the health text"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit"
L["Size of the border"] = "Rahmengröße"
L["Health Bar Text"] = "Lebensbalken Text"
L["Show name text"] = "Namen zeigen"
L["Show the units name"] = "Zeige den Namen des Gegners"
L["Show ArenaX"] = "ArenaX zeigen"
L["Show 1-5 as name instead"] = "Zeigt 1-5 anstatt des Namens"
L["Show the actual health"] = "Zeige die momentane Gesundheit"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Zeigt die momentane Gesundheit"
L["Show max health"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit"
L["Show health percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert der Gesundheit"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Highlight"] = "Hervorhebung"
L["Show Inside"] = "Zeige innen"
L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "Zeige die Hervorhebung innerhalb des Frames"
L["Colors"] = "Farben"
L["Target border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Ziels"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Ziels"
L["Focus border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Fokus"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Fokus"
L["Highlight target"] = "Hervorhebung des Ziels"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Ziel hervorheben ein/ausschalten"
L["Show border around target"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Ziel"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein momentanes Ziel"
L["Show border around focus"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Fokus"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein Fokusziel"
-- Pets.lua
L["Pets"] = "Begleiter"
L["Enables Pets module"] = "Schaltet das Begleiter Modul ein"
L["Width of the bar"] = "Breite des Balkens"
L["Health color"] = "Gesundheitsfarbe"
L["Color of the status bar"] = "Farbe des Balkens"
L["Portrait"] = "Portrait"
L["Health Values"] = "Gesundheitswerte"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Power Bar"] = "Mana/Energie Balken"
L["Power Bar Text"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Text"
L["Power Texts"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Texte"
L["Show race"] = "Rasse zeigen"
L["Show spec"] = "Spezialisierung zeigen"
L["Show the actual power"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana"
L["Show max power"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana"
L["Show power percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert"
-- Racial.lua
L["Racial"] = "Rassenfertigkeit"
L["Enable racial icon"] = "Rassenfertigkeit einschalten"
L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Rassenfertigkeitssymbols"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert doe Position relativ zu seinem Anker"
-- TotemPlates.lua
L["Totem Plates"] = "Totem Symbole"
L["Customize Totems"] = "Individuelle Totemeinstellungen"
L["Custom totem name"] = "Individueller Totem Name"
L["Totem General"] = "Totems Allgemein"
L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = ""
L["Show friendly"] = "Zeige für freundliche"
L["Show enemy"] = "Zeige für feindliche"
L["Totem size"] = "Totem Größe"
L["Size of totem icons"] = "Größe der Totemsymbole"
L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "Schriftart der benutzerdefinierten Totem Namen"
L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn kein Ziel anvisiert ist"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn man kein Ziel anvisiert hat. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1"
L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1"
L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "Alpha aller Totems"
L["Totem icon border style"] = "Totem Rahmenstil"
L["All totem border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe aller Totems"
-- Trinket.lua
L["Trinket"] = "Insignie"
L["Enable trinket icon"] = "Insignie einschalten"
L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "Dies ändert die Position der Insignie"
-- XiconProfiles.lua
L["Profile"] = "Profil"
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - ziehe um zu bewegen"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Willkommen bei Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "Erster Start wurde entdeckt, zeige Testbild an."
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Gültige slash Befehle sind:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "Wenn dies nicht dein erster Start ist, sperre oder bewege das Bild um diese Meldung zu verhindern."
-- Options.lua
L["settings"] = "Einstellungen"
L["Reset module"] = "Modul zurücksetzen"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Setze das Modul auf seine Standardwerte zurück"
L["No settings"] = "Keine Einstellungen"
L["Module has no settings"] = "Modul hat keine Einstellungen"
L["General settings"] = "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
L["Lock frame"] = "Sperre Frame"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Aktivieren falls das Frame bewegt werden kann"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Frame von unten nach oben aufbauen"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Falls aktiviert, wird das Frame von unten nach oben aufgebaut"
L["Down"] = "Runter"
L["Up"] = "Hoch"
L["Frame General"] = "Frame Allgemein"
L["Frame scale"] = "Frame Skalierung"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "Skalierung des Frames"
L["Frame padding"] = "Symbolabstand"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "Abstand zwischen den Elementen des Frames"
L["Frame width"] = "Frame Breite"
L["Margin"] = "Frame Abstand"
L["Margin between each button"] = "Abstand zwischen den Arena Einheiten"
L["Cooldown General"] = "Abklingzeiten Allgemein"
L["Font General"] = "Schriftart Allgemein"
L["General Font"] = "Allgemeine Schriftart"
L["Font color text"] = "Schriftfarbe von text"
L["Font color timer"] = "Schriftfarbe von Abklingzeiten"
L["Color of the timers"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeiten"
L["Icons General"] = "Symbol Allgemein"
L["Icon border style"] = "Rahmenstil"
L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Symbole"
L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Symbole"
L["Statusbar General"] = "Balken Allgemein"
L["Statusbar texture"] = "Balken Textur"
L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Textur aller Balken"
L["Statusbar border style"] = "Balken Rahmenstil"
L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Balken"
L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "Rahmenstil offset Quotient"
L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "Offset des Rahmens zur Statusbar (falls der Balken hinter dem Rahmen erscheint)"
L["Statusbar border color"] = "Balken Rahmenfarbe"
L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Balken"
elseif GetLocale() == "zhTW" then
-- Announcements.lua
L["Announcements"] = "通報"
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "復活: %s (%s) "
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "敵方天賦: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "低生命值: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "飾品已使用: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "飾品就緒: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "正在喝水: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "玩家"
L["Party"] = "隊伍"
L["Raid Warning"] = "團隊警告"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard 戰鬥浮動文字"
L["Trinket used"] = "飾品已使用"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "當敵方使用飾品時發出通知"
L["Trinket ready"] = "飾品就緒"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "當敵方飾品就緒時發出通報"
L["Drinking"] = "正在喝水"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "當敵方喝水時發出通報"
L["Resurrection"] = "復活"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "當敵方嘗試復活隊友時發出通報"
L["New enemies"] = "新的敵人"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "當發現新的敵人時發出通報"
L["Spec Detection"] = "天賦偵測"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "當偵測到敵方天賦時發出通報"
L["Low health"] = "低生命值"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "當敵方生命值低於一定條件時發出通報"
L["Low health threshold"] = "低生命值門檻"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "設定低生命值通報門檻"
L["Destination"] = "發送通報至"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "選擇通報發送至哪個頻道"
-- ArenaCountDown.lua
L["Arena Countdown"] = "競技場計時"
L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = "在競技場開始前倒數剩餘秒數"
L["Size"] = "大小"
-- Auras.lua
L["Auras"] = "光環"
L["Frame"] = "框架"
L["Cooldown"] = "冷卻時間"
L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "取消圖示冷卻倒數陰影"
L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "冷卻倒數陰影alpha值"
L["Font"] = "字型"
L["Font of the cooldown"] = "設定冷卻時間字型"
L["Font scale"] = "字體大小"
L["Scale of the text"] = "設定字體大小"
L["Font color"] = "字體顏色"
L["Color of the text"] = "設定字體顏色"
L["Border"] = "邊框"
L["Border style"] = "邊框樣式"
L["Buff color"] = "增益顏色"
L["Debuff color"] = "減益顏色"
L["Check All"] = "全選"
L["Uncheck All"] = "取消全選"
L["Enabled"] = "啟用"
L["Priority"] = "優先"
L["Interrupt Spells School Colors"] = "打斷法術分類顏色"
L["Enable Interrupt Spell School Colors"] = "啟用"
L["Will use Debuff Color if disabled"] = "若未啟用則使用一般減益顏色"
L["Buffs"] = "增益" --Line 573
L["Debuffs"] = "減益" --Line 566
L["Interrupts"] = "斷法" --Line 580
-- BuffsDebuffs.lua
L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "增益與減益"
L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "啟用增益與減益模組"
L["Show CC"] = "顯示控場"
L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "顯示所有減益效果,這些減益效果也顯示在職業圖示上"
L["Buffs"] = "增益"
L["Size & Padding"] = "大小與內距"
L["Icon Size"] = "圖示大小"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "遞減圖示大小"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "圖示寬度比例"
L["Stretches the icon"] = "圖示寬度"
L["Icon Padding"] = "圖示內距"
L["Space between Icons"] = "圖示間距"
L["Position"] = "位置"
L["Aura Position"] = "光環位置"
L["Position of the aura icons"] = "光環圖示位置"
L["Top"] = "頂部"
L["Bottom"] = "底部"
L["Left"] = ""
L["Right"] = ""
--L["Grow Direction"] = ""
L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "光環圖示的延伸方向"
L["Horizontal offset"] = "水平位移"
L["Vertical offset"] = "垂直位移"
L["Alpha"] = "Alpha值"
L["Debuffs"] = "減益"
L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "動態計時條顏色"
L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "冷卻時間數字以動態顏色顯示"
L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeit und Stapel"
L["Spell School Colors"] = "法術種類顏色"
L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "啟用"
L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "根據不同法術種類顯示不同邊框顏色"
L["Curse"] = "詛咒"
L["Color of the border"] = "邊框顏色"
L["Magic"] = "魔法"
L["Poison"] = "中毒"
L["Physical"] = "物理"
L["Immune"] = "免疫"
L["Disease"] = "疾病"
L["Aura"] = "光環"
L["Form"] = "形態"
L["Font"] = "字型" --Line 906
L["Border"] = "邊框" --Line 949
L["Debuff Lists"] = "減益列表" --Line 1036
L["Buff Lists"] = "增益列表" --Line 1051
-- Castbar.lua
L["Cast Bar"] = "施法條"
L["Bar"] = "施法條"
L["Bar Size"] = "施法條大小"
L["Bar height"] = "高度"
L["Height of the bar"] = "計量條高度"
L["Bar width"] = "寬度"
L["Width of the bars"] = "計量條寬度"
L["Texture"] = "材質"
L["Bar texture"] = "施法條材質"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "計量條材質"
L["Bar color"] = "施法條顏色"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "計量條顏色"
L["Background color"] = "背景顏色"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "施法條背景顏色"
L["Border size"] = "邊框大小"
L["Status Bar border"] = "狀態列邊框"
L["Status Bar border color"] = "狀態列邊框顏色"
L["Icon"] = "圖示"
L["Icon size"] = "圖示大小"
L["Icon border"] = "圖示邊框"
L["Icon border color"] = "圖示邊框顏色"
L["If test is running, type \"/gladdy test\" again"] = "如果測試已經開始,調整此選項後請輸入/gladdy test以重新開始測試"
L["Spark"] = "尾端發亮"
L["Spark enabled"] = "啟用"
L["Spark color"] = "顏色"
L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "計時條進度的尾端顏色"
L["Font of the castbar"] = "施法條字型"
L["Font size"] = "字體大小"
L["Size of the text"] = "施法條字體大小"
L["Format"] = "格式"
L["Timer Format"] = "時間格式"
L["Remaining"] = "剩餘時間"
L["Total"] = "總時間"
L["Both"] = "兩者"
L["Castbar position"] = "施法條位置"
L["Icon position"] = "圖示位置"
L["Offsets"] = "位移"
-- Classicon.lua
L["Class Icon"] = "職業圖示"
L["Balance"] = "平衡"
L["Feral"] = "野性"
L["Restoration"] = "恢復"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "獸王"
L["Marksmanship"] = "射擊"
L["Survival"] = "生存"
L["Arcane"] = "奧術"
L["Fire"] = "火焰"
L["Frost"] = "冰霜"
L["Holy"] = "神聖"
L["Protection"] = "防護"
L["Retribution"] = "懲戒"
L["Discipline"] = "戒律"
L["Shadow"] = "暗影"
L["Assassination"] = "刺殺"
L["Combat"] = "戰鬥"
L["Subtlety"] = "敏銳"
L["Elemental"] = "元素"
L["Enhancement"] = "增強"
L["Affliction"] = "痛苦"
L["Demonology"] = "惡魔"
L["Destruction"] = "毀滅"
L["Arms"] = "武器"
L["Fury"] = "狂怒"
L["Show Spec Icon"] = "顯示天賦圖示"
L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "若偵測到天賦則顯示天賦圖示"
L["Icon width factor"] = "圖示寬度比例"
L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "調整職業圖示位置"
L["Border color"] = "邊框顏色"
L["Combat Indicator"] = "戰鬥指示器"
L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "顯示是否進入戰鬥"
L["Anchor"] = "定位"
L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "調整戰鬥指示器圖示定位點"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "調整戰鬥指示器位置"
-- Constants.lua
L["Physical"] = "物理" --Line 749
L["Holy"] = "神聖" --Line 750
L["Fire"] = "火焰" --Line 751
L["Nature"] = "自然" --Line 752
L["Frost"] = "冰霜" --Line 753
L["Shadow"] = "暗影" --Line 754
L["Arcane"] = "奧術" --Line 755
L["Unknown"] = "未知" --Line 756
-- Cooldowns.lua
L["Cooldowns"] = "技能冷卻監控"
L["Enabled cooldown module"] = "啟用冷卻時間監控模組"
L["Cooldown size"] = "大小"
L["Size of each cd icon"] = "冷卻時間圖示大小"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "寬度"
L["Max Icons per row"] = "每行圖示數量"
L["Scale of the font"] = "字體大小"
L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "冷卻圖示定位"
L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "冷卻圖示延伸方向"
L["Offset"] = "位移"
L["BloodElf"] = "血精靈"
L["NightElf"] = "夜精靈"
L["Scourge"] = "不死族"
-- Diminishings.lua
L["Diminishings"] = "控場遞減"
L["Enabled DR module"] = "啟用遞減模組"
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "遞減冷卻時間位置"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "遞減冷卻時間圖示位置"
L["DR Border Colors"] = "DR邊框顏色"
L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "啟用"
L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "邊框顏色依遞減設定為以下顏色"
L["Half"] = "二分之一"
L["Quarter"] = "四分之一"
L["Categories"] = "法術列表"
L["Force Icon"] = "使用自訂圖示"
L["Icon of the DR"] = "選擇此區圖示取代原始技能圖示"
-- ExportImport.lua
L["Export Import"] = "匯出/匯入"
L["Profile Export Import"] = "設定檔匯出/匯入"
L["Export"] = "匯出" --Line 138
L["Export your current profile to share with others or your various accounts."] = "匯出您目前的設定檔" --Line 139
L["Import"] = "匯入" --Line 162
L["This will overwrite your current profile!"] = "這將會覆蓋您目前的設定檔" --Line 163
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Health Bar"] = "血量條"
L["DEAD"] = "死亡"
L["LEAVE"] = "暫離"
L["General"] = "一般"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "狀態列背景顏色"
L["Font of the bar"] = "字型"
L["Name font size"] = "名稱字體大小"
L["Size of the name text"] = "設定名稱字體大小"
L["Health font size"] = "生命值字體大小"
L["Size of the health text"] = "設定生命值字體大小"
L["Size of the border"] = "邊框大小"
L["Health Bar Text"] = "血量條文字"
L["Show name text"] = "顯示名稱"
L["Show the units name"] = "顯示單位名稱"
L["Show ArenaX"] = "顯示編號"
L["Show 1-5 as name instead"] = "使用編號1-5代替角色名稱"
L["Show the actual health"] = "顯示目前生命值"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "在血量條上顯示目前生命值"
L["Show max health"] = "顯示最大生命值"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "在血量條上顯示最大生命值"
L["Show health percentage"] = "顯示百分比"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "在血量條上顯示生命值百分比"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Highlight"] = "高亮提示"
L["Show Inside"] = "顯示在框架內"
L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "將高亮邊框顯示於框架內側"
L["Colors"] = "邊框顏色"
L["Target border color"] = "目標"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "目標的邊框顏色"
L["Focus border color"] = "專注"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "專注目標邊框顏色"
L["Highlight target"] = "高亮目標"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "是否高亮當前目標"
L["Show border around target"] = "顯示目標邊框"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "是否顯示當前目標的邊框"
L["Show border around focus"] = "顯示專注邊框"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "是否顯示當前專注目標的邊框"
-- Pets.lua
L["Pets"] = "寵物"
L["Enables Pets module"] = "啟用寵物模組"
L["Width of the bar"] = "寵物列寬度"
L["Health color"] = "生命值顏色"
L["Color of the status bar"] = "狀態列顏色"
L["Portrait"] = "頭像"
L["Health Values"] = "生命值"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Power Bar"] = "法力/能量條"
L["Power Bar Text"] = "法力/能量條文字"
L["Power Texts"] = "法力/能量條文字"
L["Show race"] = "顯示種族"
L["Show spec"] = "顯示天賦"
L["Show the actual power"] = "顯示目前法力/能量"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "在計量條中顯示目前法力/能量值"
L["Show max power"] = "顯示最大法力/能量值"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "在計量條中顯示最大法力/能量值"
L["Show power percentage"] = "顯示法力/能量百分比"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "在計量條中顯示目前法力/能量百分比"
-- Racial.lua
L["Racial"] = "種族"
L["Enable racial icon"] = "啟用種族圖示"
L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "調整種族圖示定位點"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "調整種族圖示位置"
-- TotemPlates.lua
L["Totem Plates"] = "圖騰名條"
L["Customize Totems"] = "自訂圖騰"
L["Custom totem name"] = "自訂圖騰名稱"
L["Totem General"] = "圖騰通用設定"
L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = "是否顯示圖騰名條(需重新載入)"
L["Show friendly"] = "顯示友方圖騰"
L["Show enemy"] = "顯示敵方圖騰"
L["Totem size"] = "圖騰大小"
L["Size of totem icons"] = "圖騰圖示大小"
L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "自訂圖騰字型"
L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "圖騰非目標時套用alpha值"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "若圖騰未被選為目標其圖示套用alpha值設定"
L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "圖騰為目標時套用alpha值"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "圖騰被選為目標時其圖示套用alpha值設定"
L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "圖騰 Alpha值 "
L["Totem icon border style"] = "圖騰邊框樣式"
L["All totem border color"] = "圖騰邊框顏色"
-- Trinket.lua
L["Trinket"] = "飾品"
L["Enable trinket icon"] = "啟用飾品圖示"
L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "調整飾品圖示位置"
-- XiconProfiles.lua
L["Profile"] = "樣式"
L["XiconProfiles"] = "框架外觀" --Line 4
L[" No Pet"] = "(無寵物)" --Line 109, 119
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - 拖曳移動"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "歡迎使用 Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "第一次使用時,顯示此測試框架。"
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "可用的指令為:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "若非第一次使用,請移動或鎖定框架以避免此提示再次出現。"
-- Clicks.lua
L["Action #%d"] = "動作 #%d"
L["Target"] = "目標" --Line 15
L["Focus"] = "專注" --Line 16
L["Clicks"] = "點擊動作"
L["Left button"] = "左鍵"
L["Right button"] = "右鍵"
L["Middle button"] = "中鍵"
L["Button 4"] = "滑鼠按鍵4"
L["Button 5"] = "滑鼠按鍵5"
L["Select what action this mouse button does"] = "設定輸入按鍵後的欲執行的動作"
L["Modifier"] = "修飾鍵"
L["Select which modifier to use"] = "設定欲使用的修飾鍵"
L["Button"] = "按鍵"
L["Select which mouse button to use"] = "設定欲使用的滑鼠按鍵"
L["Name"] = "名稱"
L["Select the name of the click option"] = "設定動作名稱"
L["Action"] = "動作"
L["Cast Spell / Macro"] = "施放法術/巨集"
L["Range Check"] = "距離檢查"
L["Spells"] = "法術"
L["Fade"] = "變暗"
L["Out of Range Darkening Level"] = "超出距離時變暗程度"
L["Higher is darker"] = "數值越高越暗"
L["yds"] = "" --Line 366, 388
L["Changing the spellID only applies to your player class!\n\nExample: If you are a Paladin and wish to change your range check spell to Repentance, edit the Paladin spellID to 20066."] = "對應您的職業修改欲用於監控距離的技能。\n\n範例:若您為聖騎士且想以懺悔技能用於距離監控請將聖騎士的法術ID改為20066。" --Line 352
L["Shadowsight Timer"] = "暗影視界計時"
L["Locked"] = "鎖定"
L["Announce"] = "通報"
L["Scale"] = "大小"
L["Shadowsight up in %ds"] = "暗影視界於%d秒後就緒"
L["Shadowsight up!"] = "暗影視界已就緒"
-- Options.lua
L["settings"] = "設定"
L["Reset module"] = "重設模組"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "將模組重設為預設值"
L["No settings"] = "無設定"
L["Module has no settings"] = "模組沒有設定"
L["General settings"] = "通用設定"
L["Lock frame"] = "鎖定框架"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "調整框架是否可移動"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "框架向上延伸"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "開啟此選項時框架向上延伸"
L["Down"] = ""
L["Up"] = ""
L["Frame General"] = "框架"
L["Frame scale"] = "框架大小"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "框架的尺寸"
L["Frame padding"] = "框架內距"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "框架的內距"
L["Frame width"] = "框架寬度"
L["Margin"] = "框架間距"
L["Margin between each button"] = "框架的間距"
L["Cooldown General"] = "冷卻"
L["Font General"] = "字型"
L["General Font"] = "Allgemeine Schriftart"
L["Font color text"] = "文字顏色"
L["Font color timer"] = "計時器文字顏色"
L["Color of the timers"] = "計時器顏色"
L["Icons General"] = "圖示"
L["Icon border style"] = "圖示邊框樣式"
L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "調整所有圖示的邊框樣式"
L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "調整所有圖示的邊框顏色"
L["Statusbar General"] = "狀態列"
L["Statusbar texture"] = "狀態列材質"
L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "調整所有狀態列的材質"
L["Statusbar border style"] = "狀態列邊框樣式"
L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "調整所有狀態列的邊框樣式"
L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "狀態列邊框距離"
L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "調整狀態列邊框距離"
L["Statusbar border color"] = "狀態列邊框顏色"
L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "調整所有狀態列的邊框顏色"
L["Hide Blizzard"] = "隱藏暴雪框架"
L["Grow Direction"] = "框架延伸方向"
L["Arena only"] = "只在競技場中"
L["Never"] = "從不"
L["Always"] = "永遠"
L["Load configuration"] = "設定選項" --Line 713
L["Load configuration options"] = "載入設定選項" --Line 714
L["Background Color of the frame"] = "框架的背景顏色"
L["Gladdy"] = "Gladdy目標框架" --Line 210, 709, 727
elseif GetLocale() == "zhCN" then
-- Announcements.lua
L["Announcements"] = "通知"
L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "复活: %s (%s) "
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "敌方天赋: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "低生命值: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "饰品已使用: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "饰品就绪: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "正在喝水: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "玩家"
L["Party"] = "队伍"
L["Raid Warning"] = "团队警告"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard 战斗浮动文字"
L["Trinket used"] = "饰品已使用"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "当敌方使用饰品时发出通知"
L["Trinket ready"] = "饰品就緒"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "当敌方饰品就绪时发出通报"
L["Drinking"] = "正在喝水"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "当敌方喝水时发出通报"
L["Resurrection"] = "复活"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "当敌方尝试复活队友时发出通报"
L["New enemies"] = "新的敌人"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "当发现新的敌人时发出通报"
L["Spec Detection"] = "天赋侦测"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "当侦测到敌方天赋时发出通报"
L["Low health"] = "低生命值"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "当敌方生命值低于一定条件时发出通报"
L["Low health threshold"] = "低生命值门槛"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "设定低生命值通报门槛"
L["Destination"] = "发送通报至"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "选择通报发送至哪个频道"
-- ArenaCountDown.lua
L["Arena Countdown"] = "竞技场计时"
L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = "在竞技场开始前倒数剩余秒数"
L["Size"] = "大小"
-- Auras.lua
L["Auras"] = "光环"
L["Frame"] = "框架"
L["Cooldown"] = "冷却时间"
L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "取消图示冷却倒数阴影"
L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "冷却倒数阴影alpha值"
L["Font"] = "字体"
L["Font of the cooldown"] = "設定冷卻時間字型"
L["Font scale"] = "字体大小"
L["Scale of the text"] = "设定字体大小"
L["Font color"] = "字体颜色"
L["Color of the text"] = "设定字体颜色"
L["Border"] = "边框"
L["Border style"] = "边框样式"
L["Buff color"] = "增益顏色"
L["Debuff color"] = "减益顏色"
L["Check All"] = "全选"
L["Uncheck All"] = "取消全选"
L["Enabled"] = "启用"
L["Priority"] = "优先"
L["Interrupt Spells School Colors"] = "打断法术分类颜色"
L["Enable Interrupt Spell School Colors"] = "启用"
L["Will use Debuff Color if disabled"] = "若未启用则使用一般减益颜色"
L["Buffs"] = "增益" --Line 573
L["Debuffs"] = "減益" --Line 566
L["Interrupts"] = "打断" --Line 580
-- BuffsDebuffs.lua
L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "增益与减益"
L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "启用增益与减益模块"
L["Show CC"] = "显示控场"
L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "显示所有减益效果,这些减益效果也显示在职业图标上"
L["Buffs"] = "增益"
L["Size & Padding"] = "大小与內距"
L["Icon Size"] = "图标大小"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "递减图标大小"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "图标宽度比例"
L["Stretches the icon"] = "图标宽度"
L["Icon Padding"] = "图标內距"
L["Space between Icons"] = "图标间距"
L["Position"] = "位置"
L["Aura Position"] = "光环位置"
L["Position of the aura icons"] = "光环图标位置"
L["Top"] = "顶部"
L["Bottom"] = "底部"
L["Left"] = ""
L["Right"] = ""
--L["Grow Direction"] = ""
L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "光环图标的延伸方向"
L["Horizontal offset"] = "水平偏移"
L["Vertical offset"] = "垂直偏移"
L["Alpha"] = "Alpha值"
L["Debuffs"] = "减益"
L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "动态计时条颜色"
L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "冷却时间数字以动态颜色显示"
L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeit und Stapel"
L["Spell School Colors"] = "法术种类颜色"
L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "启用"
L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "根据不同法术显示不同边框颜色"
L["Curse"] = "诅咒"
L["Color of the border"] = "边框颜色"
L["Magic"] = "魔法"
L["Poison"] = "中毒"
L["Physical"] = "物理"
L["Immune"] = "免疫"
L["Disease"] = "疾病"
L["Aura"] = "光环"
L["Form"] = "形态"
L["Font"] = "字体" --Line 906
L["Border"] = "边框" --Line 949
L["Debuff Lists"] = "减益列表" --Line 1036
L["Buff Lists"] = "增益列表" --Line 1051
-- Castbar.lua
L["Cast Bar"] = "施法条"
L["Bar"] = "施法条"
L["Bar Size"] = "施法条大小"
L["Bar height"] = "高度"
L["Height of the bar"] = "计量条高度"
L["Bar width"] = "宽度"
L["Width of the bars"] = "计量条宽度"
L["Texture"] = "材质"
L["Bar texture"] = "施法条材质"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "计量条材质"
L["Bar color"] = "施法条颜色"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "计量条颜色"
L["Background color"] = "背景颜色"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "施法条背景顏色"
L["Border size"] = "边框大小"
L["Status Bar border"] = "状态条边框"
L["Status Bar border color"] = "状态条边框颜色"
L["Icon"] = "图标"
L["Icon size"] = "图标大小"
L["Icon border"] = "图标边框"
L["Icon border color"] = "图标边框颜色"
L["If test is running, type \"/gladdy test\" again"] = "如果测试已经开始,调整此选项后请输入/gladdy test以重新开始测试"
L["Spark"] = "尾部发亮"
L["Spark enabled"] = "启用"
L["Spark color"] = "颜色"
L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "计时条进度的尾部颜色"
L["Font of the castbar"] = "施法条字体"
L["Font size"] = "字体大小"
L["Size of the text"] = "施法条字体大小"
L["Format"] = "格式"
L["Timer Format"] = "时间格式"
L["Remaining"] = "剩余时间"
L["Total"] = "总时间"
L["Both"] = "两者"
L["Castbar position"] = "施法条位置"
L["Icon position"] = "图标位置"
L["Offsets"] = "偏移"
-- Classicon.lua
L["Class Icon"] = "职业图标"
L["Balance"] = "平衡"
L["Feral"] = "野性"
L["Restoration"] = "恢复"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "兽王"
L["Marksmanship"] = "射击"
L["Survival"] = "生存"
L["Arcane"] = "奥术"
L["Fire"] = "火焰"
L["Frost"] = "冰霜"
L["Holy"] = "神圣"
L["Protection"] = "防护"
L["Retribution"] = "惩戒"
L["Discipline"] = "戒律"
L["Shadow"] = "暗影"
L["Assassination"] = "刺杀"
L["Combat"] = "战斗"
L["Subtlety"] = "敏锐"
L["Elemental"] = "元素"
L["Enhancement"] = "增强"
L["Affliction"] = "痛苦"
L["Demonology"] = "恶魔"
L["Destruction"] = "毁灭"
L["Arms"] = "武器"
L["Fury"] = "狂怒"
L["Show Spec Icon"] = "显示天赋图标"
L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "若侦测到天赋则显示天赋图标"
L["Icon width factor"] = "图标宽度比例"
L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "调整职业图标位置"
L["Border color"] = "边框颜色"
L["Combat Indicator"] = "战斗指示器"
L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "显示是否进入战斗"
L["Anchor"] = "锚点"
L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "调整战斗指示器显示锚点"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "调整战斗指示器位置"
-- Constants.lua
L["Physical"] = "物理" --Line 749
L["Holy"] = "神圣" --Line 750
L["Fire"] = "火焰" --Line 751
L["Nature"] = "自然" --Line 752
L["Frost"] = "冰霜" --Line 753
L["Shadow"] = "暗影" --Line 754
L["Arcane"] = "奥术" --Line 755
L["Unknown"] = "未知" --Line 756
-- Cooldowns.lua
L["Cooldowns"] = "技能冷却监控"
L["Enabled cooldown module"] = "启用冷却时间监控模块"
L["Cooldown size"] = "大小"
L["Size of each cd icon"] = "冷却时间图标"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "宽度"
L["Max Icons per row"] = "每行图标数量"
L["Scale of the font"] = "字体大小"
L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "冷却图标锚点"
L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "冷却图标延伸方向"
L["Offset"] = "偏移"
L["BloodElf"] = "血精灵"
L["NightElf"] = "暗夜精灵"
L["Scourge"] = "亡灵"
-- Diminishings.lua
L["Diminishings"] = "控场递减"
L["Enabled DR module"] = "启用递减模块"
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "递减冷却时间位置"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "递减冷却时间图标位置"
L["DR Border Colors"] = "DR边框颜色"
L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "启用"
L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "边框颜色依递减设定为以下颜色"
L["Half"] = "二分之一"
L["Quarter"] = "四分之一"
L["Categories"] = "法术列表"
L["Force Icon"] = "使用自定义图标"
L["Icon of the DR"] = "选择此图标取代原始技能图标"
-- ExportImport.lua
L["Export Import"] = "导出/导入"
L["Profile Export Import"] = "设置导出/导入"
L["Export"] = "导出" --Line 138
L["Export your current profile to share with others or your various accounts."] = "导出您目前的设置" --Line 139
L["Import"] = "导入" --Line 162
L["This will overwrite your current profile!"] = "这将会覆盖您目前的设置" --Line 163
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Health Bar"] = "血量条"
L["DEAD"] = "死亡"
L["LEAVE"] = "暂离"
L["General"] = "一般"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "状态条背景颜色"
L["Font of the bar"] = "字体"
L["Name font size"] = "名称字体大小"
L["Size of the name text"] = "设定名称字体大小"
L["Health font size"] = "生命值字体大小"
L["Size of the health text"] = "设定生命值字体大小"
L["Size of the border"] = "边框大小"
L["Health Bar Text"] = "血量条文字"
L["Show name text"] = "显示名字"
L["Show the units name"] = "显示单位名称"
L["Show ArenaX"] = "显示编号"
L["Show 1-5 as name instead"] = "使用编号1-5代替角色名字"
L["Show the actual health"] = "显示目前生命值"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "在血量条上显示目前生命值"
L["Show max health"] = "显示最大生命值"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "在血量条上显示最大生命值"
L["Show health percentage"] = "显示百分比"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "在血量条上显示生命值百分比"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Highlight"] = "高亮提示"
L["Show Inside"] = "显示在框架內"
L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "將高亮边框显示于框架內侧"
L["Colors"] = "边框颜色"
L["Target border color"] = "目标"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "目标的边框顏色"
L["Focus border color"] = "焦点"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "焦点目标边框顏色"
L["Highlight target"] = "高亮目标"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "是否高亮当前目标"
L["Show border around target"] = "显示目标边框"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "是否显示当前目标的边框"
L["Show border around focus"] = "显示焦点边框"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "是否显示当前焦点目标的边框"
-- Pets.lua
L["Pets"] = "宠物"
L["Enables Pets module"] = "启用宠物模块"
L["Width of the bar"] = "宠物条宽度"
L["Health color"] = "生命值顏色"
L["Color of the status bar"] = "状态条顏色"
L["Portrait"] = "头像"
L["Health Values"] = "生命值"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Power Bar"] = "法力/能量条"
L["Power Bar Text"] = "法力/能量条文字"
L["Power Texts"] = "法力/能量条文字"
L["Show race"] = "显示种族"
L["Show spec"] = "显示天赋"
L["Show the actual power"] = "显示目前法力/能量"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "在计量条中显示目前法力/能量值"
L["Show max power"] = "显示最大法力/能量值"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "在计量条中显示最大法力/能量值"
L["Show power percentage"] = "显示法力/能量百分比"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "在计量条中显示目前法力/能量百分比"
-- Racial.lua
L["Racial"] = "种族"
L["Enable racial icon"] = "启用种族图标"
L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "调整种族图标锚点"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "调整种族图标位置"
-- TotemPlates.lua
L["Totem Plates"] = "图腾栏"
L["Customize Totems"] = "自定义图腾"
L["Custom totem name"] = "自定义图腾名字"
L["Totem General"] = "图腾通用设置"
L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = "是否显示图腾名字(需重新加载)"
L["Show friendly"] = "显示右方图腾"
L["Show enemy"] = "显示敌方图腾"
L["Totem size"] = "图腾大小"
L["Size of totem icons"] = "图腾图标大小"
L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "自定义图腾字体"
L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "图腾非目标时使用alpha值"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "若图腾未被选为目标其图标使用alpha值設定"
L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "图腾为目标时使用alpha值"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "图腾被选为目标时其图标使用alpha值設定"
L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "图腾 Alpha值 "
L["Totem icon border style"] = "图腾边框样式"
L["All totem border color"] = "图腾边框顏色"
-- Trinket.lua
L["Trinket"] = "饰品"
L["Enable trinket icon"] = "启用饰品图标"
L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "调整饰品图标位置"
-- XiconProfiles.lua
L["Profile"] = "样式"
L["XiconProfiles"] = "框架外观" --Line 4
L[" No Pet"] = "(无宠物)" --Line 109, 119
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - 拖拽移动"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "欢迎使用 Gladdy!"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "第一次使用时,显示此测试框架。"
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "可用的指令为:"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "若非第一次使用,请移动或锁定框架以免此提示再次出现。"
-- Clicks.lua
L["Action #%d"] = "动作 #%d"
L["Target"] = "目标" --Line 15
L["Focus"] = "焦点" --Line 16
L["Clicks"] = "点击动作"
L["Left button"] = "左键"
L["Right button"] = "右键"
L["Middle button"] = "中键"
L["Button 4"] = "鼠标按键4"
L["Button 5"] = "鼠标按键5"
L["Select what action this mouse button does"] = "设置输入按键后欲执行的动作"
L["Modifier"] = "修饰键"
L["Select which modifier to use"] = "设置欲使用的修饰键"
L["Button"] = "按键"
L["Select which mouse button to use"] = "设置欲使用的鼠标按键"
L["Name"] = "名称"
L["Select the name of the click option"] = "设置动作名称"
L["Action"] = "动作"
L["Cast Spell / Macro"] = "施放法术/宏"
L["Range Check"] = "距离检测"
L["Spells"] = "法术"
L["Fade"] = "变暗"
L["Out of Range Darkening Level"] = "超出距离时变暗程度"
L["Higher is darker"] = "数值越高越暗"
L["yds"] = "" --Line 366, 388
L["Changing the spellID only applies to your player class!\n\nExample: If you are a Paladin and wish to change your range check spell to Repentance, edit the Paladin spellID to 20066."] = "对应您的职业修改欲使用监控距离的技能。\n\n例:若您为圣骑士且想以忏悔技能用于距离监控请将圣骑士的法术ID改为20066。" --Line 352
L["Shadowsight Timer"] = "暗影视界计时"
L["Locked"] = "锁定"
L["Announce"] = "通报"
L["Scale"] = "大小"
L["Shadowsight up in %ds"] = "暗影视界於%d秒后就绪"
L["Shadowsight up!"] = "暗影视界已就绪"
-- Options.lua
L["settings"] = "设置"
L["Reset module"] = "重置模块"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "将模块重置为初始值"
L["No settings"] = "无设置"
L["Module has no settings"] = "模块没有设置"
L["General settings"] = "通用设置"
L["Lock frame"] = "锁定框架"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "调整框架是否可移动"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "框架向上延伸"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "开启次选项时框架向上延伸"
L["Down"] = ""
L["Up"] = ""
L["Frame General"] = "框架"
L["Frame scale"] = "框架大小"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "框架的尺寸"
L["Frame padding"] = "框架內距"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "框架的內距"
L["Frame width"] = "框架宽度"
L["Margin"] = "框架间距"
L["Margin between each button"] = "框架的间距"
L["Cooldown General"] = "冷却"
L["Font General"] = "字体"
L["General Font"] = "通用字体"
L["Font color text"] = "文字顏色"
L["Font color timer"] = "计时器文字顏色"
L["Color of the timers"] = "计时器顏色"
L["Icons General"] = "图标"
L["Icon border style"] = "图标边框样式"
L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "调整所有图标的边框样式"
L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "调整所有图标的边框顏色"
L["Statusbar General"] = "状态条"
L["Statusbar texture"] = "状态条材质"
L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "调整所有状态条的材质"
L["Statusbar border style"] = "状态条边框样式"
L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "调整所有状态条的边框样式"
L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "状态条边框距离"
L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "调整状态条边框距离"
L["Statusbar border color"] = "状态条边框顏色"
L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "调整所有状态条的边框颜色"
L["Hide Blizzard"] = "隐藏暴雪框架"
L["Grow Direction"] = "框架延伸方向"
L["Arena only"] = "只在竞技场中"
L["Never"] = "从不"
L["Always"] = "一直"
L["Load configuration"] = "设置选项" --Line 713
L["Load configuration options"] = "加载设置选项" --Line 714
L["Background Color of the frame"] = "框架的背景顏色"
L["Gladdy"] = "Gladdy框架" --Line 210, 709, 727
elseif GetLocale() == "frFR" then
-- Announcements.lua
L["Announcements"] = "ANNONCE"
L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "SPEC DETECTÉ: %s - %s (%s)"
L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "VIE BASSE: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "TRINKET UTILISÉ: %s (%s)"
L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "TRINKET PRÊT: %s (%s)"
L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "EN TRAIN DE BOIRE: %s (%s)"
L["Self"] = "Soi"
L["Party"] = "Groupe"
L["Raid Warning"] = "Avertissement de raid"
L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Texte de combat flottant de Blizzard"
L["Trinket used"] = "Trinket utilisé"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Annonce quand un trinket ennemie est utilisé"
L["Trinket ready"] = "Trinket prêt"
L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Annonce quand un trinket ennemie est prêt de nouveau"
L["Drinking"] = "En train de boire"
L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Annonce quand les ennemies s'assoient pour boire"
L["Resurrection"] = "Resurrection"
L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Annonce quand un ennemie essaie de ressusciter un membre de son groupe"
L["New enemies"] = "Nouveaux ennemis"
L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Annonce quand les ennemies sont découverts"
L["Spec Detection"] = "Détection des SPEC"
L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Annonce quand une spec d'un ennemie est détecté"
L["Low health"] = "Vie Basse"
L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Annonce quand un ennemie tombe en dessous d'un certain seuil de points de vie"
L["Low health threshold"] = "Seuil de points de vie bas"
L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Choisissez à quel point un ennemi doit être bas avant d'annoncer une santé faible"
L["Destination"] = "Destination"
L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Choisissez comment vos annonces sont affichées"
-- ArenaCountDown.lua
L["Arena Countdown"] = "Compte à rebours de l'arène"
L["Turn on/off"] = "Activer / désactiver"
L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = "Active / désactive le compte à rebours avant le début d'un match d'arène"
L["Size"] = "Taille"
-- Auras.lua
L["Auras"] = "Auras"
L["Frame"] = "Cadre"
L["Cooldown"] = "Temps de recharge"
L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "Pas de Balayage du temps de recharge"
L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "Alpha du Balayage du temps de recharge"
L["Font"] = "Police de caractère"
L["Font of the cooldown"] = "Police du temps de recharge"
L["Font scale"] = "Échelle de police"
L["Scale of the text"] = "Échelle du texte"
L["Font color"] = "Couleur de la police"
L["Color of the text"] = "Couleur du texte"
L["Border"] = "Bordure"
L["Border style"] = "Style de bordure"
L["Buff color"] = "Couleur des buff"
L["Debuff color"] = "Couleur des Debuff"
L["Check All"] = "Vérifie tout"
L["Uncheck All"] = "Décocher tout"
L["Enabled"] = "Activé"
L["Priority"] = "Priorité"
-- BuffsDebuffs.lua
L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "Buffs et Debuffs"
L["Enable"] = "Activé"
L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "Module de buffs et debuffs activés"
L["Show CC"] = "Montrer les CC"
L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "Montrer tout les debuffs, qui sont affichés sur l'icone de classe aussi"
L["Buffs"] = "Buffs"
L["Size & Padding"] = "Taille et remplissage"
L["Icon Size"] = "Taille de l'icône"
L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Taille des icones de DR"
L["Icon Width Factor"] = "Facteur de largeur d'icône"
L["Stretches the icon"] = "Étire l'icône"
L["Icon Padding"] = "Remplissage d'icônes"
L["Space between Icons"] = "Espace entre les icônes"
L["Position"] = "Position"
L["Aura Position"] = "Position de l'aura"
L["Position of the aura icons"] = "Position de l'icône de l'aura"
L["Top"] = "Haut"
L["Bottom"] = "Bas"
L["Left"] = "Gauche"
L["Right"] = "Droite"
L["Grow Direction"] = "Direction de croissance"
L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "Direction de croissance de l'icônr de l'aura"
L["Horizontal offset"] = "Décalage horizontal"
L["Vertical offset"] = "Décalage verticale"
L["Alpha"] = "Alpha"
L["Debuffs"] = "Debuffs"
L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "Couleur de la minuterie dynamique"
L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "Afficher la couleur dynamique sur les numéros de recharge"
L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Couleur du temps de recharge et des piles"
L["Spell School Colors"] = "Couleurs de l'école de sorts"
L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "Couleurs de l'école de sorts"
L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "Afficher les couleurs des bordures par école de sorts"
L["Curse"] = "Malédiction"
L["Color of the border"] = "Couleur de la bordure"
L["Magic"] = "Magique"
L["Poison"] = "Poison"
L["Physical"] = "Physique"
L["Immune"] = "Immunisé"
L["Disease"] = "Maladie"
L["Aura"] = "Aura"
L["Form"] = "Forme"
-- Castbar.lua
L["Cast Bar"] = "Barre d'incantation"
L["Bar"] = "Barre"
L["Bar Size"] = "Taille de la barre"
L["Bar height"] = "Hauteur de la barre"
L["Height of the bar"] = "Hauteur de la barre"
L["Bar width"] = "Largeur de la barre"
L["Width of the bars"] = "Largeur de la barre"
L["Texture"] = "Texture"
L["Bar texture"] = "Texture de la barre"
L["Texture of the bar"] = "Texture de la barre"
L["Bar color"] = "Couleur de la barre"
L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Couleur de la barre d'incantation"
L["Background color"] = "Couleur de l'Arrière plan"
L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Couleur de l'Arrière plan de la barre d'incantation"
L["Border size"] = "taille de la bordure"
L["Status Bar border"] = "Bordure de la barre de statut"
L["Status Bar border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure de la barre de statut"
L["Icon"] = "Icone"
L["Icon size"] = "Taille de l'icone"
L["Icon border"] = "Bordure de l'icone"
L["Icon border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure de l'icone"
L["Spark"] = "Etincelle"
L["Spark enabled"] = "Etincelle activé"
L["Spark color"] = "Couleur de l'étincelle"
L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "Couleur de l'étincelle de la barre d'incantation"
L["Font of the castbar"] = "Police de la barre d'incantation"
L["Font size"] = "Taille de la police"
L["Size of the text"] = "Taille du texte"
L["Format"] = "Format"
L["Timer Format"] = "Format du timer"
L["Remaining"] = "Restant"
L["Total"] = "Total"
L["Both"] = "Les deux"
L["Castbar position"] = "Position de la barre d'incantation"
L["Icon position"] = "Position de l'icone"
L["Offsets"] = "Décalage"
-- Classicon.lua
L["Class Icon"] = "Icone de la classe"
L["Balance"] = "Equilibre"
L["Feral"] = "Combat farouche"
L["Restoration"] = "Restauration"
L["Beast Mastery"] = "Maîtrise des bêtes"
L["Marksmanship"] = "Précision"
L["Survival"] = "Survie"
L["Arcane"] = "Arcane"
L["Fire"] = "Feu"
L["Frost"] = "Givre"
L["Holy"] = "Sacré"
L["Retribution"] = "Vindicte"
L["Protection"] = "Protection"
L["Discipline"] = "Discipline"
L["Shadow"] = "Ombre"
L["Assassination"] = "Assassinat"
L["Combat"] = "Combat"
L["Subtlety"] = "Finesse"
L["Elemental"] = "Elementaire"
L["Enhancement"] = "Amélioration"
L["Affliction"] = "Affliction"
L["Demonology"] = "Démonologie"
L["Destruction"] = "Destruction"
L["Arms"] = "Armes"
L["Fury"] = "Fureur"
L["Show Spec Icon"] = "Afficher l'icone des spécialisations"
L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "Afficher l'icone des spécialisations une fois que les spé sont détectés"
L["Icon width factor"] = "Facteur de largeur d'icône"
L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "Cela change de position avec le trinket"
L["Border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure"
L["Combat Indicator"] = "Indicateur de combat"
L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "Activer l'icone de l'indicateur de combat"
L["Anchor"] = "Ancre"
L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "Cela change l'ancre de l'icône de l'indicateur de combat"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "Cela change la position par rapport à son ancre de l'icône de l'indicateur de combat"
-- Cooldowns.lua
L["Cooldowns"] = "Temps de recharge (CD)"
L["COOLDOWN USED: %s (%s) used %s - %s sec. cooldown"] = "CD utilisé : %s (%s) utilisé %s - %s sec. cd"
L["Enabled cooldown module"] = "Module du temps de recharge activé"
L["Cooldown size"] = "Taille du temps de recharge"
L["Size of each cd icon"] = "Taille de chaque icone de CD"
L["Max Icons per row"] = "Nombre maximal d'icônes par ligne"
L["Scale of the font"] = "Échelle de la police"
L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "Ancre de l'icone du temps de recharge"
L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "Direction de croissance des icônes de temps de recharge"
L["Offset"] = "Décalage"
-- Diminishings.lua
L["Diminishings"] = "Rendements décroissants (DR)"
L["Enabled DR module"] = "Activer le module DR"
L["DR Cooldown position"] = "Position du temps de recharge des DR"
L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Position des icones de temps de recharge"
L["DR Border Colors"] = "Couleur de la bordure des DR"
L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "Couleur de la bordure des DR activé"
L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "Couleurs des bordures des DR dans la couleur DR respective ci-dessous"
L["Half"] = "Demi"
L["Quarter"] = "Quart"
L["Categories"] = "Catégories"
L["Force Icon"] = "Forcer les icones"
L["Icon of the DR"] = "Icones des DR"
-- ExportImport.lua
L["Export Import"] = "Exporter Importer"
L["Profile Export Import"] = "Profile de l'Exporter Importer"
-- Healthbar.lua
L["Health Bar"] = "Barre de vie"
L["DEAD"] = "MORT"
L["General"] = "Général"
L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Couleur de l'arrière-plan de la barre d'état"
L["Font of the bar"] = "Police de la barre"
L["Name font size"] = "Taille de la police du nom"
L["Size of the name text"] = "Taille du texte du nom"
L["Health font size"] = "Taille de la police de la santé"
L["Size of the health text"] = "Taille du texte de la santé"
L["Size of the border"] = "Taille de la bordure"
L["Health Bar Text"] = "Texte de la barre de santé"
L["Show name text"] = "Afficher le texte du nom"
L["Show the units name"] = "Afficher le nom des unités"
L["Show ArenaX"] = "Afficher ArenaX"
L["Show Arena1-5 as name instead"] = "Afficher Arena1-5 comme nom à la place"
L["Show the actual health"] = "Afficher la santé réelle"
L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Afficher la santé réelle sur la barre de santé"
L["Show max health"] = "Afficher la santé maximale"
L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Afficher la santé maximale sur la barre de santé"
L["Show health percentage"] = "Afficher le pourcentage de santé"
L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Afficher le pourcentage de santé sur la barre de santé"
-- Highlight.lua
L["Highlight"] = "Surbrillance"
L["Show Inside"] = "Afficher dedans"
L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "Afficher la bordure de surbrillance à l'intérieur du cadre"
L["Colors"] = "Couleurs"
L["Target border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure cible"
L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Couleur de la bordure des cibles sélectionnées"
L["Focus border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure du Focus"
L["Color of the focus border"] = "Couleur de la bordure du Focus"
L["Highlight target"] = "Mettre la cible en surbrillance"
L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Basculer si la cible sélectionnée doit être mise en surbrillance"
L["Show border around target"] = "Afficher la bordure autour de la cible"
L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Basculer si une bordure doit être affichée autour de la cible sélectionnée"
L["Show border around focus"] = "Afficher la bordure autour du focus"
L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "La bascule d'une bordure doit être affichée autour du focus actuel"
-- Pets.lua
L["Pets"] = "Familier"
L["Enables Pets module"] = "Activer le module familier (pet)"
L["Width of the bar"] = "Largeur de la barre"
L["Health color"] = "Couleur de la santé"
L["Color of the status bar"] = "Couleur de la barre d'état"
L["Portrait"] = "Portrait"
L["Health Values"] = "Valeurs de santé"
-- Powerbar.lua
L["Power Bar"] = "Barre de puissance"
L["Power Bar Text"] = "Texte de la barre de puissance"
L["Power Texts"] = "Textes de puissance"
L["Show race"] = "Afficher la race"
L["Show spec"] = "Afficher la spé"
L["Show the actual power"] = "Afficher la puissance actuelle"
L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Afficher la puissance actuelle sur la barre de puissance"
L["Show max power"] = "Afficher la puissance maximale"
L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Afficher la puissance maximale sur la barre de puissance"
L["Show power percentage"] = "Afficher le pourcentage de puissance"
L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Afficher le pourcentage de puissance sur la barre de puissance"
-- Racial.lua
L["Racial"] = "Raciale"
L["Enable racial icon"] = "Activer l'icone du raciale"
L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "Cela change l'ancre de l'icône du raciale"
L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "Cela change de position par rapport à son ancre de l'icône du raciale"
-- TotemPlates.lua
L["Totem Plates"] = "Totem Plates"
L["Customize Totems"] = "Personnaliser les totems"
L["Custom totem name"] = "Personnaliser le nom des totems"
L["Totem General"] = "Totem Général"
L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = "Active ou désactive les icônes totem au lieu des nameplates. (Nécessite un rechargement)"
L["Show friendly"] = "Montrer les amis"
L["Show enemy"] = "Montrer les ennemies"
L["Totem size"] = "Taille du totem"
L["Size of totem icons"] = "Taille de l'icone du totem"
L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "Police du nom du totem personnalisé"
L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "Appliquer l'alpha en l'absence de cible"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "Applique toujours l'alpha, même lorsque vous n'avez pas de cible. Sinon c'est 1."
L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "Appliquer l'alpha lorsque ciblé"
L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "Applique toujours l'alpha, même lorsque vous ciblez le totem. Sinon c'est 1."
L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "Tous les alphas de bordure de totem (configurables par totem)"
L["Totem icon border style"] = "Style de bordure d'icône totem"
L["All totem border color"] = "Toutes les couleurs de bordure de totem"
-- Trinket.lua
L["Trinket"] = "Trinket (Bijoux PvP)"
L["Enable trinket icon"] = "Activer l'icone du trinket"
L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "Cela change les positions du trinket"
-- XiconProfiles.lua
L["Profile"] = "Profile"
-- Frame.lua
L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - faites glisser pour déplacer"
-- Gladdy.lua
L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Bienvenue chez Gladdy !"
L["First run has been detected, displaying test frame."] = "La première exécution a été détectée, affichant la trame de test."
L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Les commandes de slash valides sont :"
L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "S'il ne s'agit pas de votre première utilisation, veuillez verrouiller ou déplacer le cadre pour éviter que cela ne se produise."
-- Options.lua
L["settings"] = "paramètres"
L["Reset module"] = "Réinitialiser le module"
L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Réinitialiser le module"
L["No settings"] = "Pas de paramètres"
L["Module has no settings"] = "Le module n'a pas de paramètres"
L["General settings"] = "Paramètres général"
L["Lock frame"] = "Verouiller le cadre"
L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Cliquez si le cadre peut être bougé"
L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Agrandir le cadre vers le haut"
L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Si activé, le cadre grandira vers le haut au lieu de vers le bas"
L["Down"] = "Vers la bas"
L["Up"] = "Vers le haut"
L["Frame General"] = "Cadre général"
L["Frame scale"] = "Taille du cadre"
L["Scale of the frame"] = "Taille du cadre"
L["Frame padding"] = "Remplissage du cadre"
L["Padding of the frame"] = "Remplissage du cadre"
L["Frame width"] = "Largeur du cadre"
L["Margin"] = "Marge"
L["Margin between each button"] = "Marge entre chaque bouton"
L["Cooldown General"] = "Temps de recharge Général"
L["Font General"] = "Police Général"
L["General Font"] = "Police Général"
L["Font color text"] = "Texte de la couleur de la police"
L["Font color timer"] = "Texte de la couleur de la police"
L["Color of the timers"] = "Couleur des minuteurs"
L["Icons General"] = "Icônes Général"
L["Icon border style"] = "Style de bordure d'icône"
L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "Cela change le style de bordure de toutes les icônes"
L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "Cela change la couleur de bordure de toutes les icônes"
L["Statusbar General"] = "Barre d'état Général"
L["Statusbar texture"] = "Texture de la Barre d'état"
L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "Cela change la texture de tous les cadres de la barre d'état"
L["Statusbar border style"] = "Style de bordure de la barre d'état"
L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "Cela modifie le style de bordure de tous les cadres de la barre d'état"
L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "Diviseur de décalage de bordure de barre d'état (le plus petit est le décalage le plus élevé)"
L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "Décalage de la bordure par rapport à la barre d'état (au cas où la barre d'état s'afficherait au-delà de la bordure)"
L["Statusbar border color"] = "Couleur de la bordure de la barre d'état"
L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "Cela change la couleur de la bordure de tous les cadres de la barre d'état"
-- Superhack allowing use key as value if not present in table
LibStub("Gladdy").L = setmetatable(L, {
__index = function(t, k)
return k