Merge branch 'release/Classic-v2.20-Release' into main
This commit is contained in:
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ local importantAuras = {
spellID = 24259,
-- Unstable Affliction Silence
["Unstable Affliction Silence"] = { -- GetSpellInfo returns "Unstable Affliction"
[select(1, GetSpellInfo(31117)) .. " Silence"] = { -- GetSpellInfo returns "Unstable Affliction"
altName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(31117)) .. " Silence",
duration = 5,
@ -759,9 +759,9 @@ local importantAuras = {
-- Shadowsight Buff
[GetSpellInfo(34709)] = {
duration = 15,
priority = 15,
priority = 9,
magic = true,
spellID = 34709,
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ local cooldownList = {
icon = select(3, GetSpellInfo(14311)),
[34490] = { cd = 20, spec = L["Marksmanship"], }, -- Silencing Shot
[19386] = { cd = 60, spec = L["Survival"], }, -- Wyvern Sting
[19386] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Survival"], }, -- Wyvern Sting
[19577] = { cd = 60, spec = L["Beast Mastery"], }, -- Intimidation
[34471] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Beast Mastery"], }, -- The Beast Within
[5384] = 30, -- Feign Death
@ -1121,333 +1121,55 @@ end
local totemData = {
-- Fire
[string_lower("Searing Totem")] = {id = 3599,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3599)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")] = {id = 8227,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8227)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Magma Totem")] = {id = 8190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8190)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")] = {id = 1535,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1535)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = { cd = 4, once = true }},
[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")] = {id = 30706,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(30706)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")] = {id = 32982,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32982)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8181,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8181)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
-- Water
[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8184,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8184)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")] = {id = 8166,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8166)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 5},
[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")] = {id = 8170,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8170)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 5},
[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")] = {id = 5394,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5394)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")] = {id = 16190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(16190)), color = {r = 0.078, g = 0.9, b = 0.16, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")] = {id = 5675,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5675)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
-- Earth
[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")] = {id = 2484,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(2484)), color = {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1}, pulse = 3},
[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")] = {id = 5730,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5730)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")] = {id = 8071,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8071)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")] = {id = 8075,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8075)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")] = {id = 33663,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(33663)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Tremor Totem")] = {id = 8143,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8143)), color = {r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0.1, a = 1}, pulse = 3},
-- Air
[string_lower("Grounding Totem")] = {id = 8177,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8177)), color = {r = 0, g = 0.53, b = 0.92, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Grace of Air Totem")] = {id = 8835,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8835)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")] = {id = 10595,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(10595)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Windfury Totem")] = {id = 8512,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8512)), color = {r = 0.96, g = 0, b = 0.07, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Sentry Totem")] = {id = 6495, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6495)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Windwall Totem")] = {id = 15107,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(15107)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")] = {id = 3738,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3738)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Tranquil Air Totem")] = {id = 25908,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(25908)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
local totemSpellIdToPulse = {
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[2484] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
[8143] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[8166] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[8170] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse,
[1535] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[8498] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[8499] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[11314] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[11315] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25546] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25547] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse,
[8190] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[10585] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[10586] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10587] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[25552] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse,
[5394] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6375] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6377] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10462] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10463] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse,
[5675] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[10495] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[10496] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10497] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[25570] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse,
[5730] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6390] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6391] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[6392] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10427] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[10428] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25525] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[58771] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[58773] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[58774] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8
local totemNpcIdsToTotemData = {
[2523] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3902] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3903] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3904] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7400] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7402] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[15480] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31162] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31164] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31165] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[21995] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22209] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22895] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[34687] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[36532] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[43423] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[67380] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[73477] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[79238] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[84519] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[110730] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[132178] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[9637] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[5950] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[6012] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[7423] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[10557] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[15485] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31132] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31133] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31158] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[42605] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[5929] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7464] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7465] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7466] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[15484] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31166] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31167] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[32887] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[42211] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71335] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71925] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73085] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73093] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73268] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[88971] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[97369] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[98676] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[5879] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6110] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6111] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7844] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7845] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[14662] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15482] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15483] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[24320] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32775] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32776] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[17539] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22970] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22971] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30652] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30653] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30654] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[15439] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[40830] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41337] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41346] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[72301] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[5926] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7412] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7413] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[15486] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31171] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31172] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
-- Water
[5927] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7424] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7425] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[15487] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31169] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31170] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[5923] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")],
[22487] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")],
[5924] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")],
[3527] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3906] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3907] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3908] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3909] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[14664] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[15488] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[18235] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31181] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31182] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31185] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[34686] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[36542] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[37810] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[38428] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[47077] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72309] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72457] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[73890] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[74433] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[97508] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[112567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[120357] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[128539] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[132049] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[10467] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11100] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11101] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[17061] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[3573] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7414] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7415] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7416] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[15304] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[15489] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31186] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31189] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
-- Earth
[2630] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[22486] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[40233] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[74737] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[79155] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[3579] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3911] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3912] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3913] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7398] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7399] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[14870] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[15478] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31120] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31121] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31122] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[40258] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[102402] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[5873] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5919] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5920] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7366] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7367] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7368] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[14663] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15470] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15474] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[18177] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[21994] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31175] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31176] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[36550] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[40267] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[41967] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5874] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5921] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5922] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[7403] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15464] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15479] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[21992] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[30647] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[31129] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[40266] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15430] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[24649] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[39387] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[40247] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[72307] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[5913] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41938] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41939] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
-- Air
[5925] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[128537] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[136251] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[7486] = totemData[string_lower("Grace of Air Totem")],
[7487] = totemData[string_lower("Grace of Air Totem")],
[15463] = totemData[string_lower("Grace of Air Totem")],
[7467] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7468] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7469] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[15490] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31173] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31174] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[6112] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7483] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7484] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[14666] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15496] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15497] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[22897] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41940] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41941] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[80703] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[105690] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[133684] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[3968] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[28938] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[40187] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[69505] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[70413] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[71145] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[147410] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[9687] = totemData[string_lower("Windwall Totem")],
[9688] = totemData[string_lower("Windwall Totem")],
[9689] = totemData[string_lower("Windwall Totem")],
[15492] = totemData[string_lower("Windwall Totem")],
[15447] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
[36556] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
[15803] = totemData[string_lower("Tranquil Air Totem")],
local totemDataShared, totemNpcIdsToTotemDataShared, totemSpellIdToPulseShared = Gladdy:GetSharedTotemData()
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemData, totemDataShared)
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemDataShared)
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemSpellIdToPulse, totemSpellIdToPulseShared)
function Gladdy:GetTotemData()
return totemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemSpellIdToPulse
@ -85,14 +85,17 @@ local specBuffs = {
[GetSpellInfo(20895)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- Spirit Bond
[GetSpellInfo(34471)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- The Beast Within
[GetSpellInfo(75447)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- Ferocious Inspiration
[GetSpellInfo(19506)] = L["Marksmanship"], -- Trueshot Aura
[GetSpellInfo(64420)] = L["Survival"], -- Sniper Training
[GetSpellInfo(24932)] = L["Feral"], -- Leader of the Pack
[GetSpellInfo(16975)] = L["Feral"], -- Predatory Strikes
[GetSpellInfo(50334)] = L["Feral"], -- Berserk
[GetSpellInfo(50334) .. " Feral"] = L["Feral"], -- Berserk
[GetSpellInfo(24907)] = L["Balance"], -- Moonkin Aura
[GetSpellInfo(24858)] = L["Balance"], -- Moonkin Form
[GetSpellInfo(48504)] = L["Restoration"], -- Living Seed
[GetSpellInfo(45283)] = L["Restoration"], -- Natural Perfection
[GetSpellInfo(53251)] = L["Restoration"], -- Wild Growth
[GetSpellInfo(16188)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Swiftness
[GetSpellInfo(33891)] = L["Restoration"], -- Tree of Life
@ -150,6 +153,7 @@ local specSpells = {
[GetSpellInfo(47843)] = L["Affliction"], -- Unstable Affliction
[GetSpellInfo(59672)] = L["Demonology"], -- Metamorphosis
[GetSpellInfo(47193)] = L["Demonology"], -- Demonic Empowerment
[GetSpellInfo(47996) .. " Felguard"] = L["Demonology"], -- Intercept Felguard
[GetSpellInfo(59172)] = L["Destruction"], -- Chaos Bolt
[GetSpellInfo(47847)] = L["Destruction"], -- Shadowfury
@ -172,7 +176,7 @@ local specSpells = {
[GetSpellInfo(24858)] = L["Balance"], -- Moonkin Form
[GetSpellInfo(48566)] = L["Feral"], -- Mangle (Cat)
[GetSpellInfo(48564)] = L["Feral"], -- Mangle (Bear)
[GetSpellInfo(50334)] = L["Feral"], -- Berserk
[GetSpellInfo(50334) .. " Feral"] = L["Feral"], -- Berserk
[GetSpellInfo(18562)] = L["Restoration"], -- Swiftmend
[GetSpellInfo(17116)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Swiftness
[GetSpellInfo(33891)] = L["Restoration"], -- Tree of Life
@ -486,7 +490,7 @@ local importantAuras = {
priority = 20,
spellID = 63529,
["Unstable Affliction Silence"] = { -- Unstable Affliction Silence (GetSpellInfo returns "Unstable Affliction")
[select(1, GetSpellInfo(31117)) .. " Silence"] = { -- Unstable Affliction Silence (GetSpellInfo returns "Unstable Affliction")
altName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(31117)) .. " Silence",
priority = 20,
@ -583,7 +587,7 @@ local importantAuras = {
[GetSpellInfo(54428)] = { -- Divine Plea
priority = 20,
priority = 15,
spellID = 54428,
[GetSpellInfo(31821)] = { -- Aura mastery
@ -611,11 +615,16 @@ local importantAuras = {
priority = 9,
spellID = 6346,
[GetSpellInfo(50334)] = {-- Berserk
[GetSpellInfo(50334) .. " Feral"] = {-- Berserk
priority = 20,
spellID = 50334,
[GetSpellInfo(46924)] = { -- Bladestorm
priority = 20,
spellID = 46924,
--- Turtling abilities
[GetSpellInfo(871)] = { -- Shield Wall
@ -675,12 +684,22 @@ local importantAuras = {
priority = 30,
spellID = 1719,
[GetSpellInfo(48792)] = { -- Icebound Fortitude
priority = 15,
spellID = 48792,
[GetSpellInfo(49039)] = { -- Lichborne
priority = 15,
spellID = 49039,
--- Alt Stuff
[GetSpellInfo(34709)] = { -- Shadowsight Buff
duration = 15,
priority = 15,
priority = 9,
magic = true,
spellID = 34709,
@ -784,10 +803,11 @@ local cooldownList = {
[8983] = 60, -- Bash
[53312] = 60, -- Natures Grasp
[48505] = { cd = 90, spec = L["Balance"], }, -- Starfall
[50334] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Feral"], }, -- Berserk
[50334] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Feral"], altName = GetSpellInfo(50334) .. " Feral" }, -- Berserk
[17116] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Natures Swiftness
[18562] = { cd = 15, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Swiftmend
[33831] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Balance"], }, -- Force of Nature
[61384] = { cd = 20, spec = L["Balance"], }, -- Typhoon
-- Shaman
@ -845,7 +865,7 @@ local cooldownList = {
[17962] = { cd = 10, spec = L["Destruction"], }, -- Conflagrate
[59172] = { cd = 12, spec = L["Destruction"], }, -- Chaos Bolt
[47241] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Demonology"], }, -- Metamorphosis
[47996] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Demonology"], pet = true, }, -- Intercept
[47996] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Demonology"], pet = true, altName = GetSpellInfo(47996) .. " Felguard" }, -- Intercept
[1122] = { cd = 600, spec = L["Demonology"], }, -- Inferno
@ -889,7 +909,7 @@ local cooldownList = {
[19503] = 30, -- Scatter Shot
[19263] = 90, -- Deterrence
[781] = 15, -- Disengage
[5384] = 20, -- Feign Death
[5384] = 30, -- Feign Death
[3045] = 20, -- Rapid Fire
[60192] = { cd = 28, -- Freezing Arrow
sharedCD = {
@ -1067,211 +1087,21 @@ end
local totemData = {
-- Fire
[string_lower("Searing Totem")] = { id = 3599, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3599)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")] = { id = 8227, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8227)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Magma Totem")] = { id = 8190, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8190)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = 2 },
[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")] = { id = 1535, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1535)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = { cd = 4, once = true } },
[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")] = { id = 30706, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(30706)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")] = { id = 32982, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32982)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")] = { id = 8181, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8181)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")] = { id = 30706, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(30706)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
-- Water
[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")] = { id = 8184, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8184)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")] = { id = 8170, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8170)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = 5 },
[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")] = { id = 5394, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5394)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = 2 },
[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")] = { id = 16190, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(16190)), color = { r = 0.078, g = 0.9, b = 0.16, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")] = { id = 5675, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5675)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = 2 },
[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")] = {id = 8170,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8170)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 3},
[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")] = { id = 5675, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5675)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
-- Earth
[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")] = { id = 2484, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(2484)), color = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1 }, pulse = 3 },
[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")] = { id = 5730, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5730)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, pulse = 2 },
[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")] = { id = 8071, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8071)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")] = { id = 8075, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8075)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")] = { id = 33663, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(33663)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Tremor Totem")] = { id = 8143, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8143)), color = { r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0.1, a = 1 }, pulse = 3 },
-- Air
[string_lower("Grounding Totem")] = { id = 8177, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8177)), color = { r = 0, g = 0.53, b = 0.92, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")] = { id = 10595, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(10595)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Windfury Totem")] = { id = 8512, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8512)), color = { r = 0.96, g = 0, b = 0.07, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Sentry Totem")] = { id = 6495, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6495)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")] = { id = 3738, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3738)), color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } },
local totemSpellIdToPulse = {
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[2484] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
[8143] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
--[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
--[8166] = totemData[string_lower("Poison Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[8170] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse,
[1535] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[8498] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[8499] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[11314] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[11315] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25546] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25547] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse,
[8190] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[10585] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[10586] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10587] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[25552] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse,
[5394] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6375] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6377] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10462] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10463] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse,
[5675] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[10495] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[10496] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10497] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[25570] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse,
[5730] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6390] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6391] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[6392] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10427] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[10428] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25525] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
local totemNpcIdsToTotemData = {
[2523] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3902] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3903] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3904] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7400] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7402] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[15480] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31162] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31164] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31165] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[21995] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22209] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22895] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[34687] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[36532] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[43423] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[67380] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[73477] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[79238] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[84519] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[110730] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[132178] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[9637] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[5950] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[6012] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[7423] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[10557] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[15485] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31132] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31133] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31158] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[42605] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[5929] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7464] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7465] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7466] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[15484] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31166] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31167] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[32887] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[42211] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71335] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71925] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73085] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73093] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73268] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[88971] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[97369] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[98676] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[5879] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6110] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6111] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7844] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7845] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[14662] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15482] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15483] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[24320] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32775] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32776] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[17539] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22970] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22971] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30652] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30653] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30654] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[15439] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[40830] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41337] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41346] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[72301] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[5926] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7412] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7413] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[15486] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31171] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31172] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
-- Water
[5927] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7424] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7425] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[15487] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31169] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31170] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[5924] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")],
[3527] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3906] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3907] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3908] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3909] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[14664] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[15488] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[18235] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31181] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31182] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31185] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[34686] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[36542] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[37810] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[38428] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[47077] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72309] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72457] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[73890] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[74433] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[97508] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[112567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[120357] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[128539] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[132049] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[10467] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11100] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11101] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[17061] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[3573] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7414] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7415] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
@ -1282,102 +1112,14 @@ local totemNpcIdsToTotemData = {
[31189] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
-- Earth
[2630] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[22486] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[40233] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[74737] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[79155] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[3579] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3911] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3912] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3913] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7398] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7399] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[14870] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[15478] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31120] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31121] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31122] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[40258] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[102402] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[5873] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5919] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5920] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7366] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7367] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7368] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[14663] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15470] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15474] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[18177] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[21994] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31175] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31176] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[36550] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[40267] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[41967] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5874] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5921] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5922] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[7403] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15464] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15479] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[21992] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[30647] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[31129] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[40266] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15430] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[24649] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[39387] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[40247] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[72307] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[5913] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41938] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41939] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
-- Air
[5925] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[128537] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[136251] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[7467] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7468] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7469] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[15490] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31173] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31174] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[6112] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7483] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7484] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[14666] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15496] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15497] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[22897] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41940] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41941] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[80703] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[105690] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[133684] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[3968] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[28938] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[40187] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[69505] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[70413] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[71145] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[147410] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[15447] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
[36556] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
local totemDataShared, totemNpcIdsToTotemDataShared, totemSpellIdToPulseShared = Gladdy:GetSharedTotemData()
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemData, totemDataShared)
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemDataShared)
Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(totemSpellIdToPulse, totemSpellIdToPulseShared)
function Gladdy:GetTotemData()
return totemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemSpellIdToPulse
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local tbl_sort, select, string_lower = table.sort, select, string.lower
local GetLocale = GetLocale
local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy")
local L = Gladdy.L
@ -183,6 +184,30 @@ Gladdy.frameStrataSorting = {
[8] = "TOOLTIP",
Gladdy.exceptionNames = {
[50334] = (GetSpellInfo(50334) or "...") .. " Feral", -- Berserk
[30151] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30151)) .. " Felguard", -- Intercept
[30194] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30151)) .. " Felguard", -- Intercept
[30198] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30151)) .. " Felguard", -- Intercept
[47996] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30151)) .. " Felguard", -- Intercept
[31117] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30405)) .. " Silence", -- Unstable Affliction Silence
[43523] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(30405)) .. " Silence",
[24131] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot", -- Wyvern Sting Dot
[24134] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[24135] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[27069] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[49009] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[49010] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[19975] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)), -- Entangling Roots Nature's Grasp
[19974] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19973] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19972] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19971] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19971] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[27010] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[53312] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
local dispelTypeColors = {}
dispelTypeColors["none"] = { r = 0.80, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }
dispelTypeColors["magic"] = { r = 0.20, g = 0.60, b = 1.00, a = 1 }
@ -293,3 +318,324 @@ local pvpTrinkets = { -- [itemID] = cd in ms
function Gladdy:GetPvpTrinkets()
return pvpTrinkets
local totemData = {
-- Fire
[string_lower("Searing Totem")] = {id = 3599,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3599)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")] = {id = 8227,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8227)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Magma Totem")] = {id = 8190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8190)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")] = {id = 1535,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1535)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = { cd = 4, once = true }},
[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")] = {id = 30706,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(30706)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")] = {id = 32982,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32982)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8181,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8181)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
-- Water
[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8184,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8184)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")] = {id = 8170,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8170)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 5},
[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")] = {id = 5394,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5394)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")] = {id = 16190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(16190)), color = {r = 0.078, g = 0.9, b = 0.16, a = 1}, pulse = 3 },
[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")] = {id = 5675,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5675)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
-- Earth
[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")] = {id = 2484,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(2484)), color = {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1}, pulse = 3},
[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")] = {id = 5730,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5730)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2},
[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")] = {id = 8071,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8071)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")] = {id = 8075,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8075)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")] = {id = 33663,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(33663)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Tremor Totem")] = {id = 8143,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8143)), color = {r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0.1, a = 1}, pulse = 3},
-- Air
[string_lower("Grounding Totem")] = {id = 8177,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8177)), color = {r = 0, g = 0.53, b = 0.92, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")] = {id = 10595,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(10595)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Windfury Totem")] = {id = 8512,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8512)), color = {r = 0.96, g = 0, b = 0.07, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Sentry Totem")] = {id = 6495, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6495)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")] = {id = 3738,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3738)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}},
local totemSpellIdToPulse = {
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[2484] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
[8143] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[8170] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse,
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse,
[1535] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[8498] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[8499] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[11314] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[11315] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25546] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25547] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse,
[8190] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[10585] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[10586] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10587] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[25552] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[58731] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[58734] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse,
[5394] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6375] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6377] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[10462] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10463] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[25567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[58755] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[58756] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8
[58757] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 9
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].pulse,
[16190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse,
[5730] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1
[6390] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2
[6391] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3
[6392] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4
[10427] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5
[10428] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6
[25525] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7
[58580] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8
[58581] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 9
[58582] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 10
local totemNpcIdsToTotemData = {
[2523] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3902] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3903] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[3904] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7400] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[7402] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[15480] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31162] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31164] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[31165] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[21995] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22209] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22895] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[34687] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[36532] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[43423] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[67380] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[73477] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[79238] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[84519] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[110730] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[132178] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[9637] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")],
[5950] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[6012] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[7423] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[10557] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[15485] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31132] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31133] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[31158] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[42605] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")],
[5929] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7464] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7465] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[7466] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[15484] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31166] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[31167] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[32887] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[42211] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71335] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[71925] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73085] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73093] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[73268] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[88971] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[97369] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[98676] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")],
[5879] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6110] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[6111] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7844] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[7845] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[14662] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15482] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[15483] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[24320] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32775] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[32776] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")],
[17539] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22970] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[22971] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30652] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30653] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[30654] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")],
[15439] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[40830] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41337] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[41346] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[72301] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")],
[5926] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7412] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[7413] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[15486] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31171] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
[31172] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")],
-- Water
[5927] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7424] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[7425] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[15487] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31169] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[31170] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")],
[5924] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")],
[3527] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3906] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3907] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3908] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[3909] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[14664] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[15488] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[18235] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31181] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31182] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[31185] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[34686] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[36542] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[37810] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[38428] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[47077] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72309] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[72457] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[73890] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[74433] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[97508] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[112567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[120357] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[128539] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[132049] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")],
[10467] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11100] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[11101] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[17061] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")],
[3573] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7414] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7415] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[7416] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[15304] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[15489] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31186] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31189] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
[31190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")],
-- Earth
[2630] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[22486] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[40233] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[74737] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[79155] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")],
[3579] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3911] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3912] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[3913] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7398] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[7399] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[14870] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[15478] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31120] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31121] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[31122] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[40258] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[102402] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")],
[5873] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5919] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5920] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7366] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7367] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[7368] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[14663] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15470] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[15474] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[18177] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[21994] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31175] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[31176] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[36550] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[40267] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[41967] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")],
[5874] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5921] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[5922] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[7403] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15464] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15479] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[21992] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[30647] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[31129] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[40266] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")],
[15430] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[24649] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[39387] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[40247] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[72307] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")],
[5913] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41938] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
[41939] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")],
-- Air
[5925] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[128537] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[136251] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")],
[7467] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7468] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[7469] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[15490] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31173] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[31174] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")],
[6112] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7483] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[7484] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[14666] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15496] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[15497] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[22897] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41940] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[41941] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[80703] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[105690] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[133684] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")],
[3968] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[28938] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[40187] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[69505] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[70413] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[71145] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[147410] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")],
[15447] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
[36556] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")],
function Gladdy:GetSharedTotemData()
return totemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemSpellIdToPulse
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
local select, string_gsub, tostring, pairs, ipairs = select, string.gsub, tostring, pairs, ipairs
local wipe = wipe
local unpack = unpack
local CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo
@ -34,10 +36,11 @@ function EventListener:JOINED_ARENA()
self:SetScript("OnEvent", EventListener.OnEvent)
-- in case arena has started already we check for units
for i=1,Gladdy.curBracket do
if Gladdy.buttons["arena"..i].lastAuras then
if UnitExists("arena" .. i) then
Gladdy:SpotEnemy("arena" .. i, true)
@ -45,6 +48,7 @@ function EventListener:JOINED_ARENA()
Gladdy:SendMessage("PET_SPOTTED", "arenapet" .. i)
self:SetScript("OnEvent", EventListener.OnEvent)
function EventListener:Reset()
@ -57,7 +61,6 @@ function Gladdy:SpotEnemy(unit, auraScan)
if not unit or not button then
button.stealthed = false
if UnitExists(unit) then
button.raceLoc = UnitRace(unit)
button.race = select(2, UnitRace(unit))
@ -77,6 +80,11 @@ function Gladdy:SpotEnemy(unit, auraScan)
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_GAIN_LIMIT", unit, AURA_TYPE_BUFF, n - 1)
if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID] then
spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID]
if Gladdy.specBuffs[spellName] and unitCaster then -- Check for auras that detect a spec
local unitPet = string_gsub(unit, "%d$", "pet%1")
if UnitIsUnit(unit, unitCaster) or UnitIsUnit(unitPet, unitCaster) then
@ -108,15 +116,10 @@ function EventListener:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED()
Gladdy.modules["Shadowsight Timer"]:AURA_GAIN(nil, nil, 34709)
if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID] then
spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID]
if destUnit then
-- cooldown
if (Gladdy.db.cooldown and Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[spellName]) then
local spellId = Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[spellName] -- don't use spellId from combatlog, in case of different spellrank
if spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116 then -- Nature's Swiftness (same name for druid and shaman)
spellId = spellID
Cooldowns:AURA_FADE(destUnit, spellID)
-- diminish tracker
if Gladdy.buttons[destUnit] and Gladdy.db.drEnabled and extraSpellId == AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF then
if (eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED") then
@ -156,8 +159,7 @@ function EventListener:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED()
if not Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].spec then
self:DetectSpec(srcUnit, Gladdy.specSpells[spellName])
if (eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" or eventType == "SPELL_MISSED") then
self:DetectSpec(srcUnit, Gladdy.specSpells[spellName])
if (eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or eventType == "SPELL_MISSED") then
-- cooldown tracker
if Gladdy.db.cooldown and Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[spellName] then
local unitClass
@ -165,23 +167,34 @@ function EventListener:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED()
if spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116 then -- Nature's Swiftness (same name for druid and shaman)
spellId = spellID
if Gladdy.db.cooldownCooldowns[tostring(spellId)] then
if Gladdy.db.cooldownCooldowns[tostring(spellId)] and (eventType == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or eventType == "SPELL_MISSED") then
if (Gladdy:GetCooldownList()[Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].class][spellId]) then
unitClass = Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].class
unitClass = Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].race
if spellID ~= 16188 and spellID ~= 17116 then -- Nature's Swiftness CD starts when buff fades
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS - CooldownUsed", srcUnit, "spellID:", spellID)
if spellID ~= 16188 and spellID ~= 17116 and spellID ~= 16166 and spellID ~= 12043 and spellID ~= 5384 then -- Nature's Swiftness CD starts when buff fades
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", eventType, "- CooldownUsed", srcUnit, "spellID:", spellID)
Cooldowns:CooldownUsed(srcUnit, unitClass, spellId)
if (eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" and (spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116) and Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].class) then
if (eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" and (spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116 or spellID == 16166 or spellID == 12043) and Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].class) then
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED - CooldownUsed", srcUnit, "spellID:", spellID)
Cooldowns:CooldownUsed(srcUnit, Gladdy.buttons[srcUnit].class, spellID)
if (eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" and Gladdy.db.cooldown and Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[spellName]) then
local unit = Gladdy:GetArenaUnit(srcUnit, true)
local spellId = Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[spellName] -- don't use spellId from combatlog, in case of different spellrank
if spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116 then -- Nature's Swiftness (same name for druid and shaman)
spellId = spellID
if unit then
--Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "EL:CL:SPELL_AURA_REMOVED (srcUnit)", "Cooldowns:AURA_FADE", unit, spellId)
Cooldowns:AURA_FADE(unit, spellId)
@ -196,6 +209,7 @@ function EventListener:ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE(unit, updateReason)
if updateReason == "seen" then
if button then
button.stealthed = false
Gladdy:SendMessage("ENEMY_STEALTH", unit, false)
if not button.class or not button.race then
Gladdy:SpotEnemy(unit, true)
@ -207,6 +221,7 @@ function EventListener:ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE(unit, updateReason)
elseif updateReason == "unseen" then
if button then
button.stealthed = true
Gladdy:SendMessage("ENEMY_STEALTH", unit, true)
if pet then
@ -226,25 +241,6 @@ function EventListener:ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE(unit, updateReason)
Gladdy.exceptionNames = { -- TODO MOVE ME TO CLASSBUFFS LIB
[31117] = GetSpellInfo(30405) .. " Silence", -- Unstable Affliction Silence
[43523] = GetSpellInfo(30405) .. " Silence",
[24131] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot", -- Wyvern Sting Dot
[24134] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[24135] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[27069] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[49009] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[49010] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(19386)) .. " Dot",
[19975] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)), -- Entangling Roots Nature's Grasp
[19974] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19973] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19972] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19971] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[19971] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[27010] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
[53312] = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)),
Gladdy.cooldownBuffs = {
[GetSpellInfo(6346)] = { cd = function(expTime) -- 180s uptime == cd
return expTime
@ -275,19 +271,32 @@ function EventListener:UNIT_AURA(unit, isFullUpdate, updatedAuras)
if not button then
if not button.auras then
button.auras = {}
if not button.lastAuras then
button.lastAuras = {}
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_FADE", unit, AURA_TYPE_BUFF)
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_FADE", unit, AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF)
for i = 1, 2 do
if not Gladdy.buttons[unit].class or not Gladdy.buttons[unit].race then
Gladdy:SpotEnemy(unit, false)
local filter = (i == 1 and "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL")
local auraType = i == 1 and AURA_TYPE_BUFF or AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_FADE", unit, auraType)
for n = 1, 30 do
local spellName, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitAura(unit, n, filter)
if ( not spellID ) then
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_GAIN_LIMIT", unit, auraType, n - 1)
if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID] then
spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID]
button.auras[spellID] = { auraType, spellID, spellName, texture, duration, expirationTime, count, dispelType }
if not button.spec and Gladdy.specBuffs[spellName] and unitCaster then
local unitPet = string_gsub(unit, "%d$", "pet%1")
if unitCaster and (UnitIsUnit(unit, unitCaster) or UnitIsUnit(unitPet, unitCaster)) then
@ -305,12 +314,38 @@ function EventListener:UNIT_AURA(unit, isFullUpdate, updatedAuras)
if Gladdy.cooldownBuffs.racials[spellName] then
Gladdy:SendMessage("RACIAL_USED", unit, spellName, Gladdy.cooldownBuffs.racials[spellName].cd(expirationTime - GetTime()), spellName)
if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID] then
spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID]
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "AURA_GAIN", unit, auraType, spellName)
Gladdy:SendMessage("AURA_GAIN", unit, auraType, spellID, spellName, texture, duration, expirationTime, count, dispelType, i, unitCaster)
-- check auras
for spellID,v in pairs(button.lastAuras) do
if not button.auras[spellID] then
if Gladdy.db.cooldown and Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[v[3]] then
local spellId = Cooldowns.cooldownSpellIds[v[3]] -- don't use spellId from combatlog, in case of different spellrank
if spellID == 16188 or spellID == 17116 then -- Nature's Swiftness (same name for druid and shaman)
spellId = spellID
--Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "EL:UNIT_AURA Cooldowns:AURA_FADE", unit, spellId)
Cooldowns:AURA_FADE(unit, spellId)
if spellID == 5384 then -- Feign Death CD Detection needs this
Cooldowns:CooldownUsed(unit, Gladdy.buttons[unit].class, 5384)
button.lastAuras = Gladdy:DeepCopy(button.auras)
function EventListener:UpdateAuras(unit)
local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
if not button or button.lastAuras then
for i=1, #button.lastAuras do
Gladdy.modules["Auras"]:AURA_GAIN(unit, unpack(button.lastAuras[i]))
function EventListener:UNIT_SPELLCAST_START(unit)
@ -338,8 +373,12 @@ function EventListener:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(...)
local unitRace = Gladdy.buttons[unit].race
local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID] then
spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellID]
-- spec detection
if Gladdy.specSpells[spellName] and not Gladdy.buttons[unit].spec then
if spellName and Gladdy.specSpells[spellName] and not Gladdy.buttons[unit].spec then
self:DetectSpec(unit, Gladdy.specSpells[spellName])
@ -350,7 +389,7 @@ function EventListener:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(...)
-- racial
if Gladdy:Racials()[unitRace].spellName == spellName and Gladdy:Racials()[unitRace][spellID] then
if unitRace and Gladdy:Racials()[unitRace].spellName == spellName and Gladdy:Racials()[unitRace][spellID] then
Gladdy:SendMessage("RACIAL_USED", unit)
@ -362,7 +401,7 @@ function EventListener:DetectSpec(unit, spec)
if (not button or not spec or button.spec) then
if button.class == "PALADIN" and Gladdy:contains(spec, {L["Holy"], L["Retribution"], L["Protection"]})
if button.class == "PALADIN" and not Gladdy:contains(spec, {L["Holy"], L["Retribution"], L["Protection"]})
or button.class == "SHAMAN" and not Gladdy:contains(spec, {L["Restoration"], L["Enhancement"], L["Elemental"]})
or button.class == "ROGUE" and not Gladdy:contains(spec, {L["Subtlety"], L["Assassination"], L["Combat"]})
or button.class == "WARLOCK" and not Gladdy:contains(spec, {L["Demonology"], L["Destruction"], L["Affliction"]})
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ Gladdy.BUTTON_DEFAULTS = {
stealthed = false,
classColors = {},
lastState = 0,
auras = {},
lastAuras = {}
function Gladdy:CreateFrame()
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ local LibStub = LibStub
local MAJOR, MINOR = "Gladdy", 8
local MAJOR, MINOR = "Gladdy", 9
local Gladdy = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
local L
Gladdy.version_major_num = 2
Gladdy.version_minor_num = 0.20
Gladdy.version_num = Gladdy.version_major_num + Gladdy.version_minor_num
Gladdy.version_releaseType = RELEASE_TYPES.beta
Gladdy.version_releaseType = RELEASE_TYPES.release
Gladdy.version = PREFIX .. string.format("%.2f", Gladdy.version_num) .. "-" .. Gladdy.version_releaseType
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## Title: Gladdy |cFFFF0000 game client not supported|r
## Version: 2.2-Beta
## Version: 2.20-Release
## Notes: The most powerful arena AddOn for WoW Classic TBC/WotLK
## Author: XiconQoo, DnB_Junkee, Knall
## X-Email: contact me on discord Knall#1751
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 20504
## Title: Gladdy - TBC
## Version: 2.2-Beta
## Version: 2.20-Release
## Notes: The most powerful arena AddOn for WoW 2.5.4
## Author: XiconQoo, DnB_Junkee, Knall
## X-Email: contact me on discord Knall#1751
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ embeds.xml
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 30400
## Title: Gladdy - WotLK
## Version: 2.2-Beta
## Version: 2.20-Release
## Notes: The most powerful arena AddOn for WoW 3.4.0
## Author: XiconQoo, DnB_Junkee, Knall
## X-Email: contact me on discord Knall#1751
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ embeds.xml
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ License: MIT
--- DRList-1.0
-- @module DRList-1.0
local MAJOR, MINOR = "DRList-1.0", 40 -- Don't forget to change this in Spells.lua aswell!
local MAJOR, MINOR = "DRList-1.0", 42 -- Don't forget to change this in Spells.lua aswell!
local Lib = assert(LibStub, MAJOR .. " requires LibStub."):NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not Lib then return end -- already loaded
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
local Lib, version = LibStub("DRList-1.0")
if Lib.spellList and version >= 40 then return end
local MAJOR, MINOR = "DRList-1.0", 42 -- Don't forget to change this in DRList-1.0.lua aswell!
local Lib = LibStub(MAJOR)
if Lib.spellListVersion and Lib.spellListVersion >= MINOR then
Lib.spellListVersion = MINOR
if Lib.gameExpansion == "retail" then
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ if Lib.gameExpansion == "retail" then
[47476] = "silence", -- Strangulate
[204490] = "silence", -- Sigil of Silence
-- [78675] = "silence", -- Solar Beam (doesn't seem to DR)
-- [78675] = "silence", -- Solar Beam (has no DR)
[202933] = "silence", -- Spider Sting
[356727] = "silence", -- Spider Venom
[217824] = "silence", -- Shield of Virtue
@ -214,6 +219,8 @@ elseif Lib.gameExpansion == "tbc" then
[11285] = "incapacitate", -- Gouge (Rank 4)
[11286] = "incapacitate", -- Gouge (Rank 5)
[38764] = "incapacitate", -- Gouge (Rank 6)
[710] = "incapacitate", -- Banish (Rank 1)
[18647] = "incapacitate", -- Banish (Rank 2)
[13327] = "incapacitate", -- Reckless Charge (Rocket Helmet)
[4064] = "incapacitate", -- Rough Copper Bomb
[4065] = "incapacitate", -- Large Copper Bomb
@ -552,8 +559,8 @@ elseif Lib.gameExpansion == "wotlk" then -- STILL WORK IN PROGRESS, I DON'T HAVE
[24259] = "silence", -- Spell Lock
[43523] = "silence", -- Unstable Affliction 1
[31117] = "silence", -- Unstable Affliction 2
[18498] = "silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order 1
[74347] = "silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order 1
[18498] = "silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order (Shield Slam)
[74347] = "silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order (Heroic Throw?)
[50613] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Racial, Runic Power)
[28730] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Racial, Mana)
[25046] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Racial, Energy)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- luacheck: globals CreateFromMixins ObjectPoolMixin CreateTexturePool CreateFramePool
local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibCustomGlow-1.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = 16
local MINOR_VERSION = 17
if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub.") end
local lib, oldversion = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
if not lib then return end
@ -313,6 +313,9 @@ function lib.PixelGlow_Stop(r,key)
if not r then
if type(key) ~= "string" or type(key) ~= "number" then
key = nil
key = key or ""
if not r["_PixelGlow"..key] then
return false
@ -408,6 +411,9 @@ function lib.AutoCastGlow_Stop(r,key)
if not r then
if type(key) ~= "string" or type(key) ~= "number" then
key = nil
key = key or ""
if not r["_AutoCastGlow"..key] then
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function Auras:CreateFrame(unit)
if (self.timeLeft <= 0) then
Auras:AURA_FADE(self.unit, self.track)
Auras:AURA_FADE(self.unit, self.track, true)
if self.spellID == 8178 then
@ -554,8 +554,6 @@ function Auras:Test(unit)
self:AURA_GAIN(unit,v.value.track, spellid, spellName, icon, duration, GetTime() + duration)
-- /run LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Auras"]:Test("arena1")
-- /run LibStub("Gladdy"):JoinedArena()
if (unit == "arena1" or unit == "arena3") then
@ -596,10 +594,6 @@ function Auras:AURA_GAIN(unit, auraType, spellID, spellName, icon, duration, exp
if spellID == 31117 then
spellName = "Unstable Affliction Silence"
if not self.auras[spellName] then
@ -639,9 +633,9 @@ function Auras:AURA_GAIN(unit, auraType, spellID, spellName, icon, duration, exp
function Auras:AURA_FADE(unit, auraType)
function Auras:AURA_FADE(unit, auraType, force)
local auraFrame = self.frames[unit]
if (not auraFrame or auraFrame.track ~= auraType) then
if (not auraFrame or auraFrame.track ~= auraType or not Gladdy.buttons[unit] or (not force and Gladdy.buttons[unit].stealthed)) then
if then
@ -1242,14 +1236,7 @@ function Auras:GetAuraOptions(auraType)
for i,k in ipairs(auras) do
options[tostring(k)] = {
type = "group",
name = (Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"]
and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].spellID == k
and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].altName)
or (Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))]
and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))].spellID == k
and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))].altName)
or Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)].altName
or GetSpellInfo(k),
name = Gladdy:GetExceptionSpellName(k),
order = i+2,
icon = Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)),
args = {
@ -1322,10 +1309,7 @@ function Auras:GetInterruptOptions()
for i,k in ipairs(auras) do
options[tostring(k)] = {
type = "group",
name = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"]
and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].spellID == k
and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].altName
or GetSpellInfo(k),
name = GetSpellInfo(k),
order = i+2,
icon = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)),
args = {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local type, pairs, ipairs, ceil, tonumber, mod, tostring, upper, select, tinsert, tremove = type, pairs, ipairs, ceil, tonumber, mod, tostring, string.upper, select, tinsert, tremove
local tbl_sort = table.sort
local C_Timer = C_Timer
local GetTime = GetTime
local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ local Cooldowns = Gladdy:NewModule("Cooldowns", nil, {
cooldownXOffset = 0,
cooldownSize = 30,
cooldownIconGlow = true,
cooldownIconGlowColor = {r = 0.95, g = 0.95, b = 0.32, a = 1},
cooldownIconZoomed = false,
cooldownIconDesaturateOnCooldown = false,
cooldownIconAlphaOnCooldown = 1,
@ -85,8 +87,13 @@ function Cooldowns:Initialize()
for _,spellTable in pairs(Gladdy:GetCooldownList()) do
for spellId,val in pairs(spellTable) do
local spellName, _, texture = GetSpellInfo(spellId)
if type(val) == "table" and val.icon then
texture = val.icon
if type(val) == "table" then
if val.icon then
texture = val.icon
if val.altName then
spellName = val.altName
if spellName then
self.cooldownSpellIds[spellName] = spellId
@ -109,7 +116,6 @@ end
function Cooldowns:CreateFrame(unit)
local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
-- Cooldown frame
local spellCooldownFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, button)
@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ function Cooldowns:CreateFrame(unit)
self.frames[unit] = spellCooldownFrame
function Cooldowns:CreateIcon() -- returns iconFrame
function Cooldowns:CreateIcon()
local icon
if (#self.iconCache > 0) then
icon = tremove(self.iconCache, #self.iconCache)
@ -148,6 +154,9 @@ function Cooldowns:CreateIcon() -- returns iconFrame
icon.cooldownFont = icon.cooldownFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
icon.glow = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, icon)
return icon
@ -160,6 +169,8 @@ function Cooldowns:UpdateIcon(icon)
icon.cooldown:SetFrameLevel(Gladdy.db.cooldownFrameLevel + 1)
icon.cooldownFrame:SetFrameLevel(Gladdy.db.cooldownFrameLevel + 2)
icon.glow:SetFrameLevel(Gladdy.db.cooldownFrameLevel + 3)
icon:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.cooldownSize * Gladdy.db.cooldownWidthFactor)
@ -207,6 +218,9 @@ function Cooldowns:UpdateIcon(icon)
if icon.timer and not icon.timer:IsCancelled() then
LCG.PixelGlow_Start(icon.glow, Gladdy:ColorAsArray(Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlowColor), 12, 0.15, nil, 2)
function Cooldowns:IconsSetPoint(button)
@ -258,7 +272,6 @@ end
function Cooldowns:UpdateFrame(unit)
local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
-- Cooldown frame
local testAgain = false
if (Gladdy.db.cooldown) then
@ -333,6 +346,11 @@ function Cooldowns:ClearIcon(button, index, spellId, icon)
if icon.timer then
@ -341,7 +359,6 @@ function Cooldowns:ClearIcon(button, index, spellId, icon)
icon:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
tinsert(self.iconCache, icon)
@ -353,7 +370,7 @@ function Cooldowns:Test(unit)
if Gladdy.frame.testing then
Cooldowns:AURA_GAIN(_, AURA_TYPE_BUFF, "22812", "Barkskin", _, 20, _, _, _, _, unit, true) -- unit, auraType, spellID, spellName, texture, duration, expirationTime
Cooldowns:AURA_GAIN(_, AURA_TYPE_BUFF, 22812, "Barkskin", _, 20, _, _, _, _, unit, true)
function Cooldowns:UpdateTestCooldowns(unit)
@ -368,6 +385,9 @@ function Cooldowns:UpdateTestCooldowns(unit)
for _,icon in ipairs(orderedIcons) do
if icon.timer then
self:CooldownUsed(unit, button.class, icon.spellId)
@ -394,13 +414,9 @@ function Cooldowns:UNIT_DESTROYED(unit)
/run local a=LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Cooldowns"] a:AURA_GAIN("arena1",22812)
/run local a=LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Cooldowns"] a:AURA_FADE("arena1",22812)
function Cooldowns:AURA_GAIN(_, auraType, spellID, spellName, _, duration, _, _, _, _, unitCaster, test)
local arenaUnit = test and unitCaster or Gladdy:GetArenaUnit(unitCaster, true)
if not Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlow or not arenaUnit or not Gladdy.buttons[arenaUnit] or auraType ~= AURA_TYPE_BUFF then
if not Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlow or not arenaUnit or not Gladdy.buttons[arenaUnit] or auraType ~= AURA_TYPE_BUFF or spellID == 26889 then
local cooldownFrame = Gladdy.buttons[arenaUnit].spellCooldownFrame
@ -412,22 +428,31 @@ function Cooldowns:AURA_GAIN(_, auraType, spellID, spellName, _, duration, _, _,
for _,icon in pairs(cooldownFrame.icons) do
if (icon.spellId == spellId) then
if icon._ButtonGlow and not icon._ButtonGlow.animIn:IsPlaying() or not icon._ButtonGlow then
LCG.ButtonGlow_Start(icon, nil, 0.15)
C_Timer.NewTimer(duration, function() LCG.ButtonGlow_Stop(icon) end)
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "Cooldowns:AURA_GAIN", "PixelGlow_Start", spellID)
LCG.PixelGlow_Start(icon.glow, Gladdy:ColorAsArray(Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlowColor), 12, 0.15, nil, 2)
if icon.timer then
icon.timer = C_Timer.NewTimer(duration, function()
function Cooldowns:AURA_FADE(unit, spellID)
if not Gladdy.buttons[unit] then
if not Gladdy.buttons[unit] or Gladdy.buttons[unit].stealthed then
local cooldownFrame = Gladdy.buttons[unit].spellCooldownFrame
for _,icon in pairs(cooldownFrame.icons) do
if (icon.spellId == spellID) then
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "Cooldowns:AURA_FADE", "LCG.ButtonGlow_Stop")
if icon.timer then
@ -437,12 +462,22 @@ end
function Cooldowns:CooldownStart(button, spellId, duration, start)
-- starts timer frame
if not duration or duration == nil or type(duration) ~= "number" then
local cooldown = Gladdy:GetCooldownList()[button.class][spellId]
if type(cooldown) == "table" then
if (button.spec ~= nil and cooldown[button.spec] ~= nil) then
cooldown = cooldown[button.spec]
cooldown =
for _,icon in pairs(button.spellCooldownFrame.icons) do
if (icon.spellId == spellId) then
if not start and and icon.timeLeft > cooldown/2 then
return -- do not trigger cooldown again
|||| = true
icon.timeLeft = start and start - GetTime() + duration or duration
if (not Gladdy.db.cooldownDisableCircle) then icon.cooldown:SetCooldown(start or GetTime(), duration) end
@ -452,7 +487,6 @@ function Cooldowns:CooldownStart(button, spellId, duration, start)
if Gladdy.db.cooldownIconAlphaOnCooldown < 1 then
--if math.random(1, 30 ) > 10 then LCG.ButtonGlow_Start(icon, nil, 0.15) end
icon:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
self.timeLeft = self.timeLeft - elapsed
local timeLeft = ceil(self.timeLeft)
@ -471,6 +505,7 @@ function Cooldowns:CooldownStart(button, spellId, duration, start)
Cooldowns:CooldownReady(button, spellId, icon)
--C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(2, GetSpellInfo(spellId), 3, 4, 100)
@ -487,7 +522,10 @@ local function resetIcon(icon)
icon:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
if icon.timer then
function Cooldowns:CooldownReady(button, spellId, frame)
@ -507,13 +545,11 @@ function Cooldowns:CooldownUsed(unit, unitClass, spellId, expirationTimeInSecond
if not button then
-- if (self.db.cooldownList[spellId] == false) then return end
local cooldown = Gladdy:GetCooldownList()[unitClass][spellId]
local cd = cooldown
if (type(cooldown) == "table") then
-- return if the spec doesn't have a cooldown for this spell
--if (arenaSpecs[unit] ~= nil and cooldown.notSpec ~= nil and arenaSpecs[unit] == cooldown.notSpec) then return end
if (button.spec ~= nil and cooldown.notSpec ~= nil and button.spec == cooldown.notSpec) then
@ -526,7 +562,6 @@ function Cooldowns:CooldownUsed(unit, unitClass, spellId, expirationTimeInSecond
-- check if there is a special cooldown for the units spec
--if (arenaSpecs[unit] ~= nil and cooldown[arenaSpecs[unit]] ~= nil) then
if (button.spec ~= nil and cooldown[button.spec] ~= nil) then
cd = cooldown[button.spec]
@ -601,7 +636,6 @@ function Cooldowns:AddCooldown(spellID, value, button)
tinsert(button.spellCooldownFrame.icons, icon)
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "Cooldowns:AddCooldown", button.unit, GetSpellInfo(spellID))
@ -723,17 +757,10 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
name = L["Cooldown"],
order = 2,
cooldownIconGlow = Gladdy:option({
type = "toggle",
name = L["Glow Icon"],
desc = L["Glow the icon when cooldown active"],
order = 3,
width = "full",
cooldownIconDesaturateOnCooldown = Gladdy:option({
type = "toggle",
name = L["Desaturate Icon"],
order = 4,
order = 5,
width = "full",
cooldownIconAlphaOnCooldown = Gladdy:option({
@ -741,7 +768,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
name = L["Cooldown alpha on CD"],
desc = L["Alpha of the icon when cooldown active"],
desc = L["changes "],
order = 5,
order = 6,
min = 0,
max = 1,
step = 0.1,
@ -750,12 +777,12 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
headerCircle = {
type = "header",
name = L["Cooldowncircle"],
order = 6,
order = 10,
cooldownDisableCircle = Gladdy:option({
type = "toggle",
name = L["No Cooldown Circle"],
order = 8,
order = 11,
width = "full",
cooldownCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({
@ -764,7 +791,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
min = 0,
max = 1,
step = 0.1,
order = 9,
order = 12,
width = "full",
cooldownCooldownNumberAlpha = {
@ -773,7 +800,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
min = 0,
max = 1,
step = 0.1,
order = 10,
order = 13,
width = "full",
set = function(info, value)
Gladdy.db.cooldownFontColor.a = value
@ -785,10 +812,48 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
glow = {
type = "group",
name = L["Glow"],
order = 3,
args = {
header = {
type = "header",
name = L["Glow"],
order = 1,
cooldownIconGlow = Gladdy:option({
type = "toggle",
name = L["Glow Icon"],
desc = L["Glow the icon when cooldown active"],
order = 2,
width = "full",
cooldownIconGlowColor = Gladdy:colorOption({
disabled = function() return not Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlow end,
type = "color",
hasAlpha = true,
name = L["Glow color"],
desc = L["Color of the glow"],
order = 3,
width = "full",
resetGlow = {
type = "execute",
name = L["Reset Glow"],
desc = L["Reset Glow Color"],
func = function()
Gladdy.db.cooldownIconGlowColor = {r = 0.95, g = 0.95, b = 0.32, a = 1}
order = 3,
font = {
type = "group",
name = L["Font"],
order = 3,
order = 4,
args = {
header = {
type = "header",
@ -825,7 +890,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
position = {
type = "group",
name = L["Position"],
order = 5,
order = 6,
args = {
header = {
type = "header",
@ -889,7 +954,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
border = {
type = "group",
name = L["Border"],
order = 4,
order = 5,
args = {
header = {
type = "header",
@ -914,7 +979,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions()
frameStrata = {
type = "group",
name = L["Frame Strata and Level"],
order = 6,
order = 7,
args = {
headerAuraLevel = {
type = "header",
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
local GetTime = GetTime
local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy")
--local DRData = LibStub("DRData-1.0-BCC")
local DRData = LibStub("DRList-1.0")
local L = Gladdy.L
local function defaultCategories()
@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ local function getGradient(start, ending, percentage, factor)
return start * abs(-2 * percentage + 1) + ending * factor
-- /run LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Health Bar"]:SetHealthStatusBarColor("arena1", 51, 100)
local rMax, gMax, bMax, rMid, gMid, bMid, rMin, gMin, bMin, rNow, gNow, bNow, percentage, factor, stealthAlpha
function Healthbar:SetHealthStatusBarColor(unit, health, healthMax)
local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ function Pets:ResetUnit(unitId)
petFrame.healthBar:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ function Pets:SetHealthText(healthBar, health, healthMax)
healthText = ("%d%%"):format(healthPercentage)
healthText = "DEAD"
healthText = ""
@ -357,8 +357,6 @@ function RangeCheck:GetSpells()
set = function(_, value)
Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min = tonumber(value)
--Gladdy.options.args["Range Check"].args.oorSpells.args[class] = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min) and format("|T%s:20|t %s", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)))
-- or "nil"
Gladdy.options.args["Range Check"].args.oorSpells.args[class] = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min) and format("|T%s:20|t %s - %d" .. L["yds"], select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(6, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)))
or "nil"
@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ local ShadowsightTimer = Gladdy:NewModule("Shadowsight Timer", nil, {
shadowsightTimerFrameLevel = 20,
-- /run LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Shadowsight Timer"]:AURA_GAIN(nil, nil, 34709)
-- /run LibStub("Gladdy").modules["Shadowsight Timer"].timerFrame1:SetAlpha(0)
function ShadowsightTimer:OnEvent(event, ...)
self[event](self, ...)
@ -374,11 +374,23 @@ function TotemPlates:ToggleAddon(nameplate, show)
if addonFrames and #addonFrames > 0 then
if show then
for _,v in ipairs(addonFrames) do
if nameplate.unitFrame and nameplate.unitFrame.UpdateAllElements then
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "TotemPlates:ToggleAddon - NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED - nameplate.unitFrame:UpdateAllElements")
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "TotemPlates:ToggleAddon - NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED - Show")
for _,v in ipairs(addonFrames) do
if nameplate.unitFrame and nameplate.unitFrame.UpdateAllElements then
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "TotemPlates:ToggleAddon - NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED - nameplate.unitFrame:UpdateAllElements")
Gladdy:Debug("INFO", "TotemPlates:ToggleAddon - NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED - Hide")
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## [v2.20-Beta Download Here](
## [v2.20-Release Download Here](
###### <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""><img src="" height="30" style="margin-top:-30px;position:relative;top:20px;"></a> Please consider donating if you like my work
@ -79,6 +79,24 @@ Thank you!
### Changes
### v2.20-Release
- **Cooldowns**
- glow changed to PixelGlow
- glow color configurable
- improved tracking
- feign death cd tracking
- fixed Elemental Mastery and Presence of Mind tracking
- **Auras**
- improved **Aura** tracking
- stealthed unit **Aura** tracking improved
- fixed Berserking Wrath
- **Totemplates**
- ElvUI fix
- fix ManaSpringTotem
- fix Paladin **SpecDetection**
- fix DRList conflict with Diminish
- minor bugfixes/improvements
### v2.20-Beta
- **Wrath** & **BCC** support
- different auras/DRs/Cooldowns/Buffs per expansion
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs
local select = select
local type = type
local floor = math.floor
local str_find, str_gsub, str_sub, tinsert = string.find, string.gsub, string.sub, table.insert
local str_find, str_gsub, str_sub, str_format = string.find, string.gsub, string.sub, string.format
local tinsert = table.insert
local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy")
local L = Gladdy.L
local AuraUtil = AuraUtil
@ -180,3 +183,79 @@ function Gladdy:GetArenaUnit(unitCaster, unify)
function Gladdy:ShallowCopy(table)
local copy
if type(table) == 'table' then
copy = {}
for k,v in pairs(table) do
copy[k] = v
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = table
return copy
function Gladdy:DeepCopy(table)
local copy
if type(table) == 'table' then
copy = {}
for k,v in pairs(table) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
copy[k] = self:DeepCopy(v)
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy[k] = v
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = table
return copy
function Gladdy:AddEntriesToTable(table, entries)
for k,v in pairs(entries) do
if not table[k] then
table[k] = v
function Gladdy:GetExceptionSpellName(spellID)
for k,v in pairs(Gladdy.exceptionNames) do
if k == spellID and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[v] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[v].altName then
return Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[v].altName
return select(1, GetSpellInfo(spellID))
local function toHex(color)
if not color or not color.r or not color.g or not color.b then
return "000000"
return str_format("%.2x%.2x%.2x", floor(color.r * 255), floor(color.g * 255), floor(color.b * 255))
function Gladdy:SetTextColor(text, color)
return "|cff" .. toHex(color) .. text or "" .. "|r"
function Gladdy:ColorAsArray(color)
return {color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a}
function Gladdy:Dump(table, space)
if type(table) ~= "table" then
if not space then
space = ""
for k,v in pairs(table) do
Gladdy:Print(space .. k .. " - ", v)
if type(v) == "table" then
Gladdy:Dump(v, space .. " ")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user