# time - [device](#device) - [digging](#digging) - [nmap](#nmap) - [curl](#curl) - [wireshark](#wireshark) - [mobile app](#mobile_app) - [deeper](#deeper) - [API](#api) - [firmware](#firmware) - [UPNP](#upnp) ## device name | value ----------------|----- model | `LM 37X8` product | `CLOCK` firmware | API `2.0.0`, OS `1.7.1` features | WiFi enabled clock the `TIME LM 37X8` is a 'smart' clock that features: * internet connectivity to download apps, exchange information * bluetooth controller to use the internal speaker * clock with multiple alarms * web radio tuner * timer * stopwatch initial configuration is similar to Chromecast's, it stands up a WiFi network named `LM7***` based on the serial number of the device. download the Android/iOS lamteric app and walk through connecting it to another wireless network - they do some external access checks with: * `ntp` requests to `0.pool.ntp.org` * `dns` resolution of `developer.lametric.com` * `icmp` requests to `developer.lametric.com` which has made tricking the device into talking to another endpoint has been unsuccessful so far, as it also appears to do SSL certification verification, so sslstrip isn't seeing anything. through lametric's [developer site](https://developer.lametric.com/), once the device is registered, the API key necessary for talking to the device is displayed ## digging ### nmap from `nmap -PN -p 1-65535 -sV`, we get: ``` PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh Dropbear sshd 2014.66 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http lighttpd 1.4.35 443/tcp open http lighttpd 1.4.35 4343/tcp open ssl/http lighttpd 1.4.35 8080/tcp open http lighttpd 1.4.35 9001/tcp open tor-orport? 9002/tcp open dynamid? Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel ``` ssh, 4 web servers (likely 2, one each of HTTP and HTTPS), 2 unknowns and a Linux fingerprint. for a clock. ### curl #### 80 -> 443 ``` $ curl -k -vv * Rebuilt URL to: * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > GET / HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="global" < Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF8 < Content-Length: 96 < Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 23:58:22 GMT < Server: lighttpd/1.4.35 < { "errors":[ { "message":"Authorization is required" } ] } * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0 * Connection #0 to host left intact ``` so something is listening there, and it's spitting back JSON, but we don't have credentials yet. #### 4343 ``` $ curl -k -vv * Rebuilt URL to: ... < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF8 < Content-Length: 67 < Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 22:22:18 GMT < { "errors":[ { "message":"Resource not found" } ] } ``` different port, potentially the same underlying service/data, but this time - does not appear to require credentials. ### wireshark see some communication between the device and it's mobile app: ``` GET //device_description.xml HTTP/1.1 Connection: close Accept-Encoding: gzip User-Agent: Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.22.0 (gzip) Host: HTTP/1.1 200 OK DATE: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 16:06:04 Connection: close HOST: content-length: 791 1 0 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:LaMetric:1 LaMetric (LM7817) LaMetric Inc. http://www.lametric.com LaMetric - internet connected clock and smart display LaMetric Time Battery Edition SA01 http://www.lametric.com 10478 10478 uuid: ``` this port seems to change, but is easy to find as is part of an SSDP [UPNP broadcast](#upnp) ### mobile app by changing the weather settings, we see: ``` GET /premium/v1/weather.ashx?q= HTTP/1.1 Host: api.worldweatheronline.com Accept: */* ``` parameters broken down: ``` Potrero District, United States of America& num_of_days=2& format=json& fx=yes& cc=yes& mca=no& fx24=no& tp=24& includelocation=yes& showlocaltime=yes&& extra=isDayTime,utcDateTime& key= ``` looks like a premium API key to [world weather online](worldweatheronline.com) ## deeper ### API looking at some [docs](http://lametric-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference-docs/lametric-time-reference.html) from lametric, was able to determine that the api lives at `http://device:port/api/v2` authing with `dev` and `\`, was got the expected list of routes: ```json { "api_version": "2.0.0", "endpoints": { "audio_url": "", "bluetooth_url": "", "concrete_notification_url": "{/:id}", "current_notification_url": "", "device_url": "", "display_url": "", "notifications_url": "", "widget_update_url": "{/:id}", "wifi_url": "" } } ``` cool, so we can talk to the API successfully now - unfortunately, there isn't much that appears interesting on the surface, at least from an attack vector. `curl --user dev: https:///api/v2/device` ```json { "audio": { "volume": 46 }, "bluetooth": { "active": false, "address": "", "available": true, "discoverable": false, "name": "LM7817", "pairable": true }, "display": { "brightness": 100, "brightness_mode": "auto", "height": 8, "type": "mixed", "width": 37 }, "id": "10478", "mode": "manual", "model": "LM 37X8", "name": "LM7817", "os_version": "1.7.1", "serial_number": "", "wifi": { "active": true, "address": "", "available": true, "encryption": "open", "essid": "home", "ip": "", "mode": "dhcp", "netmask": "", "strength": 100 } } ``` ### firmware searching around for their [firmware](https://developer.lametric.com/getfirmware/download), the latest version shown was 1.7.7 - apparently they version OS and API separately. binwalk shows us that the file is a nested squashfs: ``` $ binwalk -t -v -e DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0x0 Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:gzip, size: 79064386 bytes, 8 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: 2017-03-06 17:58:17 $ sudo unsquashfs ... created 7 files created 1 directories created 0 symlinks created 0 devices created 0 fifos $ ls squashfs-root/ rootfs.squash rootfs.squash.sig update.conf.sig rootfs.squash.md5 update.conf update.conf.md5 $ cd squashfs-root $ sudo unsquashfs squashfs-root ... created 3697 files created 675 directories created 930 symlinks created 253 devices created 0 fifos $ ls squashfs-root/ bin home libexec opt sbin usr boot lametric linuxrc proc sys var dev lib media root tests etc lib32 mnt run tmp ``` now we're getting somewhere. ``` $ head -n 1 etc/shadow root::10933:0:99999:7::: ``` started cracking at 5:30 on 2017/03/10, and as of 2017/03/12, the GCP instance has been unable to crack the password hash. soon.gif ``` $ cat lametric/system/services/com.lametric.api/.api [FastCGI] portNumber=9001 socketType=FCGI-TCP $ cat lametric/system/services/com.lametric.push.api/.push_api [FastCGI] portNumber=9002 socketType=FCGI-TCP $ cat lametric/system/gui/com.lametric.notification_server/settings.json { "smtp_credentials": { }, "filter_folder" : "Inbox", "filter_emails" : ["lsqateam@gmail.com","lsqateam2@gmail.com"], "filter_keywords" : ["lametric","money"], "counter_all" : true, "counter_unread" : true, "show_subject" : true } $ cat etc/lighttpd/pushes/conf.d/fastcgi.conf fastcgi.debug = 1 fastcgi.server = ( "/" => ( "/" => ( "host" => "", "port" => "9002", "check-local" => "disable", "min-procs" => 1, "max-procs" => 1, "idle-timeout" => 30, "fix-root-scriptname" => "enable", "allow-x-send-file" => "enable" ) ) ) $ cat etc/lighttpd/pushes/conf.d/auth.conf ## type of backend # plain, htpasswd, ldap or htdigest auth.backend = "plain" # filename of the password storage for plain auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/lametric/data/configs/lighttpd/users.txt" ## for htpasswd #auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/lametric/data/configs/lighttpd/users.txt" $ cat etc/init.d/S25install ... # Checking if it is not empty if [ "$(ls -A $IPK_SRC_DIR)" ]; then PACKAGES=$(ls $IPK_SRC_DIR/*.ipk) # for each ipk file do installation for entry in $PACKAGES do echo Installing $entry opkg-cl install $entry if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo Error installing $entry. Code $? echo timestamp Error installing $entry, code $? >> /tmp/install.errlog fi # remove file after installation rm $entry done done ... $ cat etc/init.d/S31changeUserData ... start() { chmode 777 /lametric/data/data } ... $ cat etc/init.d/S99defwidgets ... echo "Creating default widgets..." su - app -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/widget.sh create com.lametric.clock 08b8eac21074f8f7e5a29f2855ba8060" su - app -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/widget.sh create com.lametric.weather 380375c4b12c16e3adafb48355ba8061" su - app -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/widget.sh create com.lametric.radio 589ed1b3fcdaa5180bf4848e55ba8061" su - app -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/widget.sh create com.lametric.stopwatch b1166a6059640bf76b9dfe0455ba8062" su - app -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/widget.sh create com.lametric.countdown f03ea1ae1ae5f85b390b460f55ba8061" $ cat etc/init.d/S99devicestatus ... BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDRESS=$(cat /sys/class/bluetooth/hci0/address) WIFI_MAC_ADDRESS=$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address) WIFI1_MAC_ADDRESS=$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan1/address) SD_CARD_SIZE=$(expr `cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/size` \* 512) $ cat etc/lametric-tools/recovery.conf # Device for keyboard input input=/dev/input/event1 $ cat etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ... $SERVER["socket"] == ":4343" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/security/CA/server.pem" } $SERVER["socket"] == ":8080" { ssl.enable = "disable" } $ cat etc/ssh/sshd_config ... # The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2 # but this is overridden so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys AuthorizedKeysFile /lametric/data/configs/.ssh/authorized_keys $ cat etc/system.conf # LaMetric filesystem structure LAMETRIC_ROOT=/lametric LAMETRIC_SYSTEM=/lametric/system/services LAMETRIC_SYSTEM_GUI_APPS=/lametric/system/gui LAMETRIC_PREINSTALLED_APPS=/lametric/system/apps LAMETRIC_APPS=/lametric/data/apps LAMETRIC_WIDGETS=/lametric/data/widgets LAMETRIC_DATA=/lametric/data/data LAMETRIC_CONFIGS=/lametric/data/configs LAMETRIC_FORMAT_FLAG_FILE_NAME=/lametric/data/FORMAT_PARTITION FIRMWARE_FILE_REGEXP=lm_ota_[a-z0-9._]*_sa1.bin $ ls lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/*.png lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/next.png lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/play.png lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/radio.png lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/screen1.png lametric/system/apps/com.lametric.radio/res/stop.png $ find usr/share/sounds/lametric -iname '*.wav' | wc -l 54 $ cat <> ... { "version":1, "alarms" : [ { "name" : "Alarm 1", "time" : "15:22:49", "enabled" : true, "sound" : { "source":"system", "id":"sound1" }, "daysofweek" : ["sun","mon","tue","wed","fri","sat"] }], "timezone" : "Europe/Kiev", "timeformat24h" : true, "seconds" : true, "display_date" : false, "dayofweek" : true, "locale":"en_US" } ... $ cat usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh ... XML2_LIBS="-lxml2 -L/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/LaMetric_Image_DVT/workspace/main_image/host/usr/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabi/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm " ... $ cat usr/share/tests/LEDMatrix.sh #! /bin/sh lmledtool -t &> /dev/null var=$? return $var ``` lots of interesting bits: * what look like lametric QA email addresses * despite ability to use htpasswd or htdigest, they use plaintext * automatically installs `/etc/install/*.ipk` * automatically makes all application configuration data readable by all users * 2 wifi controllers allow for it to act as a hotspot * it's using an SD card as primary (?) storage * it has a keyboard controller, does not appear specific to the 3 buttons * like most devices, has an easily accessible glob/regex of 'allowed' firmware names * why is there an alarm set for `15:22:49`? * what is the test that happens when we run `lmledtool -t` unfortunately, many of the files mentioned live in `/lametric/data/configs` which is mostly unpopulated in the firmware squashfs, so will need to revisit once the root hash is cracked. find all keys and try to use them to ssh in? /Users/conor/git/h4ck/lametric/squashfs-root/squashfs-root/etc/wireless-regdb/pubkeys/linville.key.pub.pem /Users/conor/git/h4ck/lametric/squashfs-root/squashfs-root/etc/ssl/private/ ### UPNP ```xml 1 0 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:LaMetric:1 LaMetric (LM7817) LaMetric Inc. http://www.lametric.com LaMetric - internet connected clock and smart display LaMetric Time Battery Edition SA01 http://www.lametric.com 10478 10478 uuid: ```