# Belkin Weemo Mini - [device](#device) - [digging](#digging) - [nmap](#nmap) ## device name | value ----------------|----- model | `Mini` product | `TODO` firmware | `TODO` features | WiFi enabled power strip ## digging ### nmap from `nmap -PN -p 1-65535 -sV `, we get: ``` PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 53/tcp open domain dnsmasq 2.73 49152/tcp open upnp Belkin Wemo upnpd (UPnP 1.0) Service Info: Device: power-misc ``` # TODO need to split this out, powerstrip is separate frome netcam ``` nmap -Pn -sV -p 1-65535 Starting Nmap 7.12 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-04-04 17:02 PDT Nmap scan report for CAM.ralinktech.com ( Host is up (0.030s latency). Not shown: 65531 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 53/tcp open domain dnsmasq 2.40 80/tcp open http Belkin NetCam http config 81/tcp open http Belkin NetCam http config 443/tcp open ssl/http Belkin NetCam http config Service Info: Device: webcam ``` ### upnpd poking at this endpoint: ``` $ curl -v * Rebuilt URL to: * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 49152 (#0) > GET / HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < SERVER: Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified < CONNECTION: close < CONTENT-LENGTH: 48 < CONTENT-TYPE: text/html < * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0 * Closing connection 0

404 Not Found

``` `` yields the same, but: ``` ``` maybe we need to use [wemo-extracted/assets/api_key.txt](wemo-extracted/assets/api_key.txt) ? digging into [constants.js](wemo-extracted/assets/www/js/constants.js), seeing some things we probably shouldn't: ```javascript var cloudEnvironment = { /*CI: "", STAGING: "https://stagapi.xbcs.net:8443", PRODUCTION: "https://api.xbcs.net:8443", JARDEN: "https://api.test.jardon.xbcs.net:8443", QA: "", DEV: ""*/ //adding urls with SSL certificates CI: "https://wemoci.lswf.net:9069", STAGING: "https://bcsstag.lswf.net:8443", PRODUCTION: "https://api.xbcs.net:8443", JARDEN: "https://api.test.jardon.xbcs.net:8443", QA: " https://wemoqa.lswf.net:9069", DEV: "https://wemoci.lswf.net:9069", MONOLITHIC: "https://devtest-1373897041.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8443" }; /*var cloudEnvironment = { STAGING: "", PRODUCTION: "https://api.xbcs.net:8443" }; */ var firmwareCloudEnvironment = { STAGING: "http://fw.stag1.xbcs.net", PRODUCTION: "https://fw.xbcs.net", NESTDEV:"https://iftttnest.xwemo.com", JARDEN: "http://fw.test.jardon.xbcs.net", QA: "http://fw.xbcs.net", DEV: "", CI: "", MONOLITHIC: "https://fw.xbcs.net" }; /*var firmwareCloudEnvironment = { STAGING: "", PRODUCTION: "https://fw.xbcs.net" }; */ //... var PUSH_DB_REQUIRED = 0; var PUSH_DB_NOT_REQUIRED = 1; var cloudAPI = { DEVICE_LIST: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/plugins/", SMART_SETUP_REGISTRATION: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/registration/smartDevice", STATE_CHANGE: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/message/", ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE: cloud + "/apis/http/device/homeDevices/", // REGISTER_EMAIL: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/registerEmail/", COLLECT_EMAIL: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/emailAddresses/", FIRMWARE_URL: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/fwUpgradeInfo/", SMARTDEVICE_DISABLE: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/updateRemoteAccess/", SMARTDEVICE_LIST: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/smartDevices/", GENERATE_IFTTT_PIN: cloud + "/apis/http/plugin/generatePin/", SEND_ACK_NEW_HOME: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/ackForHomeIdSync/', DEVICE_MESSAGE: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/message/', FIRMWARE_UPGRADE: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/upgradeFwVersion', GET_DB_FILE: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/dbfile/', LOCATION_SEARCH: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/geoInfo/cityLocations?cityName=', INSIGHT_PARAMS: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/insight/message/', SET_DEVICE_ICON: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/ext/deviceIcon/', GET_DEVICE_ICON: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/ext/deviceIcon/', GET_RULE_EVENTS: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/push/ruleEvents/', LED_DEVICE_LIST: cloud + '/apis/http/device/homeDevices/', LED_STATE_CHANGE: cloud + '/apis/http/device/homeDevices/capabilityProfile?remoteSync=true', LED_CREATE_GROUP: cloud + '/apis/http/device/groups/', LED_DELETE_GROUP: cloud + '/apis/http/device/groups/', LED_STATE_CHANGE_GROUP: cloud + '/apis/http/device/groups/capabilityProfile?remoteSync=true', LED_EDIT_ICON: cloud + '/apis/http/lswf/uploads/', LED_GET_ICON: cloud + '/apis/http/device/homeUploads/', LED_FIRMWARE_URL: cloud + '/apis/http/device/fwUpgradeInfo/', EMAIL_OPT_IN: 'http://www.belkin.com/signup/wemo/?email', HIDE_DEVICE: cloud + '/apis/http/plugin/property/[MacAddress]/visibility/0' }; var firmwareTextFile = { PATH: firmwareCloud + "/wemo/NewFirmware.txt", PATH_PROD: firmwareCloud + "/wemo/NewFirmware.txt", PATH_STAG: firmwareCloud + "/wemo/version.txt", PATH_QA: firmwareCloud + "/wemo/NewFirmware.txt", PATH_MINICLOUD: firmwareCloud + "/wemo/NewFirmware.txt", PATH_DEV:"" }; ``` aside from the extremely amusing `PUSH_DB_REQUIRED` and `PUSH_DB_NOT_REQUIRED` values, looks like this could have the paths for new firmwares - allowing us to MiTM