#/usr/bin/env ruby ## impersonate-lge.com.rb - fake version of *.lge.com require 'base64' require 'sinatra' port = ENV['USER'].eql?('root') ? 80 : 8080 set :port, port set :bind, '' set :public_folder, '_public' @type = @real_file = @fake_file = nil get '/fts/:file' do |file| t = Time.now + (8 * 60 * 60) timestamp = t.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%m:%S GMT') target_host = request.host if target_host.match(/gfts/) @type = :gfts ## app store downloads # http://gfts.lge.com/fts/gftsFilePathDownload.lge?key=777863&hash=6Vsai7Ky71UPgetV&mtime=1479098823000 key = params['key'] # 777863 hash = params['hash'] # 6Vsai7Ky71UPgetV mtime = params['mtime'] # 1479098823000 fake_ipk_name = sprintf('%s.ipk', key) real_ipk_file = File.join(settings.public_folder, '/gfts/base-files.ipk') if mtime mtime_int = Time.at(mtime.to_i / 1000).to_i mtime_args = Time.at(mtime_int).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') `touch -t #{mtime_args} #{real_ipk_file}` end headers( 'Content-Disposition' => sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', fake_ipk_name), 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8', 'Server' => 'Apache', ) send_file(real_ipk_file) elsif target_host.match(/ngfts/) ## channel searching -- images / thumbnails # samples in line @type = :ngfts biz_code = params['biz_code'] func_code = params['func_code'] file_path = params['file_path'] if biz_code.eql?('PREMIUMS') # TODO /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=PREMIUM&func_code=RECOMM_PROMOTION_IMAGE&file_path=/todayrecomm/template/promotion/w1_8.png elsif biz_code.eql?('META_IMG') # TODO /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=META_IMG&func_code=CPLOGO&file_path=/appstore/app/icon/20161017/16837781.png elsif biz_code.eql?('IBS') # TODO /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=IBS&func_code=TMS_CHANNEL_IMG_US&file_path=/ibs/tms/channel_img_us/201412040000_9.zip elsif biz_code.eql?('APP_STORE') # TODO /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=APP_STORE&func_code=APP_PREVIEW&file_path=/appstore/app/preview/20160221/3.jpg elsif biz_code.eql?('MAS') # TODO /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=MAS&func_code=META_THUMBNAIL&file_path=%2Fmas%2Ftms%2Fprogram%2Fp185554_b_ap.jpg end # failover redirect '/ngfts/faked-ngfts.zip' elsif target_host.match(/aic/) ## channel searching - listing JSON # http://aic-gfts.lge.com/fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=IBS&func_code=ONLINE_EPG_FILE&file_path=/ibs/online/epg_file/20161116/f_1479280636996tmsepgcrawler_merged000004417_201611160600_06_20161116070000.zip @type = :aic fake_file = 'TODO' # TODO not sure what this is supposed to be real_file = File.join(settings.public_folder, '/aic/faked-aic.zip') if @type.eql?(:aic) headers( 'Server' => 'Apache', 'Content-Disposition' => sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', fake_file), 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', 'Content-Length' => File.read(real_file).size, 'Last-Modified' => timestamp, 'Date' => timestamp, ) end send_file real_file else # failover 'your princess is in another castle - lge' end end post '/CheckSWAutoUpdate.laf' do t = Time.now + (8 * 60 * 60) timestamp = t.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%m:%S GMT') req_id = '00000000008613244660' image_url = 'http://snu.lge.com/fizbuzz' image_size = '400' image_name = 'fizzbuzz' update_major_ver = '04' update_minor_ver = '30.50' # right now, anything more than 30.40 force_flag = 'Y' cdn_url = 'http://snu.lge.com/fizzbuzz' contents = '' string = " 900 Success #{req_id} #{image_url} #{image_size} #{image_name} #{update_major_ver} #{update_minor_ver} #{force_flag} #{timestamp} 01 #{cdn_url} #{contents} " payload = Base64.strict_encode64(string) headers( 'Date' => timestamp, 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', 'Expires' => '-1', 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length' => payload.size, ) payload end after do # noop for now end