fleshing out requests and context

This commit is contained in:
Conor Horan-Kates 2016-11-23 16:00:54 -08:00
parent 1bd45ec2fa
commit 45589f54e6

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ was rooting the device, but initial investigations showed some other interesting
### nmap ### nmap
from `nmap -PN -sV <device`, we get: from `nmap -PN -sV <device>`, we get:
``` ```
@ -147,7 +147,134 @@ to speed this along, observe a session where the TV updated its firmware from th
#### channel search #### channel search
foo when configuring the cable connections, the TV makes a number of calls:
GET /fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=IBS&func_code=ONLINE_EPG_FILE&file_path=/ibs/online/epg_file/20161116/f_1479280636996tmsepgcrawler_merged000004417_201611160600_06_20161116070000.zip HTTP/1.1
Host: aic-ngfts.lge.com
Accept: */*
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="f_1479280636996tmsepgcrawler_merged000004417_201611160600_06_20161116070000.zip"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary;
Last-Modified: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 07:25:17 GMT
Content-Length: 135700
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 08:24:01 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
parameters in request:
parameter |assumption
`biz_code` | none
`func_code` | none
`file_path` | none
looking at the file path, if not in a chroot'd environment, potential for ~LFI - attempts thus far have shown nothing but `404`
looking at the file itself:
$ curl -o foo "http://aic-ngfts.lge.com/fts/path"
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 132k 100 132k 0 0 230k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 230k
$ file foo
foo: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
$ unzip foo
Archive: foo
inflating: schedule.json
inflating: program.json
##### `schedule.json`
sample entry:
"dbAction": "I",
"schdId": "100006/EP010865380045/2016-11-11-10:00",
"contentId": "EP010865380045",
"seqNo": "0",
"chanCode": "100006",
"strtTime": "2016,11,11,10,00,00",
"strtTimeLong": 1478858400,
"endTime": "2016,11,11,12,00,00",
"endTimeLong": 1478865600,
"schdSummary": "",
"timeType": "",
"schdPgmTtl": "Late Night Gifts",
"schdSubTtl": "Lisa Rinna",
"rebrdcstFlag": "Y",
"capFlag": "",
"liveFlag": "",
"dataBrdcstFlag": "",
"scExplnBrdcstFlag": "",
"scQualityGbn": "",
"signBrdcstFlag": "",
"voiceMultiBrdcstCount": "",
"threeDFlag": "",
"schdAdultClassCode": "-1",
"schdAgeGrdCode": "TVG",
"pgmGrId": "SH010865380000",
"genreCode": "61",
"realEpsdNo": "0"
##### `program.json`
"dbAction": "I",
"contentId": "EP000000510045",
"seqNo": "0",
"pgmGrId": "SH000000510000",
"connectorId": "1013932",
"serId": "184628",
"serNo": "",
"seasonId": "7895341",
"seasonNo": "3",
"pgmType": "Series",
"realEpsdNo": "1",
"summary": "Whitley encounters a new Dwayne on the plane ride back to school.",
"pgmImgUrlName": "http://ngfts.lge.com/fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=IBS&func_code=TMS_PROGRAM_IMG&file_path=/ibs/tms/program_img/p184628_b_v7_ab.jpg",
"orgGenreType": "",
"orgGenreCode": "188",
"oGenreCode": "2",
"oGenreType": "",
"subGenreType": "",
"subGenreCode": "",
"makeCom": "",
"makeCntry": "",
"makeYear": "1989-09-28",
"usrPplrSt": "",
"pplrSt": "",
"audLang": "en",
"dataLang": "ENG",
"audQlty": "",
"genreImgUrl": "http://aic-ngfts.lge.com/fts/gftsDownload.lge?biz_code=IBS&func_code=GENRE_IMG&file_path=/ibs/genre_img_v/2_36_V_Sitcom.png",
"vodFlag": "N",
"pgmImgSize": "V480X720",
"genreImgSize": "V480X704",
"lgGenreCode2": "36",
"lgGenreName2": "Sitcom",
"programLock": "",
"castingFlag": "Y"
<TODO description of attempts to hack>
#### application marketplace #### application marketplace