// For Hackrf Portapack Rolljam capture. // Arduino Mega, connect pin 52 to either of the two middle pins of a 433MHz Receiver Module, // connect pin 53 to 5v on Digispark with DigisparkJammerTimer code, // connect negative from Digispark and Reciever Module to GND on Mega. // ( see https://youtu.be/r8ci0oNYmOA for demo ) void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(51, INPUT); pinMode(53, OUTPUT); } void loop () { int Remote =digitalRead(51); if (Remote) { Serial.println(" Remote Control detected , Timejam activated ...."); digitalWrite(53, HIGH); delay(45000); } else { Serial.println("=== nothing detected .."); digitalWrite(53, LOW); } delay(260); }