Decoder Qt::WindowModal 0 0 2200 1398 Decoding false Non Return to Zero (NRZ) Empty Delete Save as... Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Base Functions 0 0 true QAbstractItemView::DragOnly Additional Functions 0 0 true QAbstractItemView::DragOnly 11 75 true Your Decoding Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 true true QAbstractItemView::DragDrop Qt::MoveAction Qt::ElideMiddle QListView::Fixed QListView::ListMode 0 0 Information and Options 0 0 true Please drag functions from the categories base and additional to the decoding process (Decoder). You can reorder functions by drag and drop and remove functions by dropping them outside the Decoder box. Click on every function for detailed information. Qt::PlainText Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true 0 0 5 0 0 56 23 2 60 0 171 21 Number of redundant bits 0 0 113 23 120 0 171 21 Carrier ('1_' -> 1_1_1_...) 1 1000 4 Rows QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel Decoder ... Encoder ... Qt::Vertical 20 158 0 0 171 23 180 0 1461 20 Synchronization bytes (hex coded) 0 30 171 23 180 30 1461 21 Data whitening polynomial (LFSR, hex, w/o first bit) 0 60 1641 31 Overwrite CRC16 field with correct value when encoding 0 30 181 31 1010 190 30 121 31 Sequence 0 0 131 23 &Cut before 150 0 111 23 Cut afte&r 0 70 111 23 Cut before 150 70 111 23 Cut after 0 100 181 33 1000 190 100 121 31 Position (in bit) 70 10 341 21 Maximum (<=) length of 1-sequence for: Low (0) 10 10 56 23 1 1 70 40 351 21 Minimum (>=) length of 1-sequence for: High (1) 10 40 56 23 1 3 70 70 371 21 Number of 0s between 1-sequences (just for encoding) 10 70 56 23 1 1 Add to Your Decoding optionWidget info btnAddtoYourDecoding Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::ImhDigitsOnly Test Signal {0,1}: true Decoded Bits: [Decoding Errors = 0] Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter ZoomableGraphicView QGraphicsView
ListWidget QListWidget