================================================ Hardware Components ================================================ Major parts used in HackRF One: * `MAX2837 2.3 to 2.7 GHz transceiver `__ * `Datasheet `__ * There's also a register map document that Mike received directly from Maxim. Send an email to Mike or submit a support request to Maxim if you want a copy. * `MAX5864 ADC/DAC `__ * `Datasheet `__ * `Si5351 clock generator `__ * `AN619: Manually Generating an Si5351 Register Map `__ * `Datasheet `__ - this document is a mess of typos, and best used in conjunction with AN619, which has its own typos. Usually, you can reconcile what's true by comparison and a bit of thought. * `Other Documentation `__ - includes application notes, user guides, and white papers. * CoolRunner-II CPLD * `LPC43xx ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller `__ * `User Manual `__ * `Datasheet `__ * `Other Documentation (LPC4330FBD144) `__ - includes errata and application notes. * `ARM-standard JTAG/SWD connector pinout `__ * `BSDL file for the LPC43xx (For boundary scan) `__ * `RFFC5072 mixer/synthesizer `__ * `Datasheet `__ * `Other Documentation `__ ; click "Technical Documents" - includes programming guides and application notes. * `W25Q80BV 8M-bit Flash `__ Block Diagram ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../images/block-diagram.png :align: center