DialogCSVImport 0 0 635 674 CSV Import <html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Could not open the selected file.</span></p></body></html> , ; Add a custom separator. ... .. 16 16 <html><head/><body><p> If your dataset contains timestamps URH will calculate the sample rate from them. You can manually edit the sample rate after import in the signal details.</p></body></html> Not present 999999999 I Data Column: Not present 999999999 <html><head/><body><p> If your dataset contains timestamps URH will calculate the sample rate from them. You can manually edit the sample rate after import in the signal details.</p></body></html> Timestamp Column: Q Data Column: Preview true false false false Timestamp I Q ... Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly 1 999999999 1 CSV Separator: Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok File Content (at most 100 rows) false true File to import: Prevent Dialog From Close with Enter true lineEditFilename btnChooseFile plainTextEditFilePreview comboBoxCSVSeparator btnAddSeparator spinBoxIDataColumn spinBoxQDataColumn spinBoxTimestampColumn tableWidgetPreview buttonBox accepted() DialogCSVImport accept() 375 641 157 274 buttonBox rejected() DialogCSVImport reject() 443 647 286 274