/* * Copyright 2019 Dominic Spill * * This file is part of HackRF. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_rad1o.h" #include "rad1o/display.h" #include "rad1o/draw.h" #include "rad1o/print.h" #include "rad1o/render.h" #include "rad1o/smallfonts.h" #include "rad1o/ubuntu18.h" #include static uint64_t freq = 0; static uint32_t sample_rate = 0; static uint32_t filter_bw = 0; static rf_path_direction_t direction; static uint32_t bblna_gain = 0; static uint32_t bbvga_gain = 0; static uint32_t bbtxvga_gain = 0; static bool lna_on = false; static transceiver_mode_t trx_mode; static bool enabled = false; #define BLACK 0b00000000 #define RED 0b11100000 #define RED_DARK 0b01100000 #define GREEN 0b00011100 #define GREEN_DARK 0b00001100 #define BLUE 0b00000011 #define WHITE 0b11111111 #define GREY 0b01001101 static void draw_frequency(void) { char tmp[100]; uint32_t mhz; uint32_t khz; mhz = freq / 1000000; khz = (freq - mhz * 1000000) / 1000; rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, GREEN); rad1o_setIntFont(&Font_Ubuntu18pt); sprintf(tmp, "%4u.%03u", (unsigned int)mhz, (unsigned int)khz); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_setIntFont(&Font_7x8); rad1o_lcdMoveCrsr(1, 18 - 7); rad1o_lcdPrint("MHz"); } static void draw_tx_rx(void) { uint8_t bg, fg; rad1o_setIntFont(&Font_Ubuntu18pt); bg = BLACK; fg = GREY; if (direction == RF_PATH_DIRECTION_OFF) { fg = WHITE; } rad1o_setTextColor(bg, fg); rad1o_lcdPrint("OFF "); fg = GREY; if (direction == RF_PATH_DIRECTION_RX) { fg = GREEN; } rad1o_setTextColor(bg, fg); rad1o_lcdPrint("RX "); fg = GREY; if (direction == RF_PATH_DIRECTION_TX) { fg = RED; } rad1o_setTextColor(bg, fg); rad1o_lcdPrint("TX"); rad1o_setIntFont(&Font_7x8); } static void ui_update(void) { char tmp[100]; uint32_t mhz; uint32_t khz; if (!enabled) { return; } rad1o_lcdClear(); rad1o_lcdFill(0x00); rad1o_drawHLine(0, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_drawVLine(0, 0, RESY - 1, WHITE); rad1o_drawHLine(RESY - 1, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_drawVLine(RESX - 1, 0, RESY - 1, WHITE); rad1o_lcdSetCrsr(25, 2); rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, GREEN); rad1o_lcdPrint("HackRF Mode"); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_drawHLine(11, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_lcdSetCrsr(2, 12); if (trx_mode == TRANSCEIVER_MODE_RX_SWEEP) { rad1o_setIntFont(&Font_Ubuntu18pt); rad1o_lcdPrint("SWEEP"); } else { draw_frequency(); } rad1o_drawHLine(40, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_lcdSetCrsr(6, 41); draw_tx_rx(); rad1o_drawHLine(69, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); rad1o_lcdSetCrsr(2, 71); rad1o_lcdPrint("Rate: "); mhz = sample_rate / 1000000; khz = (sample_rate - mhz * 1000000) / 1000; sprintf(tmp, "%2u.%03u MHz", (unsigned int)mhz, (unsigned int)khz); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_lcdMoveCrsr(2, 0); rad1o_lcdPrint("Filter: "); mhz = filter_bw / 1000000; khz = (filter_bw - mhz * 1000000) / 1000; sprintf(tmp, "%2u.%03u MHz", (unsigned int)mhz, (unsigned int)khz); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_drawHLine(88, 0, RESX - 1, WHITE); rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); rad1o_lcdSetCrsr(2, 90); rad1o_lcdPrint(" Gains"); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, GREEN); rad1o_lcdMoveCrsr(2, 2); rad1o_lcdPrint("AMP: "); if (lna_on) { rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, RED); rad1o_lcdPrint("ON "); } else { rad1o_lcdPrint("OFF"); } rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, RED_DARK); if (direction == RF_PATH_DIRECTION_TX) { rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, RED); } sprintf(tmp, " TX: %u dB", (unsigned int)bbtxvga_gain); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_lcdMoveCrsr(2, 0); rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, GREEN_DARK); if (direction == RF_PATH_DIRECTION_RX) { rad1o_setTextColor(BLACK, GREEN); } sprintf(tmp, "LNA: %2u dB", (unsigned int)bblna_gain); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_lcdMoveCrsr(2, 0); sprintf(tmp, "VGA: %2u dB", (unsigned int)bbvga_gain); rad1o_lcdPrint(tmp); rad1o_lcdNl(); rad1o_lcdDisplay(); // Don't ask... ssp1_set_mode_max2837(); } static void rad1o_ui_init(void) { rad1o_lcdInit(); enabled = true; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_deinit(void) { rad1o_lcdDeInit(); enabled = false; // Don't ask... ssp1_set_mode_max2837(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_frequency(uint64_t frequency) { freq = frequency; if (TRANSCEIVER_MODE_RX_SWEEP == trx_mode) { } else { ui_update(); } } static void rad1o_ui_set_sample_rate(uint32_t _sample_rate) { sample_rate = _sample_rate; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_direction(const rf_path_direction_t _direction) { direction = _direction; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_filter_bw(uint32_t bandwidth) { filter_bw = bandwidth; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_lna_power(bool _lna_on) { lna_on = _lna_on; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_bb_lna_gain(const uint32_t gain_db) { bblna_gain = gain_db; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_bb_vga_gain(const uint32_t gain_db) { bbvga_gain = gain_db; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_bb_tx_vga_gain(const uint32_t gain_db) { bbtxvga_gain = gain_db; ui_update(); } static void rad1o_ui_set_first_if_frequency(const uint64_t frequency __attribute__((unused))) { // Not implemented } static void rad1o_ui_set_filter(const rf_path_filter_t filter __attribute__((unused))) { // Not implemented } static void rad1o_ui_set_antenna_bias(bool antenna_bias __attribute__((unused))) { // Not implemented } static void rad1o_ui_set_clock_source(clock_source_t source __attribute__((unused))) { // Not implemented } static void rad1o_ui_set_transceiver_mode(transceiver_mode_t mode) { trx_mode = mode; ui_update(); } static bool rad1o_ui_operacake_gpio_compatible(void) { return true; } static const hackrf_ui_t rad1o_ui = { &rad1o_ui_init, &rad1o_ui_deinit, &rad1o_ui_set_frequency, &rad1o_ui_set_sample_rate, &rad1o_ui_set_direction, &rad1o_ui_set_filter_bw, &rad1o_ui_set_lna_power, &rad1o_ui_set_bb_lna_gain, &rad1o_ui_set_bb_vga_gain, &rad1o_ui_set_bb_tx_vga_gain, &rad1o_ui_set_first_if_frequency, &rad1o_ui_set_filter, &rad1o_ui_set_antenna_bias, &rad1o_ui_set_clock_source, &rad1o_ui_set_transceiver_mode, &rad1o_ui_operacake_gpio_compatible, }; const hackrf_ui_t *rad1o_ui_setup(void) { return &rad1o_ui; }