![URH image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jopohl/urh/master/data/icons/banner.png) [![CI](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/urh.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/urh) [![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/tiny-repos/urh.svg)](https://repology.org/project/urh/versions) [![Blackhat Arsenal 2017](https://rawgit.com/toolswatch/badges/master/arsenal/usa/2017.svg)](http://www.toolswatch.org/2017/06/the-black-hat-arsenal-usa-2017-phenomenal-line-up-announced/) [![Blackhat Arsenal 2018](https://rawgit.com/toolswatch/badges/master/arsenal/europe/2018.svg)](http://www.toolswatch.org/2018/09/black-hat-arsenal-europe-2018-lineup-announced/) The Universal Radio Hacker (URH) is a complete suite for wireless protocol investigation with native support for [many](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/wiki/Supported-devices) common __Software Defined Radios__. URH allows __easy demodulation__ of signals combined with an [automatic](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3375894.3375896) detection of modulation parameters making it a breeze to identify the bits and bytes that fly over the air. As data often gets _encoded_ before transmission, URH offers __customizable decodings__ to crack even sophisticated encodings like CC1101 data whitening. When it comes to __protocol reverse-engineering__, URH is helpful in two ways. You can either manually assign protocol fields and message types or let URH __automatically infer protocol fields__ with a [rule-based intelligence](https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot19/presentation/pohl). Finally, URH entails a __fuzzing component__ aimed at stateless protocols and a __simulation environment__ for stateful attacks. ### Getting started In order to get started - view the [installation instructions](#Installation) on this page, - download the [official userguide (PDF)](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/releases/download/v2.0.0/userguide.pdf), - watch the [demonstration videos (YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuubkTDAxwA&index=1&list=PLlKjreY6G-1EKKBs9sucMdk8PwzcFuIPB), - check out the [wiki](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/wiki) for more information such as supported devices or - read some [articles about URH](#Articles) for inspiration. If you like URH, please :star: this repository and [join our Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/stralsundsecurity/shared_invite/enQtMjEwOTIxNzMzODc3LTk3NmE4MGVjYjEyYTMzYTdmN2RlNzUzYzg0NTNjNTQ2ODBkMzI3MDZlOWY3MjE4YjBkNTM4ZjJlNTJlZmJhNDg). We appreciate your support! ### Citing URH We encourage researchers working with URH to cite [this](https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot18/presentation/pohl) WOOT'18 paper or directly use the following BibTeX entry.
URH BibTeX entry for your research paper ```bibtex @inproceedings {220562, author = {Johannes Pohl and Andreas Noack}, title = {Universal Radio Hacker: A Suite for Analyzing and Attacking Stateful Wireless Protocols}, booktitle = {12th {USENIX} Workshop on Offensive Technologies ({WOOT} 18)}, year = {2018}, address = {Baltimore, MD}, url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot18/presentation/pohl}, publisher = {{USENIX} Association}, } ```
## Installation URH runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. Click on your operating system below to view installation instructions.
On Windows, URH can be installed with its [Installer](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/releases). No further dependencies are required. If you get an error about missing ```api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll```, run Windows Update or directly install [KB2999226](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows).
Generic Installation with pip (recommended)
URH is available on [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/urh/) so you can install it with ```bash # IMPORTANT: Make sure your pip is up to date sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # Update your pip installation sudo python3 -m pip install urh # Install URH ``` This is the recommended way to install URH on Linux because it comes with __all native extensions__ precompiled. In order to access your SDR as non-root user, install the according __udev rules__. You can find them [in the wiki](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/wiki/SDR-udev-rules).
Install via Package Manager
URH is included in the repositories of many linux distributions such as __Arch Linux__, __Gentoo__, __Fedora__, __openSUSE__ or __NixOS__. There is also a package for __FreeBSD__. If available, simply use your package manager to install URH. __Note__: For native support, you must install the according ```-dev``` package(s) of your SDR(s) such as ```hackrf-dev``` __before__ installing URH.
URH is available as a snap: https://snapcraft.io/urh
Docker Image
The official URH docker image is available [here](https://hub.docker.com/r/jopohl/urh/). It has all native backends included and ready to operate.
Using DMG
It is recommended to use __at least macOS 10.14__ when using the DMG available [here](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/releases).
With pip
1. Install [Python 3 for Mac OS X](https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/). _If you experience issues with preinstalled Python, make sure you update to a recent version using the given link._ 2. (Optional) Install desired native libs e.g. ```brew install librtlsdr``` for corresponding native device support. 3. In a terminal, type: ```pip3 install urh```. 4. Type ```urh``` in a terminal to get it started.
Update your installation
If you installed URH via pip you can keep it up to date with ``` python3 -m pip install --upgrade urh ```.
Running from source
Without installation
To execute the Universal Radio Hacker without installation, just run: ```bash git clone https://github.com/jopohl/urh/ cd urh/src/urh ./main.py ``` Note, before first usage the C++ extensions will be built.
Installing from source
To install URH from source you need to have ```python-setuptools``` installed. You can get them with ```python3 -m pip install setuptools```. Once the setuptools are installed execute: ```bash git clone https://github.com/jopohl/urh/ cd urh python setup.py install ``` And start the application by typing ```urh``` in a terminal.
## Articles ### Hacking stuff with URH * [Hacking Burger Pagers](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/using-a-hackrf-to-reverse-engineer-and-control-restaurant-pagers/) * [Reverse-engineer and Clone a Remote Control](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/video-tutorial-using-universal-radio-hacker-an-rtl-sdr-and-a-microcontroller-to-clone-433-mhz-remotes/) * [Reverse-engineering Weather Station RF Signals](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/tag/universal-radio-hacker/) * [Reverse-engineering Wireless Blinds](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/reverse-engineering-wireless-blinds-with-an-rtl-sdr-and-controlling-them-with-amazon-alexa/) * [Attacking Logitech Wireless Presenters (German Article)](https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Wireless-Presenter-von-Logitech-und-Inateck-anfaellig-fuer-Angriffe-ueber-Funk-4439795.html) * [Attacking Wireless Keyboards](https://threatpost.com/fujitsu-wireless-keyboard-unpatched-flaws/149477/) * [Reverse-engineering a 433MHz Remote-controlled Power Socket for use with Arduino](http://www.ignorantofthings.com/2018/11/reverse-engineering-433mhz-remote.html) ### General presentations and tutorials on URH * [Hackaday Article](https://hackaday.com/2017/02/23/universal-radio-hacker/) * [RTL-SDR.com Article](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/reverse-engineering-signals-universal-radio-hacker-software/) * [Short Tutorial on URH with LimeSDR Mini](https://www.crowdsupply.com/lime-micro/limesdr-mini/updates/investigating-wireless-protocols-with-universal-radio-hacker) * [Brute-forcing a RF Device: a Step-by-step Guide](https://pandwarf.com/news/brute-forcing-a-new-device-a-step-by-step-guide/) * [Hacking wireless sockets like a NOOB](https://olof-astrand.medium.com/hacking-wireless-sockets-like-a-noob-b57d4b4812d5) ## External decodings See [wiki](https://github.com/jopohl/urh/wiki/External-decodings) for a list of external decodings provided by our community! Thanks for that! ## Screenshots ### Get the data out of raw signals ![Interpretation phase](http://i.imgur.com/Wy17Zv3.png) ### Keep an overview even on complex protocols ![Analysis phase](http://i.imgur.com/ubAL3pE.png) ### Record and send signals ![Record](http://i.imgur.com/BfQpg23.png)