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2022-09-22 19:41:47 +02:00
import unittest
from subprocess import call, DEVNULL
import time
from tests.docker import docker_util
class VMHelper(object):
def __init__(self, vm_name: str, shell: str = "", ssh_username: str = None, ssh_port: str = None):
self.vm_name = vm_name
self.shell = shell # like cmd.exe /c
self.ssh_username = ssh_username
self.ssh_port = ssh_port
self.use_ssh = self.ssh_username is not None and self.ssh_port is not None
self.__vm_is_up = False
def start_vm(self):
call('VBoxManage startvm "{0}"'.format(self.vm_name), shell=True)
def stop_vm(self, save=True):
if save:
call('VBoxManage controlvm "{0}" savestate'.format(self.vm_name), shell=True)
if self.use_ssh:
self.send_command("sudo shutdown -h now")
call('VBoxManage controlvm "{0}" acpipowerbutton'.format(self.vm_name), shell=True)
def wait_for_vm_up(self):
if not self.__vm_is_up:
print("Waiting for {} to come up.".format(self.vm_name))
command = "ping -c 1" if self.use_ssh else "ping -n 1"
command += " github.com"
while self.__send_command(command, hide_output=True, print_command=False) != 0:
self.__vm_is_up = True
def send_command(self, command: str) -> int:
return self.__send_command(command)
def __send_command(self, command: str, hide_output=False, print_command=True) -> int:
if self.use_ssh:
fullcmd = ["ssh", "-p", str(self.ssh_port), "{0}@".format(self.ssh_username), '"{0}"'.format(command)]
fullcmd = ["VBoxManage", "guestcontrol", '"{0}"'.format(self.vm_name), "run"] \
+ self.shell.split(" ") \
+ ['"{0}"'.format(command)]
kwargs = {"stdout": DEVNULL, "stderr": DEVNULL} if hide_output else {}
fullcmd = " ".join(fullcmd)
if print_command:
print("\033[1m" + fullcmd + "\033[0m")
return call(fullcmd, shell=True, **kwargs)
class TestInstallation(unittest.TestCase):
def test_linux(self):
distributions = [
# "gentoo" # can't test gentoo till this bug is fixed: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/1916#issuecomment-184356102
for distribution in distributions:
self.assertTrue(docker_util.run_image(distribution, rebuild=False), msg=distribution)
def test_windows(self):
Run the unittests on Windows + Install via Pip
To Fix Windows Error in Guest OS:
type gpedit.msc and go to:
Windows Settings
-> Security Settings
-> Local Policies
-> Security Options
-> Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only
and set it to DISABLED.
configure pip on guest:
no-cache-dir = false
yes = true
target_dir = r"C:\urh"
vm_helper = VMHelper("Windows 10", shell="cmd.exe /c")
vm_helper.send_command("pip uninstall urh")
vm_helper.send_command("rd /s /q {0}".format(target_dir))
vm_helper.send_command("git clone https://github.com/jopohl/urh " + target_dir)
rc = vm_helper.send_command(r"python C:\urh\src\urh\cythonext\build.py")
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
rc = vm_helper.send_command(r"py.test C:\urh\tests".format(target_dir))
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
vm_helper.send_command("pip install urh")
rc = vm_helper.send_command("urh autoclose")
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
vm_helper.send_command("pip uninstall urh")
def test_osx(self):
Run Unittests + Pip Installation on OSX
vm_helper = VMHelper("OSX", ssh_port="3022", ssh_username="boss")
python_bin_dir = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/"
target_dir = "/tmp/urh"
vm_helper.send_command("rm -rf {0}".format(target_dir))
vm_helper.send_command("git clone https://github.com/jopohl/urh " + target_dir)
# Build extensions
rc = vm_helper.send_command("{0}python3 {1}/src/urh/cythonext/build.py".format(python_bin_dir, target_dir))
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
# Run Unit tests
rc = vm_helper.send_command("{1}py.test {0}/tests".format(target_dir, python_bin_dir))
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
vm_helper.send_command("{0}pip3 --no-cache-dir install urh".format(python_bin_dir))
rc = vm_helper.send_command("{0}urh autoclose".format(python_bin_dir))
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
vm_helper.send_command("{0}pip3 uninstall --yes urh".format(python_bin_dir))