local type, pairs, str_match = type, pairs, string.match local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local AceSerializer = LibStub("AceSerializer-3.0") local L = Gladdy.L local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0") local LibDeflate = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDeflate") local function table_copy(t, str) local t2 = {}; if str == nil then str = "Gladdy.db" end for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then t2[k] = table_copy(v, str .. "." .. k); else t2[k] = v; end end return t2; end local ExportImport = Gladdy:NewModule("Export Import", nil, { }) local export = AceGUI:Create("Frame") export:SetWidth(550) export.sizer_se:Hide() export:SetStatusText("") export:SetLayout("Flow") export:SetTitle("Export") export:Hide() local exportEditBox = AceGUI:Create("MultiLineEditBox") exportEditBox:SetLabel('ExportString') exportEditBox:SetNumLines(29) exportEditBox:SetText("") exportEditBox:SetWidth(500) exportEditBox.button:Hide() exportEditBox.frame:SetClipsChildren(true) export:AddChild(exportEditBox) export.eb = exportEditBox local import = AceGUI:Create("Frame") import:SetWidth(550) import:Hide() import:SetLayout("Flow") import.sizer_se:Hide() import:SetStatusText("") import:SetTitle("Import") import:SetCallback("OnClose", function(widget) import.eb:SetCallback("OnTextChanged", nil) end) local importEditBox = AceGUI:Create("MultiLineEditBox") importEditBox:SetLabel('ImportString') importEditBox:SetNumLines(23) importEditBox:SetText("") importEditBox:SetWidth(500) importEditBox.button:Hide() importEditBox.frame:SetClipsChildren(true) import:AddChild(importEditBox) import.eb = importEditBox local importButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") importButton:SetText("Import\n(this will overwrite your current profile!)") importButton:SetWidth(200) importButton:SetHeight(50) importButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function(widget) ExportImport:ApplyImport(import.deserializedTable, Gladdy.db) import:Hide() Gladdy:Reset() Gladdy:HideFrame() Gladdy:ToggleFrame(3) LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):NotifyChange("Gladdy") end) import:AddChild(importButton) import.button = importButton local importClearButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") importClearButton:SetText("Clear") importClearButton:SetWidth(200) importClearButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function(widget) import.eb:SetText("") import.eb:SetFocus() import.button.frame:Disable() import:SetStatusText("Invalid Import String") import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) end) import:AddChild(importClearButton) import.clearButton = importClearButton local deletedOptions = { -- backwards compatibility --deleted DR-categories repentance = true, sleep = true, impconc = true, dragonsbreath = true, freezetrap = true, --deleted db options castBarPos = true, buffsCooldownPos = true, buffsBuffsCooldownPos = true, classIconPos = true, ciAnchor = true, ciPos = true, cooldownYPos = true, cooldownXPos = true, drCooldownPos = true, racialAnchor = true, racialPos = true, trinketPos = true, padding = true, growUp = true, powerBarFontSize = true, } local function checkIsDeletedOption(k, str, msg, errorFound, errorMsg) local isDeleted for key, _ in pairs(deletedOptions) do if str_match(k, key) then isDeleted = true Gladdy:Debug("WARN", "found deleted option =", str .. "." .. k) end end if errorFound then return errorFound, errorMsg end if not isDeleted then return true, msg or str .. "." .. k .. " does not exist" end end function ExportImport:CheckDeserializedOptions(tbl, refTbl, str) if str == nil and not tbl.version_major_num then return false, "Version conflict: version_major_num not seen" end if str == nil and tbl.version_major_num > Gladdy.version_major_num then return false, "Version conflict: Major v" .. tbl.version_major_num .. " ~= v" .. Gladdy.version_major_num end if str == nil then str = "Gladdy.db" tbl.version_major_num = nil end local res, msg local errorFound, errorMsg if refTbl == nil then return false, str .. "does not exist" else for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if refTbl[k] == nil then errorFound, errorMsg = checkIsDeletedOption(k, str, nil, errorFound, errorMsg) elseif type(v) ~= type(refTbl[k]) then errorFound = true errorMsg = str .. "." .. k .. " type error. Expected " .. type(refTbl[k]) .. " found " .. type(v) elseif type(v) == "table" then res, msg = ExportImport:CheckDeserializedOptions(v, refTbl[k], str .. "." .. k) if not res then errorFound, errorMsg = checkIsDeletedOption(msg, str, msg, errorFound, errorMsg) end end end end if errorFound then return false, errorMsg end return true end local dump local printable_compressed function ExportImport:GetOptions() return { headerProfileClassic = { type = "header", name = L["Profile Export Import"], order = 2, }, export = { type = "execute", func = function() local db = table_copy(Gladdy.db) db.version_major_num = Gladdy.version_major_num dump = AceSerializer:Serialize(db) local compress_deflate = LibDeflate:CompressZlib(dump) printable_compressed = LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint(compress_deflate) export.eb:SetText(printable_compressed) export:Show() export.eb:SetFocus() export.eb:HighlightText(0, export.eb.editBox:GetNumLetters()) export:SetStatusText("Copy this string to share your configuration with others.") end, name = L["Export"], desc = L["Export your current profile to share with others or your various accounts."], order = 3, }, import = { type = "execute", func = function() import.eb:SetText("") import:Show() import:SetStatusText("Invalid Import String") import.button.frame:Disable() import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) import.eb:SetFocus() import.eb:SetCallback("OnTextChanged", function(widget) local deserialized = ExportImport:Decode(widget:GetText(), true) if not deserialized then return end import.statustext:SetTextColor(0,1,0) import:SetStatusText("SUCCESS") import.button.frame:Enable() import.deserializedTable = deserialized end) end, name = L["Import"], desc = L["This will overwrite your current profile!"], order = 4, }, } end function ExportImport:ApplyImport(t, table, str) if str == nil then str = "Gladdy.db" if (not t.newLayout) then table.newLayout = false end end for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then if (table[k] ~= nil) then ExportImport:ApplyImport(v, table[k], str .. "." .. k) else Gladdy:Debug("ERROR", "ApplyImport failed for", str .. "." .. k) end else table[k] = v end end end function ExportImport:Decode(str, showError) local decoded_string = LibDeflate:DecodeForPrint(str) if not decoded_string then if showError then import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) import:SetStatusText("Invalid Import String FAILED LibDeflate:DecodeForPrint") import.button.frame:Disable() end return nil end local decompress_deflate = LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(decoded_string) if not decompress_deflate then if showError then import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) import:SetStatusText("Invalid Import String FAILED LibDeflate:DecompressZlib") import.button.frame:Disable() end return nil end local success, deserialized = AceSerializer:Deserialize(decompress_deflate) if not success then if showError then import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) import:SetStatusText("Invalid Import String FAILED AceSerializer:Deserialize") import.button.frame:Disable() end return nil end local statusOption, error = ExportImport:CheckDeserializedOptions(deserialized, Gladdy.defaults.profile) if not statusOption then if showError then import.statustext:SetTextColor(1,0,0) import:SetStatusText(error) import.button.frame:Disable() end return nil end return deserialized end