local floor, str_len, tostring, str_sub, str_find = math.floor, string.len, tostring, string.sub, string.find local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local ACDFrame = Gladdy:NewModule("Countdown", nil, { countdown = true, arenaCountdownSize = 256 }) function ACDFrame:OnEvent(event, ...) self[event](self, ...) end function ACDFrame:Initialize() self.hidden = false self.countdown = -1 self.texturePath = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\Countdown\\"; local ACDNumFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "ACDNumFrame", UIParent) ACDNumFrame:EnableMouse(false) ACDNumFrame:SetHeight(256) ACDNumFrame:SetWidth(256) ACDNumFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 128) ACDNumFrame:Show() self.ACDNumFrame = ACDNumFrame local ACDNumTens = ACDNumFrame:CreateTexture("ACDNumTens", "HIGH") ACDNumTens:SetWidth(256) ACDNumTens:SetHeight(128) ACDNumTens:SetPoint("CENTER", ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", -48, 0) self.ACDNumTens = ACDNumTens local ACDNumOnes = ACDNumFrame:CreateTexture("ACDNumOnes", "HIGH") ACDNumOnes:SetWidth(256) ACDNumOnes:SetHeight(128) ACDNumOnes:SetPoint("CENTER", ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", 48, 0) self.ACDNumOnes = ACDNumOnes local ACDNumOne = ACDNumFrame:CreateTexture("ACDNumOne", "HIGH") ACDNumOne:SetWidth(256) ACDNumOne:SetHeight(128) ACDNumOne:SetPoint("CENTER", ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", 0, 0) self.ACDNumOne = ACDNumOne self:RegisterMessage("JOINED_ARENA") end function ACDFrame.OnUpdate(self, elapse) if (self.countdown > 0 and Gladdy.db.countdown) then self.hidden = false; if ((floor(self.countdown) ~= floor(self.countdown - elapse)) and (floor(self.countdown - elapse) >= 0)) then local str = tostring(floor(self.countdown - elapse)); if (floor(self.countdown - elapse) == 0) then self.ACDNumTens:Hide(); self.ACDNumOnes:Hide(); self.ACDNumOne:Hide(); elseif (str_len(str) == 2) then -- Display has 2 digits self.ACDNumOne:Hide(); self.ACDNumTens:Show(); self.ACDNumOnes:Show(); self.ACDNumTens:SetTexture(self.texturePath .. str_sub(str, 0, 1)); self.ACDNumOnes:SetTexture(self.texturePath .. str_sub(str, 2, 2)); self.ACDNumFrame:SetScale(0.7) elseif (str_len(str) == 1) then -- Display has 1 digit self.ACDNumOne:Show(); self.ACDNumOne:SetTexture(self.texturePath .. str_sub(str, 0, 1)); self.ACDNumOnes:Hide(); self.ACDNumTens:Hide(); self.ACDNumFrame:SetScale(1.0) end end self.countdown = self.countdown - elapse; else self.hidden = true; self.ACDNumTens:Hide(); self.ACDNumOnes:Hide(); self.ACDNumOne:Hide(); end end function ACDFrame:JOINED_ARENA() self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL") self:SetScript("OnEvent", ACDFrame.OnEvent) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", ACDFrame.OnUpdate) end function ACDFrame:CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL(msg) if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 60 secondes !")) then self.countdown = 61 return end if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 30 secondes !")) then self.countdown = 31 return end if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 15 secondes !")) then self.countdown = 16 return end if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 10 secondes !")) then self.countdown = 11 return end if (str_find(msg, "One minute until the Arena battle begins!")) then self.countdown = 61 return end if (str_find(msg, "Thirty seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then self.countdown = 31 return end if (str_find(msg, "Fifteen seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then self.countdown = 16 return end if (str_find(msg, "Ten seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then self.countdown = 10 return end if (str_find(msg, "The Arena battle has begun!")) then ACDFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) return end end function ACDFrame:UpdateFrame() self.ACDNumFrame:SetHeight(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize) self.ACDNumFrame:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize) self.ACDNumFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 128) self.ACDNumTens:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize) self.ACDNumTens:SetHeight(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/2) self.ACDNumTens:SetPoint("CENTER", self.ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", -(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/8 + Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/8/2), 0) self.ACDNumOnes:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize) self.ACDNumOnes:SetHeight(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/2) self.ACDNumOnes:SetPoint("CENTER", self.ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", (Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/8 + Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/8/2), 0) self.ACDNumOne:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize) self.ACDNumOne:SetHeight(Gladdy.db.arenaCountdownSize/2) self.ACDNumOne:SetPoint("CENTER", self.ACDNumFrame, "CENTER", 0, 0) end function ACDFrame:Test() self.countdown = 30 self:JOINED_ARENA() end function ACDFrame:Reset() self.countdown = 0 self:UnregisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL") self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) self.hidden = true; self.ACDNumTens:Hide(); self.ACDNumOnes:Hide(); self.ACDNumOne:Hide(); end function ACDFrame:GetOptions() return { headerArenaCountdown = { type = "header", name = L["Arena Countdown"], order = 2, }, countdown = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Turn on/off"], desc = L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."], order = 3, width = "full", }), arenaCountdownSize = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Size"], order = 4, min = 64, max = 512, step = 16, }), } end