local tbl_sort, select, string_lower = table.sort, select, string.lower local GetLocale = GetLocale local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L Gladdy.RACES = {"Scourge", "BloodElf", "Tauren", "Orc", "Troll", "NightElf", "Draenei", "Human", "Gnome", "Dwarf"} tbl_sort(Gladdy.RACES) local RACE_ICON_TCOORDS = { ["HUMAN_MALE"] = { 0, 0.125, 0, 0.25 }, ["DWARF_MALE"] = { 0.125, 0.25, 0, 0.25 }, ["GNOME_MALE"] = { 0.25, 0.375, 0, 0.25 }, ["NIGHTELF_MALE"] = { 0.375, 0.5, 0, 0.25 }, ["TAUREN_MALE"] = { 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 }, ["SCOURGE_MALE"] = { 0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 }, ["TROLL_MALE"] = { 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.5 }, ["ORC_MALE"] = { 0.375, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5 }, ["HUMAN_FEMALE"] = { 0, 0.125, 0.5, 0.75 }, ["DWARF_FEMALE"] = { 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 }, ["GNOME_FEMALE"] = { 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75 }, ["NIGHTELF_FEMALE"] = { 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75 }, ["TAUREN_FEMALE"] = { 0, 0.125, 0.75, 1.0 }, ["SCOURGE_FEMALE"] = { 0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0 }, ["TROLL_FEMALE"] = { 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0 }, ["ORC_FEMALE"] = { 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 }, ["BLOODELF_MALE"] = { 0.5, 0.625, 0.25, 0.5 }, ["BLOODELF_FEMALE"] = { 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 1.0 }, ["DRAENEI_MALE"] = { 0.5, 0.625, 0, 0.25 }, ["DRAENEI_FEMALE"] = { 0.5, 0.625, 0.5, 0.75 }, } local arenaTimer = { ["default"] = { [60] = "One minute until the Arena battle begins!", [30] = "Thirty seconds until the Arena battle begins!", [15] = "Fifteen seconds until the Arena battle begins!", [0] = "The Arena battle has begun!", }, ["esES"] = { [60] = "¡Un minuto hasta que dé comienzo la batalla en arena!", [30] = "¡Treinta segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", [15] = "¡Quince segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", [0] = "¡La batalla en arena ha comenzado!", }, ["ptBR"] = { [60] = "Um minuto até a batalha na Arena começar!", [30] = "Trinta segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", [15] = "Quinze segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", [0] = "A batalha na Arena começou!", }, ["deDE"] = { [60] = "Noch eine Minute bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [30] = "Noch dreißig Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [15] = "Noch fünfzehn Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [0] = "Der Arenakampf hat begonnen!", }, ["frFR"] = { [60] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans une minute\194\160!", [30] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans trente secondes\194\160!", [15] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans quinze secondes\194\160!", [0] = "Le combat d'arène commence\194\160!", }, ["ruRU"] = { [60] = "Одна минута до начала боя на арене!", [30] = "Тридцать секунд до начала боя на арене!", [15] = "До начала боя на арене осталось 15 секунд.", [0] = "Бой начался!", }, ["itIT"] = { -- TODO -- Beta has no itIT version available? }, ["koKR"] = { [60] = "투기장 전투 시작 1분 전입니다!", [30] = "투기장 전투 시작 30초 전입니다!", [15] = "투기장 전투 시작 15초 전입니다!", [0] = "투기장 전투가 시작되었습니다!", }, ["zhCN"] = { [60] = "竞技场战斗将在一分钟后开始!", [30] = "竞技场战斗将在三十秒后开始!", [15] = "竞技场战斗将在十五秒后开始!", [0] = "竞技场的战斗开始了!", }, ["zhTW"] = { [60] = "1分鐘後競技場戰鬥開始!", [30] = "30秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", [15] = "15秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", [0] = "競技場戰鬥開始了!", }, } arenaTimer["esMX"] = arenaTimer["esES"] arenaTimer["ptPT"] = arenaTimer["ptBR"] function Gladdy:GetArenaTimer() if arenaTimer[GetLocale()] then return arenaTimer[GetLocale()] else return arenaTimer["default"] end end Gladdy.legacy = { castBarPos = "LEFT", buffsCooldownPos = "TOP", buffsBuffsCooldownPos = "BOTTOM", classIconPos = "LEFT", ciAnchor = "healthBar", ciPos = "TOP", cooldownYPos = "TOP", cooldownXPos = "LEFT", drCooldownPos = "RIGHT", racialAnchor = "trinket", racialPos = "RIGHT", trinketPos = "RIGHT", padding = 1, growUp = false, } Gladdy.newDefaults = { ["bottomMargin"] = 94.99996948242188, ["newLayout"] = true, Pets = { ["petYOffset"] = -81.99993896484375, ["petXOffset"] = 181, }, ClassIcon = { ["classIconXOffset"] = -74.90008544921875, }, Racial = { ["racialXOffset"] = 255.9000244140625, }, Trinket = { ["trinketXOffset"] = 182, }, ["Combat Indicator"] = { ["ciXOffset"] = 79.99993896484375, ["ciYOffset"] = -10.99993896484375, }, Cooldowns = { ["cooldownYOffset"] = 31, }, ["Buffs and Debuffs"] = { ["buffsBuffsXOffset"] = 29, ["buffsBuffsYOffset"] = -82.99993896484375, ["buffsXOffset"] = 29, ["buffsYOffset"] = 62.00006103515625, }, Diminishings = { ["drXOffset"] = 329.7999877929688, ["drYOffset"] = -22.5, }, ["Cast Bar"] = { ["castBarXOffset"] = -235.900146484375, ["castBarYOffset"] = -30.5, }, } Gladdy.frameStrata = { BACKGROUND = L["Background"] .. "(0)", LOW = L["Low"] .. "(1)", MEDIUM = L["Medium"] .. "(2)", HIGH = L["High"] .. "(3)", DIALOG = L["Dialog"] .. "(4)", FULLSCREEN = L["Fullscreen"] .. "(5)", FULLSCREEN_DIALOG = L["Fullscreen Dialog"] .. "(6)", TOOLTIP = L["Tooltip"] .. "(7)", } Gladdy.frameStrataSorting = { [1] = "BACKGROUND", [2] = "LOW", [3] = "MEDIUM", [4] = "HIGH", [5] = "DIALOG", [6] = "FULLSCREEN", [7] = "FULLSCREEN_DIALOG", [8] = "TOOLTIP", } local dispelTypeColors = {} dispelTypeColors["none"] = { r = 0.80, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["magic"] = { r = 0.20, g = 0.60, b = 1.00, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["curse"] = { r = 0.60, g = 0.00, b = 1.00, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["disease"] = { r = 0.60, g = 0.40, b = 0, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["poison"] = { r = 0.00, g = 0.60, b = 0, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["immune"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.02, b = 0.99, a = 1 } dispelTypeColors["enrage"] = dispelTypeColors["none"] dispelTypeColors["form"] = dispelTypeColors["none"] dispelTypeColors["aura"] = dispelTypeColors["none"] dispelTypeColors[""] = dispelTypeColors["none"] function Gladdy:GetDispelTypeColors() return dispelTypeColors end --[[schoolColoring = { [SCHOOL_MASK_NONE] = {a=1.0,r=1.00,g=1.00,b=1.00}; [SCHOOL_MASK_PHYSICAL] = {a=1.0,r=1.00,g=1.00,b=0.00}; [SCHOOL_MASK_HOLY] = {a=1.0,r=1.00,g=0.90,b=0.50}; [SCHOOL_MASK_FIRE] = {a=1.0,r=1.00,g=0.50,b=0.00}; [SCHOOL_MASK_NATURE] = {a=1.0,r=0.30,g=1.00,b=0.30}; [SCHOOL_MASK_FROST] = {a=1.0,r=0.50,g=1.00,b=1.00}; [SCHOOL_MASK_SHADOW] = {a=1.0,r=0.50,g=0.50,b=1.00}; [SCHOOL_MASK_ARCANE] = {a=1.0,r=1.00,g=0.50,b=1.00}; SCHOOL_MASK_NONE = 0x00; SCHOOL_MASK_PHYSICAL = 0x01; SCHOOL_MASK_HOLY = 0x02; SCHOOL_MASK_FIRE = 0x04; SCHOOL_MASK_NATURE = 0x08; SCHOOL_MASK_FROST = 0x10; SCHOOL_MASK_SHADOW = 0x20; SCHOOL_MASK_ARCANE = 0x40; --]] local spellSchoolColors = {} spellSchoolColors[1] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Physical" } -- "physical" 255, 255, 0 spellSchoolColors[2] = { r = 1, g = 0.901, b = 0.501, a = 1, type = "Holy" } --"holy" -- 255, 230, 128 spellSchoolColors[4] = { r = 1, g = 0.501, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Fire" } --"fire" -- 255, 128, 0 spellSchoolColors[8] = { r = 0.302, g = 1, b = 0.302, a = 1, type = "Nature" } --"nature" -- 77, 255, 77 spellSchoolColors[16] = { r = 0.501, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Frost" } --"frost" -- 128, 255, 255 spellSchoolColors[32] = { r = 0.501, g = 0.501, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Shadow" } --"shadow" --128, 128, 255 spellSchoolColors[64] = { r = 1, g = 0.501, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Arcane" } --"arcane" -- 255, 128, 255 spellSchoolColors["unknown"] = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Unknown" } --"unknown spell school" function Gladdy:GetSpellSchoolColors() return spellSchoolColors end --------------------- -- TRINKET STUFF --------------------- local pvpTrinkets = { -- [itemID] = cd in ms --wotlk [59752] = 120000, [51377] = 120000, [51378] = 120000, [46083] = 120000, [46085] = 120000, [46081] = 120000, [46084] = 120000, [46082] = 120000, [42122] = 120000, [42123] = 120000, --tbc [37864] = 120000, [37865] = 120000, [28235] = 120000, [30348] = 120000, [28238] = 120000, [30351] = 120000, [28236] = 120000, [30349] = 120000, [28234] = 120000, [28237] = 120000, [30350] = 120000, [28240] = 120000, [28243] = 120000, [30345] = 120000, [28241] = 120000, [30343] = 120000, [28239] = 120000, [30346] = 120000, [28242] = 120000, [30344] = 120000, [29593] = 120000, [29593] = 300000, [18859] = 300000, [18857] = 300000, [18864] = 300000, [18854] = 300000, [18862] = 300000, [18858] = 300000, [18856] = 300000, [18863] = 300000, [18834] = 300000, [18851] = 300000, [18845] = 300000, [18852] = 300000, [29592] = 300000, [18850] = 300000, [18846] = 300000, [18853] = 300000, } function Gladdy:GetPvpTrinkets() return pvpTrinkets end --------------------- -- TOTEM STUFF --------------------- local totemData = { -- Fire [string_lower("Searing Totem")] = {id = 3599,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3599)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Flametongue Totem")] = {id = 8227,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8227)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Magma Totem")] = {id = 8190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8190)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2}, [string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")] = {id = 1535,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1535)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = { cd = 4, once = true }}, [string_lower("Totem of Wrath")] = {id = 30706,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(30706)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")] = {id = 32982,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32982)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8181,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8181)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, -- Water [string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")] = {id = 8184,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8184)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")] = {id = 8170,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8170)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 5}, [string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")] = {id = 5394,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5394)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2}, [string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")] = {id = 16190,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(16190)), color = {r = 0.078, g = 0.9, b = 0.16, a = 1}, pulse = 3 }, [string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")] = {id = 5675,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5675)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2}, -- Earth [string_lower("Earthbind Totem")] = {id = 2484,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(2484)), color = {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1}, pulse = 3}, [string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")] = {id = 5730,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5730)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}, pulse = 2}, [string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")] = {id = 8071,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8071)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")] = {id = 8075,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8075)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")] = {id = 33663,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(33663)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Tremor Totem")] = {id = 8143,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8143)), color = {r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0.1, a = 1}, pulse = 3}, -- Air [string_lower("Grounding Totem")] = {id = 8177,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8177)), color = {r = 0, g = 0.53, b = 0.92, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")] = {id = 10595,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(10595)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Windfury Totem")] = {id = 8512,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8512)), color = {r = 0.96, g = 0, b = 0.07, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Sentry Totem")] = {id = 6495, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6495)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, [string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")] = {id = 3738,texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(3738)), color = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1}}, } local totemSpellIdToPulse = { [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse, [2484] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")].pulse, [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse, [8143] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")].pulse, [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse, [8170] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")].pulse, [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, [1535] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [8498] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2 [8499] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3 [11314] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4 [11315] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5 [25546] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6 [25547] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7 [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, [8190] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [10585] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2 [10586] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3 [10587] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4 [25552] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5 [58731] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6 [58734] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7 [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, [5394] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [6375] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2 [6377] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3 [10462] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4 [10463] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5 [25567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6 [58755] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7 [58756] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8 [58757] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 9 [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, [5675] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [10495] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2 [10496] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3 [10497] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4 [25570] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5 [58771] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6 [58773] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7 [58774] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8 [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].pulse, [16190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [GetSpellInfo(totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].id)] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, [5730] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 1 [6390] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 2 [6391] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 3 [6392] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 4 [10427] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 5 [10428] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 6 [25525] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 7 [58580] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 8 [58581] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 9 [58582] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")].pulse, -- Rank 10 } local totemNpcIdsToTotemData = { --fire [2523] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [3902] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [3903] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [3904] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [7400] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [7402] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [15480] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [31162] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [31164] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [31165] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [21995] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [22209] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [22895] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [34687] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [36532] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [43423] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [67380] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [73477] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [79238] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [22896] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [84519] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [110730] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [132178] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [9637] = totemData[string_lower("Searing Totem")], [5950] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [6012] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [7423] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [10557] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [15485] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [31132] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [31133] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [31158] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [42605] = totemData[string_lower("Flametongue Totem")], [5929] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [7464] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [7465] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [7466] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [15484] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [31166] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [31167] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [32887] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [42211] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [71335] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [71925] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [73085] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [73093] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [73268] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [88971] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [97369] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [98676] = totemData[string_lower("Magma Totem")], [5879] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [6110] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [6111] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [7844] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [7845] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [14662] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [15482] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [15483] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [24320] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [32775] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [32776] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Nova Totem")], [17539] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [22970] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [22971] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [30652] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [30653] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [30654] = totemData[string_lower("Totem of Wrath")], [15439] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], [40830] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], [41337] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], [41346] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], [72301] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], [5926] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], [7412] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], [7413] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], [15486] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], [31171] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], [31172] = totemData[string_lower("Frost Resistance Totem")], -- Water [5927] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [7424] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [7425] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [15487] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [31169] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [31170] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Resistance Totem")], [5924] = totemData[string_lower("Disease Cleansing Totem")], [3527] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [3906] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [3907] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [3908] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [3909] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [14664] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [15488] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [18235] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [31181] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [31182] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [31185] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [34686] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [36542] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [37810] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [38428] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [47077] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [72309] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [72457] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [73890] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [74433] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [97508] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [112567] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [120357] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [128539] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [132049] = totemData[string_lower("Healing Stream Totem")], [10467] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")], [11100] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")], [11101] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")], [17061] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Tide Totem")], [3573] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [7414] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [7415] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [7416] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [15304] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [15489] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [31186] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [31189] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], [31190] = totemData[string_lower("Mana Spring Totem")], -- Earth [2630] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")], [22486] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")], [40233] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")], [74737] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")], [79155] = totemData[string_lower("Earthbind Totem")], [3579] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [3911] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [3912] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [3913] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [7398] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [7399] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [14870] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [15478] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [31120] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [31121] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [31122] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [40258] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [102402] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneclaw Totem")], [5873] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [5919] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [5920] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [7366] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [7367] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [7368] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [14663] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [15470] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [15474] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [18177] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [21994] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [31175] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [31176] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [36550] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [40267] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [41967] = totemData[string_lower("Stoneskin Totem")], [5874] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [5921] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [5922] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [7403] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [15464] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [15479] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [21992] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [30647] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [31129] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [40266] = totemData[string_lower("Strength of Earth Totem")], [15430] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], [24649] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], [39387] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], [40247] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], [72307] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], [5913] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")], [41938] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")], [41939] = totemData[string_lower("Tremor Totem")], -- Air [5925] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")], [128537] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")], [136251] = totemData[string_lower("Grounding Totem")], [7467] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [7468] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [7469] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [15490] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [31173] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [31174] = totemData[string_lower("Nature Resistance Totem")], [6112] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [7483] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [7484] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [14666] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [15496] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [15497] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [22897] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [41940] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [41941] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [80703] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [105690] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [133684] = totemData[string_lower("Windfury Totem")], [3968] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [28938] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [40187] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [69505] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [70413] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [71145] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [147410] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], [15447] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")], [36556] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")], } function Gladdy:GetSharedTotemData() return totemData, totemNpcIdsToTotemData, totemSpellIdToPulse end