local tbl_sort, select = table.sort, select local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo local GetLocale = GetLocale local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, AURA_TYPE_BUFF = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, AURA_TYPE_BUFF Gladdy.CLASSES = {"MAGE", "PRIEST", "DRUID", "SHAMAN", "PALADIN", "WARLOCK", "WARRIOR", "HUNTER", "ROGUE"} tbl_sort(Gladdy.CLASSES) Gladdy.RACES = {"Scourge", "BloodElf", "Tauren", "Orc", "Troll", "NightElf", "Draenei", "Human", "Gnome", "Dwarf"} tbl_sort(Gladdy.RACES) local specBuffs = { -- DRUID [GetSpellInfo(45283)] = L["Restoration"], -- Natural Perfection [GetSpellInfo(16880)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Grace; Dreamstate spec in TBC equals Restoration [GetSpellInfo(24858)] = L["Restoration"], -- Moonkin Form; Dreamstate spec in TBC equals Restoration [GetSpellInfo(17007)] = L["Feral"], -- Leader of the Pack [GetSpellInfo(16188)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Swiftness -- HUNTER [GetSpellInfo(34692)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- The Beast Within [GetSpellInfo(20895)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- Spirit Bond [GetSpellInfo(34455)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- Ferocious Inspiration [GetSpellInfo(27066)] = L["Marksmanship"], -- Trueshot Aura -- MAGE [GetSpellInfo(33405)] = L["Frost"], -- Ice Barrier [GetSpellInfo(11129)] = L["Fire"], -- Combustion [GetSpellInfo(12042)] = L["Arcane"], -- Arcane Power [GetSpellInfo(12043)] = L["Arcane"], -- Presence of Mind [GetSpellInfo(12472)] = L["Frost"], -- Icy Veins -- PALADIN [GetSpellInfo(31836)] = L["Holy"], -- Light's Grace [GetSpellInfo(31842)] = L["Holy"], -- Divine Illumination [GetSpellInfo(20216)] = L["Holy"], -- Divine Favor [GetSpellInfo(20375)] = L["Retribution"], -- Seal of Command [GetSpellInfo(20049)] = L["Retribution"], -- Vengeance [GetSpellInfo(20218)] = L["Retribution"], -- Sanctity Aura -- PRIEST [GetSpellInfo(15473)] = L["Shadow"], -- Shadowform [GetSpellInfo(45234)] = L["Discipline"], -- Focused Will [GetSpellInfo(27811)] = L["Discipline"], -- Blessed Recovery [GetSpellInfo(33142)] = L["Holy"], -- Blessed Resilience [GetSpellInfo(14752)] = L["Discipline"], -- Divine Spirit [GetSpellInfo(27681)] = L["Discipline"], -- Prayer of Spirit [GetSpellInfo(10060)] = L["Discipline"], -- Power Infusion [GetSpellInfo(33206)] = L["Discipline"], -- Pain Suppression [GetSpellInfo(14893)] = L["Discipline"], -- Inspiration -- ROGUE [GetSpellInfo(36554)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Shadowstep [GetSpellInfo(44373)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Shadowstep Speed [GetSpellInfo(36563)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Shadowstep DMG [GetSpellInfo(14278)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Ghostly Strike [GetSpellInfo(31233)] = L["Assassination"], -- Find Weakness --Shaman [GetSpellInfo(16190)] = L["Restoration"], -- Mana Tide Totem [GetSpellInfo(32594)] = L["Restoration"], -- Earth Shield [GetSpellInfo(30823)] = L["Enhancement"], -- Shamanistic Rage -- WARLOCK [GetSpellInfo(19028)] = L["Demonology"], -- Soul Link [GetSpellInfo(23759)] = L["Demonology"], -- Master Demonologist [GetSpellInfo(30302)] = L["Destruction"], -- Nether Protection [GetSpellInfo(34935)] = L["Destruction"], -- Backlash -- WARRIOR [GetSpellInfo(29838)] = L["Arms"], -- Second Wind [GetSpellInfo(12292)] = L["Arms"], -- Death Wish } function Gladdy:GetSpecBuffs() return specBuffs end local specSpells = { -- DRUID [GetSpellInfo(33831)] = L["Balance"], -- Force of Nature [GetSpellInfo(33983)] = L["Feral"], -- Mangle (Cat) [GetSpellInfo(33987)] = L["Feral"], -- Mangle (Bear) [GetSpellInfo(18562)] = L["Restoration"], -- Swiftmend [GetSpellInfo(16188)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Swiftness -- HUNTER [GetSpellInfo(19577)] = L["Beast Mastery"], -- Intimidation [GetSpellInfo(34490)] = L["Marksmanship"], -- Silencing Shot [GetSpellInfo(27068)] = L["Survival"], -- Wyvern Sting [GetSpellInfo(19306)] = L["Survival"], -- Counterattack [GetSpellInfo(27066)] = L["Marksmanship"], -- Trueshot Aura -- MAGE [GetSpellInfo(12042)] = L["Arcane"], -- Arcane Power [GetSpellInfo(33043)] = L["Fire"], -- Dragon's Breath [GetSpellInfo(33933)] = L["Fire"], -- Blast Wave [GetSpellInfo(33405)] = L["Frost"], -- Ice Barrier [GetSpellInfo(31687)] = L["Frost"], -- Summon Water Elemental [GetSpellInfo(12472)] = L["Frost"], -- Icy Veins [GetSpellInfo(11958)] = L["Frost"], -- Cold Snap -- PALADIN [GetSpellInfo(33072)] = L["Holy"], -- Holy Shock [GetSpellInfo(20216)] = L["Holy"], -- Divine Favor [GetSpellInfo(31842)] = L["Holy"], -- Divine Illumination [GetSpellInfo(32700)] = L["Protection"], -- Avenger's Shield [GetSpellInfo(27170)] = L["Retribution"], -- Seal of Command [GetSpellInfo(35395)] = L["Retribution"], -- Crusader Strike [GetSpellInfo(20066)] = L["Retribution"], -- Repentance [GetSpellInfo(20218)] = L["Retribution"], -- Sanctity Aura -- PRIEST [GetSpellInfo(10060)] = L["Discipline"], -- Power Infusion [GetSpellInfo(33206)] = L["Discipline"], -- Pain Suppression [GetSpellInfo(14752)] = L["Discipline"], -- Divine Spirit [GetSpellInfo(33143)] = L["Holy"], -- Blessed Resilience [GetSpellInfo(34861)] = L["Holy"], -- Circle of Healing [GetSpellInfo(15473)] = L["Shadow"], -- Shadowform [GetSpellInfo(34917)] = L["Shadow"], -- Vampiric Touch -- ROGUE [GetSpellInfo(34413)] = L["Assassination"], -- Mutilate [GetSpellInfo(14177)] = L["Assassination"], -- Cold Blood [GetSpellInfo(13750)] = L["Combat"], -- Adrenaline Rush [GetSpellInfo(14185)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Preparation [GetSpellInfo(16511)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Hemorrhage [GetSpellInfo(36554)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Shadowstep [GetSpellInfo(14278)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Ghostly Strike [GetSpellInfo(14183)] = L["Subtlety"], -- Premeditation -- SHAMAN [GetSpellInfo(16166)] = L["Elemental"], -- Elemental Mastery [GetSpellInfo(30823)] = L["Enhancement"], -- Shamanistic Rage [GetSpellInfo(17364)] = L["Enhancement"], -- Stormstrike [GetSpellInfo(16190)] = L["Restoration"], -- Mana Tide Totem [GetSpellInfo(32594)] = L["Restoration"], -- Earth Shield --[GetSpellInfo(16188)] = L["Restoration"], -- Nature's Swiftness -- WARLOCK [GetSpellInfo(30405)] = L["Affliction"], -- Unstable Affliction --[GetSpellInfo(30911)] = L["Affliction"], -- Siphon Life [GetSpellInfo(30414)] = L["Destruction"], -- Shadowfury -- WARRIOR [GetSpellInfo(30330)] = L["Arms"], -- Mortal Strike [GetSpellInfo(12292)] = L["Arms"], -- Death Wish [GetSpellInfo(30335)] = L["Fury"], -- Bloodthirst [GetSpellInfo(12809)] = L["Protection"], -- Concussion Blow [GetSpellInfo(30022)] = L["Protection"], -- Devastation } function Gladdy:GetSpecSpells() return specSpells end local importantAuras = { -- Cyclone [GetSpellInfo(33786)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 6, priority = 40, spellID = 33786, }, -- Hibernate [GetSpellInfo(18658)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, magic = true, spellID = 18658, }, -- Entangling Roots [GetSpellInfo(26989)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 30, onDamage = true, magic = true, root = true, spellID = 26989, }, [select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 30, spellID = 27010, altName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689)), }, -- Feral Charge [GetSpellInfo(16979)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 30, root = true, spellID = 16979, }, -- Bash [GetSpellInfo(8983)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 30, spellID = 8983, }, -- Pounce [GetSpellInfo(9005)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellID = 9005, }, -- Maim [GetSpellInfo(22570)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 6, priority = 40, incapacite = true, spellID = 22570, }, -- Innervate [GetSpellInfo(29166)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 20, priority = 10, spellID = 29166, }, -- Imp Starfire Stun [GetSpellInfo(16922)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellSchool = "physical", spellID = 16922, }, -- Freezing Trap Effect [GetSpellInfo(14309)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, magic = true, spellID = 14309, }, -- Wyvern Sting [GetSpellInfo(19386)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, poison = true, sleep = true, spellID = 19386, }, -- Scatter Shot [GetSpellInfo(19503)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 40, onDamage = true, spellID = 19503, }, -- Silencing Shot [GetSpellInfo(34490)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 34490, }, -- Intimidation [GetSpellInfo(19577)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 40, spellID = 19577, }, -- The Beast Within [GetSpellInfo(34692)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 18, priority = 20, spellID = 34692, }, -- Polymorph [GetSpellInfo(12826)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, magic = true, spellID = 12826, }, -- Dragon's Breath [GetSpellInfo(31661)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, onDamage = true, magic = true, spellID = 31661, }, -- Frost Nova [GetSpellInfo(27088)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 30, onDamage = true, magic = true, root = true, spellID = 27088, }, -- Freeze (Water Elemental) [GetSpellInfo(33395)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 30, onDamage = true, magic = true, root = true, spellID = 33395, }, -- Counterspell - Silence [GetSpellInfo(18469)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 18469, }, -- Ice Block [GetSpellInfo(45438)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 10, priority = 20, spellID = 45438, }, -- Impact [GetSpellInfo(12355)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 40, spellID = 12355, }, -- Hammer of Justice [GetSpellInfo(10308)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 6, priority = 40, magic = true, spellID = 10308, }, -- Repentance [GetSpellInfo(20066)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 6, priority = 40, onDamage = true, magic = true, incapacite = true, spellID = 20066, }, -- Blessing of Protection [GetSpellInfo(10278)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 10, priority = 10, spellID = 10278, }, -- Blessing of Freedom [GetSpellInfo(1044)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 14, priority = 10, spellID = 1044, }, -- Blessing of Sacrifice [GetSpellInfo(6940)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 30, priority = 12, spellID = 6940, }, -- Divine Shield [GetSpellInfo(642)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 12, priority = 20, spellID = 642, }, -- Psychic Scream [GetSpellInfo(8122)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 40, onDamage = true, fear = true, magic = true, spellID = 8122, }, -- Chastise [GetSpellInfo(44047)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 30, root = true, spellID = 44047, }, -- Mind Control [GetSpellInfo(605)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, magic = true, spellID = 605, }, --Blackout Stun 15269 [GetSpellInfo(15269)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellSchool = "magic", spellID = 15269, }, -- Silence [GetSpellInfo(15487)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 5, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 15487, }, -- Pain Suppression [GetSpellInfo(33206)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 8, priority = 10, spellID = 33206, }, -- Sap [GetSpellInfo(6770)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, incapacite = true, spellID = 6770, }, -- Blind [GetSpellInfo(2094)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, spellID = 2094, }, -- Cheap Shot [GetSpellInfo(1833)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 40, spellID = 1833, }, -- Kidney Shot [GetSpellInfo(8643)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 6, priority = 40, spellID = 8643, }, -- Gouge [GetSpellInfo(1776)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 40, onDamage = true, incapacite = true, spellID = 1776, }, -- Kick - Silence [GetSpellInfo(18425)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 15, spellID = 18425, }, -- Garrote - Silence [GetSpellInfo(1330)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 15, spellID = 1330, }, -- Cloak of Shadows [GetSpellInfo(31224)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 5, priority = 20, spellID = 31224, }, -- Evasion [GetSpellInfo(26669)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 15, priority = 10, spellID = 26669, }, -- Fear [GetSpellInfo(5782)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, fear = true, magic = true, spellID = 5782, }, -- Death Coil [GetSpellInfo(27223)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellID = 27223, }, --Banish [GetSpellInfo(710)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, spellID = 710, }, -- Shadowfury [GetSpellInfo(30283)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 40, magic = true, spellID = 30283, }, -- Seduction (Succubus) [GetSpellInfo(6358)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 40, onDamage = true, fear = true, magic = true, spellID = 6358, }, -- Howl of Terror [GetSpellInfo(5484)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 40, onDamage = true, fear = true, magic = true, spellID = 5484, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5484)) }, -- Spell Lock (Felhunter) [GetSpellInfo(24259)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 24259, }, -- Unstable Affliction Silence ["Unstable Affliction Silence"] = { -- GetSpellInfo returns "Unstable Affliction" track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, altName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(31117)) .. " Silence", duration = 5, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 31117, }, -- Intimidating Shout [GetSpellInfo(5246)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 15, onDamage = true, fear = true, spellID = 5246, }, -- Concussion Blow [GetSpellInfo(12809)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 5, priority = 40, spellID = 12809, }, -- Intercept Stun [GetSpellInfo(25274)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellID = 25274, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(25272)) }, -- Charge Stun [GetSpellInfo(7922)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 1, priority = 40, spellID = 7922, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(100)) }, -- Spell Reflection [GetSpellInfo(23920)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 5, priority = 50, spellID = 23920, }, -- Shield Bash - Silenced [GetSpellInfo(18498)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 15, spellSchool = "magic", spellID = 18498, }, -- Death Wish [GetSpellInfo(12292)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 3, priority = 15, spellSchool = "magic", spellID = 12292, }, -- Grounding Totem Effect [GetSpellInfo(8178)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 0, priority = 20, spellID = 8178 }, --Intervene [GetSpellInfo(3411)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 10, priority = 10, spellSchool = "physical", spellID = 3411, }, --Improved Hamstring [GetSpellInfo(23694)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 5, priority = 40, spellSchool = "physical", spellID = 23694, }, -- Mace Stun Effect [GetSpellInfo(5530)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 3, priority = 40, spellSchool = "physical", texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(12284)), spellID = 5530, }, -- Storm Herald Stun effect [GetSpellInfo(34510)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 4, priority = 40, spellSchool = "physical", spellID = 34510, }, -- War Stomp [GetSpellInfo(20549)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 40, spellID = 20549, }, -- Arcane Torrent [GetSpellInfo(28730)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 2, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 28730, }, -- Shadowsight Buff [GetSpellInfo(34709)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 15, priority = 15, magic = true, spellID = 34709, }, -- Net-o-Matic [GetSpellInfo(13120)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 10, priority = 30, spellID = 13120, }, -- Nigh Invulnerability Shield [GetSpellInfo(30458)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 8, priority = 15, spellID = 30458, texture = select(10, GetItemInfo(23825)) }, -- Nigh Invulnerability Belt Backfire [GetSpellInfo(30457)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, duration = 8, priority = 15, spellID = 30457, }, -- Flee (Skull of impending Doom) -- 5024 [GetSpellInfo(5024)] = { track = AURA_TYPE_BUFF, duration = 8, priority = 15, spellID = 5024, altName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(5024)) .. " - " .. select(1, GetItemInfo(4984)), }, } function Gladdy:GetImportantAuras() return importantAuras end local interrupts = { [GetSpellInfo(19675)] = {duration = 4, spellID = 19675, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(19675)), priority = 15}, -- Feral Charge Effect (Druid) [GetSpellInfo(2139)] = {duration = 8, spellID = 2139, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(2139)), priority = 15}, -- Counterspell (Mage) [GetSpellInfo(1766)] = {duration = 5, spellID = 1766, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1766)), priority = 15}, -- Kick (Rogue) [GetSpellInfo(6552)] = {duration = 4, spellID = 6552, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6552)), priority = 15}, -- Pummel (Warrior) [GetSpellInfo(72)] = {duration = 6, spellID = 72, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(72)), priority = 15}, -- Shield Bash (Warrior) [GetSpellInfo(8042)] = {duration = 2, spellID = 8042, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8042)), priority = 15}, -- Earth Shock (Shaman) [GetSpellInfo(19244)] = {duration = 5, spellID = 19244, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(19244)), priority = 15}, -- Spell Lock (Warlock [GetSpellInfo(32747)] = {duration = 3, spellID = 32747, track = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32747)), priority = 15}, -- Deadly Throw Interrupt } function Gladdy:GetInterrupts() return interrupts end local auraTypeColor = {} auraTypeColor["none"] = { r = 0.80, g = 0, b = 0 , a = 1} auraTypeColor["magic"] = { r = 0.20, g = 0.60, b = 1.00, a = 1} auraTypeColor["curse"] = { r = 0.60, g = 0.00, b = 1.00, a = 1 } auraTypeColor["disease"] = { r = 0.60, g = 0.40, b = 0, a = 1 } auraTypeColor["poison"] = { r = 0.00, g = 0.60, b = 0, a = 1 } auraTypeColor["immune"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.02, b = 0.99, a = 1 } auraTypeColor["form"] = auraTypeColor["none"] auraTypeColor["aura"] = auraTypeColor["none"] auraTypeColor[""] = auraTypeColor["none"] function Gladdy:GetAuraTypeColor() return auraTypeColor end local spellSchoolColors = {} spellSchoolColors[1] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Physical"} --- "physical" 255, 255, 0 spellSchoolColors[2] = {r = 1, g = 0.901, b = 0.501, a = 1, type = "Holy"} ---"holy" -- 255, 230, 128 spellSchoolColors[4] = {r = 1, g = 0.501, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Fire"} ---"fire" -- 255, 128, 0 spellSchoolColors[8] = {r = 0.302, g = 1, b = 0.302, a = 1, type = "Nature"} ---"nature" -- 77, 255, 77 spellSchoolColors[16] = {r = 0.501, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Frost"} ---"frost" -- 128, 255, 255 spellSchoolColors[32] = {r = 0.501, g = 0.501, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Shadow"} ---"shadow" --128, 128, 255 spellSchoolColors[64] = {r = 1, g = 0.501, b = 1, a = 1, type = "Arcane"} ---"arcane" -- 255, 128, 255 spellSchoolColors["unknown"] = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1, type = "Unknown"} ---"unknown spell school" function Gladdy:GetSpellSchoolColors() return spellSchoolColors end local cooldownList = { -- Spell Name Cooldown[, Spec] -- Mage ["MAGE"] = { [1953] = 15, -- Blink --[122] = 22, -- Frost Nova --[12051] = 480, --Evocation [2139] = 24, -- Counterspell [45438] = { cd = 300, [L["Frost"]] = 240, }, -- Ice Block [12472] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Frost"], }, -- Icy Veins [31687] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Frost"], }, -- Summon Water Elemental [12043] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Arcane"], }, -- Presence of Mind [11129] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Fire"] }, -- Combustion [120] = { cd = 10, sharedCD = { [31661] = true, -- Cone of Cold }, spec = L["Fire"] }, -- Dragon's Breath [31661] = { cd = 20, sharedCD = { [120] = true, -- Cone of Cold }, spec = L["Fire"] }, -- Dragon's Breath [12042] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Arcane"], }, -- Arcane Power [11958] = { cd = 384, spec = L["Frost"], -- Coldsnap resetCD = { [12472] = true, [45438] = true, [31687] = true, }, }, }, -- Priest ["PRIEST"] = { [10890] = { cd = 27, [L["Shadow"]] = 23, }, -- Psychic Scream [15487] = { cd = 45, spec = L["Shadow"], }, -- Silence [10060] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Power Infusion [33206] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Pain Suppression [34433] = 300, -- Shadowfiend }, -- Druid ["DRUID"] = { [22812] = 60, -- Barkskin [29166] = 360, -- Innervate [8983] = 60, -- Bash [16689] = 60, -- Natures Grasp [18562] = { cd = 15, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Swiftmend [17116] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Natures Swiftness [33831] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Balance"], }, -- Force of Nature }, -- Shaman ["SHAMAN"] = { [8042] = { cd = 6, -- Earth Shock sharedCD = { [8056] = true, -- Frost Shock [8050] = true, -- Flame Shock }, }, [30823] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Enhancement"], }, -- Shamanistic Rage [16166] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Elemental"], }, -- Elemental Mastery [16188] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Natures Swiftness [16190] = { cd = 300, spec = L["Restoration"], }, -- Mana Tide Totem }, -- Paladin ["PALADIN"] = { [10278] = 180, -- Blessing of Protection [1044] = 25, -- Blessing of Freedom [10308] = { cd = 60, [L["Retribution"]] = 40, }, -- Hammer of Justice [642] = { cd = 300, -- Divine Shield sharedCD = { cd = 60, -- no actual shared CD but debuff [31884] = true, }, }, [31884] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Retribution"], -- Avenging Wrath sharedCD = { cd = 60, [642] = true, }, }, [20066] = { cd = 60, spec = L["Retribution"], }, -- Repentance [31842] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Holy"], }, -- Divine Illumination [31935] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Protection"], }, -- Avengers Shield }, -- Warlock ["WARLOCK"] = { [17928] = 40, -- Howl of Terror [27223] = 120, -- Death Coil --[19647] = { cd = 24 }, -- Spell Lock; how will I handle pet spells? [30414] = { cd = 20, spec = L["Destruction"], }, -- Shadowfury [17877] = { cd = 15, spec = L["Destruction"], }, -- Shadowburn [18708] = { cd = 900, spec = L["Demonology"], }, -- Feldom }, -- Warrior ["WARRIOR"] = { --[[6552] = { cd = 10, -- Pummel sharedCD = { [72] = true, }, }, [72] = { cd = 12, -- Shield Bash sharedCD = { [6552] = true, }, }, ]] --[23920] = 10, -- Spell Reflection [3411] = 30, -- Intervene [676] = 60, -- Disarm [5246] = 180, -- Intimidating Shout [18499] = 30, -- Berserker Rage --[2565] = 60, -- Shield Block [12292] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Arms"], }, -- Death Wish [12975] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Protection"], }, -- Last Stand [12809] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Protection"], }, -- Concussion Blow }, -- Hunter ["HUNTER"] = { [19503] = 30, -- Scatter Shot [19263] = 300, -- Deterrence; not on BM but can't do 2 specs [14311] = { cd = 30, -- Freezing Trap sharedCD = { [13809] = true, -- Frost Trap [34600] = true, -- Snake Trap }, }, [13809] = { cd = 30, -- Frost Trap sharedCD = { [14311] = true, -- Freezing Trap [34600] = true, -- Snake Trap }, }, [34600] = { cd = 30, -- Snake Trap sharedCD = { [14311] = true, -- Freezing Trap [13809] = true, -- Frost Trap }, }, [34490] = { cd = 20, spec = L["Marksmanship"], }, -- Silencing Shot [19386] = { cd = 60, spec = L["Survival"], }, -- Wyvern Sting [19577] = { cd = 60, spec = L["Beast Mastery"], }, -- Intimidation [38373] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Beast Mastery"], }, -- The Beast Within }, -- Rogue ["ROGUE"] = { [1766] = 10, -- Kick [8643] = 20, -- Kidney Shot [31224] = 60, -- Cloak of Shadow [26889] = { cd = 300, [L["Subtlety"]] = 180, }, -- Vanish [2094] = { cd = 180, [L["Subtlety"]] = 90, }, -- Blind [11305] = { cd = 300, [L["Combat"]] = 180, }, -- Sprint [26669] = { cd = 300, [L["Combat"]] = 180, }, -- Evasion [14177] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Assassination"], }, -- Cold Blood [13750] = { cd = 300, spec = L["Combat"], }, -- Adrenaline Rush [13877] = { cd = 120, spec = L["Combat"], }, -- Blade Flurry [36554] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Subtlety"], }, -- Shadowstep [14185] = { cd = 600, spec = L["Subtlety"], -- Preparation resetCD = { [26669] = true, [11305] = true, [26889] = true, [14177] = true, [36554] = true, }, }, }, ["Scourge"] = { }, ["BloodElf"] = { }, ["Tauren"] = { }, ["Orc"] = { }, ["Troll"] = { }, ["NightElf"] = { [2651] = { cd = 180, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Elune's Grace [10797] = { cd = 30, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Star Shards }, ["Draenei"] = { [32548] = { cd = 300, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Hymn of Hope }, ["Human"] = { [13908] = { cd = 600, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Desperate Prayer }, ["Gnome"] = { }, ["Dwarf"] = { [13908] = { cd = 600, spec = L["Discipline"], }, -- Desperate Prayer }, } function Gladdy:GetCooldownList() return cooldownList end local racials = { ["Scourge"] = { [7744] = true, -- Will of the Forsaken duration = 120, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(7744)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(7744)) }, ["BloodElf"] = { [28730] = true, -- Arcane Torrent duration = 120, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(28730)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(28730)) }, ["Tauren"] = { [20549] = true, -- War Stomp duration = 120, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20549)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20549)) }, ["Orc"] = { [20572] = true, [33697] = true, [33702] = true, duration = 120, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20572)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20572)) }, ["Troll"] = { [20554] = true, [26296] = true, [26297] = true, duration = 180, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20554)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20554)) }, ["NightElf"] = { [20580] = true, duration = 10, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20580)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20580)) }, ["Draenei"] = { [28880] = true, duration = 180, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(28880)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(28880)) }, ["Human"] = { [20600] = true, -- Perception duration = 180, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20600)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20600)) }, ["Gnome"] = { [20589] = true, -- Escape Artist duration = 105, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20589)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20589)) }, ["Dwarf"] = { [20594] = true, -- Stoneform duration = 180, spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(20594)), texture = select(3, GetSpellInfo(20594)) }, } function Gladdy:Racials() return racials end local arenaTimer = { ["default"] = { [61] = "One minute until the Arena battle begins!", [31] = "Thirty seconds until the Arena battle begins!", [16] = "Fifteen seconds until the Arena battle begins!", [0] = "The Arena battle has begun!", }, ["esES"] = { [61] = "¡Un minuto hasta que dé comienzo la batalla en arena!", [31] = "¡Treinta segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", [16] = "¡Quince segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", [0] = "¡La batalla en arena ha comenzado!", }, ["ptBR"] = { [61] = "Um minuto até a batalha na Arena começar!", [31] = "Trinta segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", [16] = "Quinze segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", [0] = "A batalha na Arena começou!", }, ["deDE"] = { [61] = "Noch eine Minute bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [31] = "Noch dreißig Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [16] = "Noch fünfzehn Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", [0] = "Der Arenakampf hat begonnen!", }, ["frFR"] = { [61] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans une minute\194\160!", [31] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans trente secondes\194\160!", [16] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans quinze secondes\194\160!", [0] = "Le combat d'arène commence\194\160!", }, ["ruRU"] = { [61] = "Одна минута до начала боя на арене!", [31] = "Тридцать секунд до начала боя на арене!", [16] = "До начала боя на арене осталось 15 секунд.", [0] = "Бой начался!", }, ["itIT"] = { -- TODO -- Beta has no itIT version available? }, ["koKR"] = { [61] = "투기장 전투 시작 1분 전입니다!", [31] = "투기장 전투 시작 30초 전입니다!", [16] = "투기장 전투 시작 15초 전입니다!", [0] = "투기장 전투가 시작되었습니다!", }, ["zhCN"] = { [61] = "竞技场战斗将在一分钟后开始!", [31] = "竞技场战斗将在三十秒后开始!", [16] = "竞技场战斗将在十五秒后开始!", [0] = "竞技场的战斗开始了!", }, ["zhTW"] = { [61] = "1分鐘後競技場戰鬥開始!", [31] = "30秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", [16] = "15秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", [0] = "競技場戰鬥開始了!", }, } arenaTimer["esMX"] = arenaTimer["esES"] arenaTimer["ptPT"] = arenaTimer["ptBR"] function Gladdy:GetArenaTimer() if arenaTimer[GetLocale()] then return arenaTimer[GetLocale()] else return arenaTimer["default"] end end