local pairs, ipairs, select, tinsert, tbl_sort, tostring, tonumber, rand = pairs, ipairs, select, tinsert, table.sort, tostring, tonumber, math.random local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local CreateFrame, GetTime = CreateFrame, GetTime local AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, AURA_TYPE_BUFF = AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF, AURA_TYPE_BUFF local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local function defaultSpells(auraType) local spells = {} for _,v in pairs(Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()) do if not auraType or auraType == v.track then spells[tostring(v.spellID)] = {} spells[tostring(v.spellID)].enabled = true spells[tostring(v.spellID)].priority = v.priority spells[tostring(v.spellID)].track = v.track end end return spells end local function defaultInterrupts() local spells = {} for _,v in pairs(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()) do spells[tostring(v.spellID)] = {} spells[tostring(v.spellID)].enabled = true spells[tostring(v.spellID)].priority = v.priority end return spells end local Auras = Gladdy:NewModule("Auras", nil, { auraFont = "DorisPP", auraFontSizeScale = 1, auraFontColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, auraBorderStyle = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\Border_rounded_blp", auraBuffBorderColor = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, auraDebuffBorderColor = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, auraDisableCircle = false, auraCooldownAlpha = 1, auraListDefault = defaultSpells(), auraListInterrupts = defaultInterrupts(), auraInterruptColorsEnabled = true, auraInterruptColors = Gladdy:GetSpellSchoolColors() }) function Auras:Initialize() self.frames = {} self.auras = Gladdy:GetImportantAuras() self:RegisterMessage("JOINED_ARENA") self:RegisterMessage("UNIT_DEATH") self:RegisterMessage("AURA_GAIN") self:RegisterMessage("AURA_FADE") self:RegisterMessage("SPELL_INTERRUPT") end function Auras:CreateFrame(unit) local auraFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) auraFrame:EnableMouse(false) auraFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") auraFrame:SetFrameLevel(3) auraFrame.cooldown = CreateFrame("Cooldown", nil, auraFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate") auraFrame.cooldown.noCooldownCount = true auraFrame.cooldown:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") auraFrame.cooldown:SetFrameLevel(4) auraFrame.cooldown:SetReverse(true) auraFrame.cooldown:SetHideCountdownNumbers(true) auraFrame.cooldownFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, auraFrame) auraFrame.cooldownFrame:ClearAllPoints() auraFrame.cooldownFrame:SetAllPoints(auraFrame) auraFrame.cooldownFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") auraFrame.cooldownFrame:SetFrameLevel(5) auraFrame.icon = auraFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") auraFrame.icon:SetMask("Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\mask") auraFrame.icon:SetAllPoints(auraFrame) auraFrame.icon.overlay = auraFrame.cooldownFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetAllPoints(auraFrame) auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.buttonBorderStyle) local classIcon = Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit] auraFrame:ClearAllPoints() auraFrame:SetAllPoints(classIcon) auraFrame.text = auraFrame.cooldownFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") auraFrame.text:SetFont(Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("font", Gladdy.db.auraFont), 10, "OUTLINE") auraFrame.text:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.a) --auraFrame.text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1) --auraFrame.text:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) auraFrame.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") auraFrame.text:SetPoint("CENTER") auraFrame.unit = unit auraFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) if (self.active) then if (self.interruptFrame.priority and self.priority < self.interruptFrame.priority) then self:SetAlpha(0.01) else self:SetAlpha(1) end if (self.timeLeft <= 0) then Auras:AURA_FADE(self.unit, self.track) else self.timeLeft = self.timeLeft - elapsed Gladdy:FormatTimer(self.text, self.timeLeft, self.timeLeft < 10) end else self:SetAlpha(0.01) end end) Gladdy.buttons[unit].aura = auraFrame self.frames[unit] = auraFrame self:CreateInterrupt(unit) self:ResetUnit(unit) end function Auras:CreateInterrupt(unit) local interruptFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) interruptFrame:EnableMouse(false) interruptFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") interruptFrame:SetFrameLevel(3) interruptFrame.cooldown = CreateFrame("Cooldown", nil, interruptFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate") interruptFrame.cooldown.noCooldownCount = true interruptFrame.cooldown:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") interruptFrame.cooldown:SetFrameLevel(4) interruptFrame.cooldown:SetReverse(true) interruptFrame.cooldown:SetHideCountdownNumbers(true) interruptFrame.cooldownFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, interruptFrame) interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:ClearAllPoints() interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:SetAllPoints(interruptFrame) interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:SetFrameLevel(5) interruptFrame.icon = interruptFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") interruptFrame.icon:SetMask("Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\mask") interruptFrame.icon:SetAllPoints(interruptFrame) interruptFrame.icon.overlay = interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetAllPoints(interruptFrame) interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.buttonBorderStyle) local classIcon = Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit] interruptFrame:ClearAllPoints() interruptFrame:SetAllPoints(classIcon) interruptFrame.text = interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") interruptFrame.text:SetFont(Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("font", Gladdy.db.auraFont), 10, "OUTLINE") interruptFrame.text:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.a) --auraFrame.text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1) --auraFrame.text:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) interruptFrame.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") interruptFrame.text:SetPoint("CENTER") interruptFrame.unit = unit interruptFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) if (self.active) then if (Auras.frames[self.unit].priority and self.priority <= Auras.frames[self.unit].priority) then self:SetAlpha(0.01) else self:SetAlpha(1) end if (self.timeLeft <= 0) then self.active = false self.priority = nil self.spellSchool = nil self.cooldown:Clear() self:SetAlpha(0.01) else self.timeLeft = self.timeLeft - elapsed Gladdy:FormatTimer(self.text, self.timeLeft, self.timeLeft < 10) end else self:SetAlpha(0.01) end end) Gladdy.buttons[unit].interruptFrame = interruptFrame self.frames[unit].interruptFrame = interruptFrame self:ResetUnit(unit) end function Auras:UpdateFrame(unit) local auraFrame = self.frames[unit] if (not auraFrame) then return end local width, height = Gladdy.db.classIconSize * Gladdy.db.classIconWidthFactor, Gladdy.db.classIconSize auraFrame:SetWidth(width) auraFrame:SetHeight(height) auraFrame:SetAllPoints(Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) auraFrame.cooldown:SetWidth(width - width/16) auraFrame.cooldown:SetHeight(height - height/16) auraFrame.cooldown:ClearAllPoints() auraFrame.cooldown:SetPoint("CENTER", auraFrame, "CENTER") auraFrame.cooldown:SetAlpha(Gladdy.db.auraCooldownAlpha) auraFrame.text:SetFont(Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("font", Gladdy.db.auraFont), (width/2 - 1) * Gladdy.db.auraFontSizeScale, "OUTLINE") auraFrame.text:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.a) auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.auraBorderStyle) if auraFrame.track and auraFrame.track == AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF then auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.a) elseif auraFrame.track and auraFrame.track == AURA_TYPE_BUFF then auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.a) else auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1) end if not auraFrame.active then auraFrame.icon.overlay:Hide() end if Gladdy.db.auraDisableCircle then auraFrame.cooldown:SetAlpha(0) end self:UpdateInterruptFrame(unit) end function Auras:UpdateInterruptFrame(unit) local interruptFrame = self.frames[unit] and self.frames[unit].interruptFrame if (not interruptFrame) then return end local width, height = Gladdy.db.classIconSize * Gladdy.db.classIconWidthFactor, Gladdy.db.classIconSize interruptFrame:SetWidth(width) interruptFrame:SetHeight(height) interruptFrame:SetAllPoints(Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) interruptFrame.cooldown:SetWidth(width - width/16) interruptFrame.cooldown:SetHeight(height - height/16) interruptFrame.cooldown:ClearAllPoints() interruptFrame.cooldown:SetPoint("CENTER", interruptFrame, "CENTER") interruptFrame.cooldown:SetAlpha(Gladdy.db.auraCooldownAlpha) interruptFrame.text:SetFont(Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("font", Gladdy.db.auraFont), (width/2 - 1) * Gladdy.db.auraFontSizeScale, "OUTLINE") interruptFrame.text:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraFontColor.a) interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.auraBorderStyle) if interruptFrame.spellSchool then interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(self:GetInterruptColor(interruptFrame.spellSchool)) else interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1) end if not interruptFrame.active then interruptFrame.icon.overlay:Hide() end if Gladdy.db.auraDisableCircle then interruptFrame.cooldown:SetAlpha(0) end end function Auras:ResetUnit(unit) self.frames[unit]:UnregisterAllEvents() self:AURA_FADE(unit, AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF) self:AURA_FADE(unit, AURA_TYPE_BUFF) end function Auras:Test(unit) local spellName, spellid, icon, limit, i self:AURA_FADE(unit, AURA_TYPE_BUFF) self:AURA_FADE(unit, AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF) --Auras local enabledAuras = 0 for _,value in pairs(Gladdy.db.auraListDefault) do if value.enabled then enabledAuras = enabledAuras + 1 end end if enabledAuras > 0 then limit, i = rand(1, enabledAuras), 1 for spellIdStr,value in pairs(Gladdy.db.auraListDefault) do if i > limit then break end if value.enabled then spellid = tonumber(spellIdStr) spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(tonumber(spellIdStr))) icon = select(3, GetSpellInfo(tonumber(spellIdStr))) if Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellid] then spellName = Gladdy.exceptionNames[spellid] end self:AURA_GAIN(unit,value.track, spellid, spellName, icon, self.auras[spellName].duration, GetTime() + self.auras[spellName].duration) i = i + 1 end end end --Interrupts local spellSchools = {} for k,_ in pairs(Gladdy:GetSpellSchoolColors()) do tinsert(spellSchools, k) end enabledAuras = 0 for _, value in pairs(Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts) do if value.enabled then enabledAuras = enabledAuras + 1 end end if enabledAuras > 0 then limit, i = rand(1, enabledAuras), 1 local extraSpellSchool for spellIdStr, value in pairs(Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts) do if i > limit then break end if value.enabled then enabledAuras = enabledAuras + 1 end spellid = tonumber(spellIdStr) if (unit == "arena1" or unit == "arena2") then extraSpellSchool = spellSchools[rand(1, #spellSchools)] spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(spellid)) Gladdy:Print(spellName, extraSpellSchool) self:SPELL_INTERRUPT(unit,spellid, spellName, "physical", spellid, spellName, extraSpellSchool) end i = i + 1 end end end function Auras:JOINED_ARENA() --[[for i=1, Gladdy.curBracket do self.frames["arena" .. i]:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_AURA", "arena" .. i) self.frames["arena" .. i]:SetScript("OnEvent", Auras.OnEvent) end--]] end function Auras:AURA_GAIN(unit, auraType, spellID, spellName, icon, duration, expirationTime, count, debuffType) local auraFrame = self.frames[unit] if (not auraFrame) then return end if spellID == 31117 then spellName = "Unstable Affliction Silence" end if not self.auras[spellName] then return end -- don't use spellId from combatlog, in case of different spellrank if not Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(self.auras[spellName].spellID)] or not Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(self.auras[spellName].spellID)].enabled then return end if (auraFrame.priority and auraFrame.priority > Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(self.auras[spellName].spellID)].priority) then return end auraFrame.startTime = expirationTime - duration auraFrame.endTime = expirationTime auraFrame.name = spellName auraFrame.timeLeft = expirationTime - GetTime() auraFrame.priority = Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(self.auras[spellName].spellID)].priority auraFrame.icon:SetTexture(Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(self.auras[spellName].spellID)] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(self.auras[spellName].spellID)].texture or icon) auraFrame.track = auraType auraFrame.active = true auraFrame.icon.overlay:Show() auraFrame.cooldownFrame:Show() if auraType == AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF then auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.a) elseif auraType == AURA_TYPE_BUFF then auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraBuffBorderColor.a) else auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.frameBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.frameBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.frameBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.frameBorderColor.a) end if not Gladdy.db.auraDisableCircle then auraFrame.cooldown:Show() auraFrame.cooldown:SetCooldown(auraFrame.startTime, duration) end end function Auras:AURA_FADE(unit, auraType) local auraFrame = self.frames[unit] if (not auraFrame or auraFrame.track ~= auraType) then return end if auraFrame.active then auraFrame.cooldown:Clear() end --auraFrame.cooldown:Hide() auraFrame.active = false auraFrame.name = nil auraFrame.timeLeft = 0 auraFrame.priority = nil auraFrame.startTime = nil auraFrame.endTime = nil auraFrame.icon:SetTexture("") auraFrame.text:SetText("") --auraFrame.icon.overlay:Hide() --auraFrame.cooldownFrame:Hide() end function Auras:GetInterruptColor(extraSpellSchool) if not Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColorsEnabled then return Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.auraDebuffBorderColor.a else local color = Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[extraSpellSchool] or Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors["unknown"] return color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a end end function Auras:SPELL_INTERRUPT(unit,spellID,spellName,spellSchool,extraSpellId,extraSpellName,extraSpellSchool) local auraFrame = self.frames[unit] local interruptFrame = auraFrame and auraFrame.interruptFrame local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit] if (not interruptFrame) then return end if not Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].spellID)] or not Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].spellID)].enabled then return end if (interruptFrame.priority and interruptFrame.priority > Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].spellID)].priority) then return end local multiplier = ((button.spec == L["Restoration"] and button.class == "SHAMAN") or (button.spec == L["Holy"] and button.class == "PALADIN")) and 0.7 or 1 local duration = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].duration * multiplier interruptFrame.startTime = GetTime() interruptFrame.endTime = GetTime() + duration interruptFrame.name = spellName interruptFrame.timeLeft = duration interruptFrame.priority = Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].spellID)].priority interruptFrame.icon:SetTexture(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[spellName].texture) interruptFrame.spellSchool = extraSpellSchool interruptFrame.active = true interruptFrame.icon.overlay:Show() interruptFrame.cooldownFrame:Show() interruptFrame.icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(self:GetInterruptColor(extraSpellSchool)) if not Gladdy.db.auraDisableCircle then interruptFrame.cooldown:Show() interruptFrame.cooldown:SetCooldown(interruptFrame.startTime, duration) end --interruptFrame:SetAlpha(1) end function Auras:GetOptions() local borderArgs = { headerAuras = { type = "header", name = L["Border"], order = 2, }, auraBorderStyle = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", name = L["Border style"], order = 9, values = Gladdy:GetIconStyles(), }), auraBuffBorderColor = Gladdy:colorOption({ type = "color", name = L["Buff color"], desc = L["Color of the text"], order = 10, hasAlpha = true, width = "0.8", }), auraDebuffBorderColor = Gladdy:colorOption({ type = "color", name = L["Debuff color"], desc = L["Color of the text"], order = 11, hasAlpha = true, width = "0.8", }), headerColors = { type = "header", name = L["Interrupt Spells School Colors"], order = 12, }, auraInterruptColorsEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Enable Interrupt Spell School Colors"], width = "full", desc = L["Will use Debuff Color if disabled"], order = 13, }), } local list = {} for k,v in pairs(Gladdy:GetSpellSchoolColors()) do tinsert(list, { key = k, val = v}) end tbl_sort(list, function(a, b) return a.val.type < b.val.type end) for i,v in ipairs(list) do borderArgs["auraSpellSchool" .. v.key] = { type = "color", name = v.val.type, order = i + 13, hasAlpha = true, width = "0.8", set = function(_, r, g, b, a) Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[v.key].r = r Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[v.key].g = g Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[v.key].b = b Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[v.key].a = a end, get = function() local color = Gladdy.db.auraInterruptColors[v.key] return color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a end } end return { header = { type = "header", name = L["Auras"], order = 2, }, group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { cooldown = { type = "group", name = L["Cooldown"], order = 1, args = { headerAuras = { type = "header", name = L["Cooldown"], order = 2, }, auraDisableCircle = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 3, width = "full" }), auraCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Cooldown circle alpha"], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1, order = 4, width = "full", }), } }, font = { type = "group", name = L["Font"], order = 2, args = { headerAuras = { type = "header", name = L["Font"], order = 1, }, auraFont = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", name = L["Font"], desc = L["Font of the cooldown"], order = 5, dialogControl = "LSM30_Font", values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, }), auraFontSizeScale = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Font scale"], desc = L["Scale of the text"], order = 6, min = 0.1, max = 2, step = 0.1, width = "full", }), auraFontColor = Gladdy:colorOption({ type = "color", name = L["Font color"], desc = L["Color of the text"], order = 7, hasAlpha = true, }), }, }, border = { type = "group", name = L["Border"], order = 3, args = borderArgs } } }, debuffList = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", name = "Debuffs", order = 4, args = Auras:GetAuraOptions(AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF) }, buffList = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", name = "Buffs", order = 5, args = Auras:GetAuraOptions(AURA_TYPE_BUFF) }, interruptList = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", name = "Interrupts", order = 6, args = Auras:GetInterruptOptions() } } end function Auras:GetAuraOptions(auraType) local options = { ckeckAll = { order = 1, width = "0.7", name = L["Check All"], type = "execute", func = function() for k,_ in pairs(defaultSpells(auraType)) do Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[k].enabled = true end end, }, uncheckAll = { order = 2, width = "0.7", name = L["Uncheck All"], type = "execute", func = function() for k,_ in pairs(defaultSpells(auraType)) do Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[k].enabled = false end end, }, } local auras = {} for _,v in pairs(Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()) do if v.track == auraType then tinsert(auras, v.spellID) end end tbl_sort(auras, function(a, b) return GetSpellInfo(a) < GetSpellInfo(b) end) for i,k in ipairs(auras) do options[tostring(k)] = { type = "group", name = (Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].spellID == k and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].altName) or (Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))].spellID == k and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[select(1, GetSpellInfo(27010)) .. " " .. select(1, GetSpellInfo(16689))].altName) or GetSpellInfo(k), order = i+2, icon = Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)), args = { enabled = { order = 1, name = L["Enabled"], type = "toggle", image = Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetImportantAuras()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)), width = "2", set = function(_, value) Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(k)].enabled = value end, get = function() return Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(k)].enabled end }, priority = { order = 2, name = L["Priority"], type = "range", min = 0, max = 50, width = "2", step = 1, get = function() return Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(k)].priority end, set = function(_, value) Gladdy.db.auraListDefault[tostring(k)].priority = value end, width = "full", } } } end return options end function Auras:GetInterruptOptions() local options = { ckeckAll = { order = 1, width = "0.7", name = L["Check All"], type = "execute", func = function() for k,_ in pairs(defaultInterrupts()) do Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[k].enabled = true end end, }, uncheckAll = { order = 2, width = "0.7", name = L["Uncheck All"], type = "execute", func = function() for k,_ in pairs(defaultInterrupts()) do Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[k].enabled = false end end, }, } local auras = {} for _,v in pairs(Gladdy:GetInterrupts()) do tinsert(auras, v.spellID) end tbl_sort(auras, function(a, b) return GetSpellInfo(a) < GetSpellInfo(b) end) for i,k in ipairs(auras) do options[tostring(k)] = { type = "group", name = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"] and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].spellID == k and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()["Unstable Affliction Silence"].altName or GetSpellInfo(k), order = i+2, icon = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)), args = { enabled = { order = 1, name = L["Enabled"], type = "toggle", image = Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)] and Gladdy:GetInterrupts()[GetSpellInfo(k)].texture or select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)), width = "2", set = function(_, value) Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(k)].enabled = value end, get = function() return Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(k)].enabled end }, priority = { order = 2, name = L["Priority"], type = "range", min = 0, max = 50, width = "2", step = 1, get = function() return Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(k)].priority end, set = function(_, value) Gladdy.db.auraListInterrupts[tostring(k)].priority = value end, width = "full", } } } end return options end