# Gladdy - Macumba / XiCoN Edit ### The most powerful arena addon for WoW TBC 2.4.3 ## [v1.3.1-Release Download Here](https://github.com/XiconQoo/Gladdy/releases/download/v1.3.1-Release/Gladdy-MX-Edit-v1.3.1-Release.zip) ###### Please consider donating if you like my work ### Origin Based on https://github.com/Schaka/gladdy ### Motivation for this edit The goal is to make Gladdy highly configurable in it's appearance. Everything can be arranged left or right independently. Also we gave Gladdy a new look with black borders. A lot can be configured. Take a look at the [Changelist](https://github.com/XiconQoo/Gladdy#changes). The PlateCastBar and TotemPlates module are completely reworked as well. Both are fully configurable and most importantly compatible with **Blizz, Aloft, ShaguPlates, SoHighPlates, ElvUI and Plates (by by siggestardust) !** ##### Join the [TBC addons 2.4.3 Discord](https://discord.gg/5qVu56M) by Macumba if you have any questions. ### Recommended addons to use with Gladdy #### [BuffLib by Schaka](https://github.com/Schaka/BuffLib/releases/download/v1.1.1/BuffLib.zip) ## Screenshots ### Changes #### v1.3.1-Release - **new module XiconProfiles** - added basic starter profiles (Classic Gladdy, Knall's & Klimp's profiles) - fix Deep Wounds tracking in Debuff Module - some minor adjustments to debuff tracking in general - icons can be stretched now as well #### v1.3-Release - **NEW** module **BuffsDebuffs**! - tracks debuffs on gladdy frames - highly configurable - list for every class let's you configure what debuffs to track - by default does not display CC, which is normally shown on class icon (configurable) - tracks multiple debuffs of same type (like rupture or corruption) - not 100% accurate especially on tracking dispel on two debuffs with the same spellID - add own LibDebuffDuration-1.0 - add DRData-1.0 and track DR on spell remove and spell refresh - added missing DRs like Frostmages Chill effect - fix Click module (custom macros with placeholder **\*name*** are now possible) ``` /targetexact *name* /cast Polymorph /targetlasttarget ``` - Cooldown fix (thanks DrainTheLock) - Trinket/Classicon width now adjustable - added spells to ClassIcon (Unstable Affliction Silence, Starfire Stun) - add button for Gladdy config in blizz interface options - highlight border color add alpha - add icon padding option - optimizations for less CPU resources - add Windrunner realm to TrinketTracker ignore list - force Warriors/Rogues/Hunters on last position (eg arena2 in 2v2 or arena3 in 3v3) #### v1.2-Release - fixed castbar timer formats - added option to show timeleft, total or both to castbars - option to add a custom TotemName that appears on the totemicons - cooldowns can be positioned LEFT or RIGHT now as well - option cooldowns max icons per row added #### v1.1.2 - fix cooldown numbers reset #### v1.1 - **`/gladdy ui` opens it's own window now. More space to configure AND movable** - **global options to style font / border-style / color of frame borders** - **selfmade borders (best I could do with PS)** - all borders can be configured individually as well - aura border color for debuff or buff configurable - borders registered with SharedMedia - cooldown circles can be enabled/disabled - **font option for all modules** - responsive fontscale when changing iconsizes (adjustable) - font size for bars is static and configurable - fonts registered with SharedMedia - **rewritten TotemPlates module (highly configurable) - compatible with Blizz, Aloft, Sohighplates, Shaguplates, ElvUI and Plates (by siggestardust)** - TotemPlates detects wether ShaguPlates or SoHighPlates own totem icons option is enabled, thus TotemPlates are only active if disabled there - TotemPlates module localization with `GetSpellInfo(spellId)` (if server screws up the names, there are fallback-tables) - aims to support localizations outside of enGB - totem icons can be individually enabled/disabled and each totem's border color and alpha can be adjusted - totem size adjustable - option to alter behaviour of totemicons alpha when targeted, not targeted and no target exists - **rewritten PlateCastBar module (highly configurable) - compatible with Blizz, Aloft, Sohighplates, Shaguplates, ElvUI and Plates (by siggestardust)** - PlateCastBars size, texture, icon size, icon position, border, border color, position, font, fontcolor, enabled font and spell time format adjustable - ClassIcon and Trinket size adjustable - ArenaCountdown size adjustable - Cooldown circles adjustable in alpha or option to enable/disable globally or by module - added horizontal/vertical offset options to castbars/diminishing returns/cooldowns - ace library update - LibSharedMedia working properly - minor styling issues fixed - minor bugfixes #### v1.0-Release - `/gladdy test` now activates **everything** for maximum configurability - added black borders to all frames - added cooldown numbers to all elements (no need to use OmniCC or similar) - **ALL ELEMENTS** are arrangeable LEFT or RIGHT independently - trinket LEFT or RIGHT - class icon LEFT or RIGHT - DR frames LEFT or RIGHT - cast bar and icon LEFT or RIGHT - cooldowns TOP or DOWN and LEFT or RIGHT - everything aligns to each other responsively depending on config (eg if cast bar and DR are on same side, they will arrange each other) - padding, scaling and margin responsive - cast bar and icon height/width is configurable - trinket and class icon are now rectangular - trinket and class icon scale with health + power bar height - replaced the class icons with their PNG icons for better frame border - trinket icon is clickable again (to trigger a cooldown on that target) - increase max height for health bar to 100px - added TrinketTracker again (added Endless-realms (Sunstrider/Tournament) to the exclusion list) - configurable highlight border size - background color of health-/power-/cast bar configurable