local select = select local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local L = Gladdy.L local Classicon = Gladdy:NewModule("Class Icon", 81, { classIconEnabled = true, classIconSize = 60 + 20 + 1, classIconWidthFactor = 0.9, classIconBorderStyle = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\Border_rounded_blp", classIconBorderColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, classIconSpecIcon = false, classIconXOffset = 0, classIconYOffset = 0, classIconFrameStrata = "MEDIUM", classIconFrameLevel = 5, }) local classIconPath = "Interface\\Addons\\Gladdy\\Images\\Classes\\" local classIcons = { ["DRUID"] = classIconPath .. "inv_misc_monsterclaw_04", ["HUNTER"] = classIconPath .. "inv_weapon_bow_07", ["MAGE"] = classIconPath .. "inv_staff_13", ["PALADIN"] = classIconPath .. "inv_hammer_01", ["PRIEST"] = classIconPath .. "inv_staff_30", ["ROGUE"] = classIconPath .. "inv_throwingknife_04", ["SHAMAN"] = classIconPath .. "inv_jewelry_talisman_04", ["WARLOCK"] = classIconPath .. "spell_nature_drowsy", ["WARRIOR"] = classIconPath .. "inv_sword_27", } local specIcons = { --DRUID ["DRUID"] = { [L["Balance"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(8921)), -- Moonfire [L["Feral"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(27545)), -- Cat Form [L["Restoration"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5185)), -- Healing Touch }, ["HUNTER"] = { [L["Beast Mastery"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1515)), -- Tame Beast [L["Marksmanship"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(42243)), -- Volley [L["Survival"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1495)), -- Mongoose Bite }, ["MAGE"] = { [L["Arcane"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1459)), -- Arcane Intellect [L["Fire"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(133)), -- Fireball [L["Frost"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(116)), -- Frostbolt }, ["PALADIN"] = { [L["Holy"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(635)), -- Holy Light [L["Retribution"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(7294)), -- Retribution Aura [L["Protection"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(32828)), -- Protection Aura }, ["PRIEST"] = { [L["Discipline"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1243)), -- Power Word: Fortitude [L["Shadow"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(589)), -- Shadow Word: Pain [L["Holy"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(635)), -- Holy Light }, ["ROGUE"] = { [L["Assassination"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1329)), -- Mutilate (Eviscerate? 2098) [L["Combat"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(53)), -- Backstab [L["Subtlety"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(1784)), -- Stealth }, ["SHAMAN"] = { [L["Elemental"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(403)), -- Lightning Bolt [L["Enhancement"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(324)), -- Lightning Shield [L["Restoration"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(331)), -- Healing Wave }, ["WARLOCK"] = { [L["Affliction"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(6789)), -- Affliction [L["Demonology"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5500)), -- Sense Demons [L["Destruction"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(5740)), -- Rain of Fire }, ["WARRIOR"] = { [L["Arms"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(12294)), -- Mortal Strike [L["Fury"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(12325)), -- Inner Rage [L["Protection"]] = select(3, GetSpellInfo(71)), -- Defensive Stance }, } function Classicon:Initialize() self.frames = {} self:RegisterMessage("ENEMY_SPOTTED") self:RegisterMessage("UNIT_DEATH") self:RegisterMessage("UNIT_SPEC") end function Classicon:CreateFrame(unit) local classIcon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Gladdy.buttons[unit]) classIcon:EnableMouse(false) classIcon:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") classIcon:SetFrameLevel(1) classIcon.texture = classIcon:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") classIcon.texture:SetAllPoints(classIcon) classIcon.texture:SetMask("Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\mask") classIcon.texture.overlay = classIcon:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") classIcon.texture.overlay:SetAllPoints(classIcon) classIcon.texture.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.classIconBorderStyle) classIcon:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") classIcon:SetFrameLevel(2) Gladdy.buttons[unit].classIcon = classIcon self.frames[unit] = classIcon end function Classicon:UpdateFrame(unit) local classIcon = self.frames[unit] if (not classIcon) then return end classIcon:SetFrameStrata(Gladdy.db.classIconFrameStrata) classIcon:SetFrameLevel(Gladdy.db.classIconFrameLevel) classIcon:SetWidth(Gladdy.db.classIconSize * Gladdy.db.classIconWidthFactor) classIcon:SetHeight(Gladdy.db.classIconSize) Gladdy:SetPosition(classIcon, unit, "classIconXOffset", "classIconYOffset", Classicon:LegacySetPosition(classIcon, unit), Classicon) if (unit == "arena1") then Gladdy:CreateMover(classIcon, "classIconXOffset", "classIconYOffset", L["Class Icon"], {"TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT"}, Gladdy.db.classIconSize * Gladdy.db.classIconWidthFactor, Gladdy.db.classIconSize, 0, 0) end classIcon.texture:ClearAllPoints() classIcon.texture:SetAllPoints(classIcon) classIcon.texture.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.classIconBorderStyle) classIcon.texture.overlay:SetVertexColor(Gladdy.db.classIconBorderColor.r, Gladdy.db.classIconBorderColor.g, Gladdy.db.classIconBorderColor.b, Gladdy.db.classIconBorderColor.a) if Gladdy.db.classIconEnabled then classIcon:Show() else classIcon:Hide() end end function Classicon:ENEMY_SPOTTED(unit) local classIcon = self.frames[unit] if (not classIcon) then return end classIcon.texture:SetTexture(classIcons[Gladdy.buttons[unit].class]) --classIcon.texture:SetTexCoord(unpack(CLASS_BUTTONS[Gladdy.buttons[unit].class])) classIcon.texture:SetAllPoints(classIcon) end function Classicon:UNIT_SPEC(unit, spec) local classIcon = self.frames[unit] if (not Gladdy.db.classIconSpecIcon or not classIcon) then return end classIcon.texture:SetTexture(specIcons[Gladdy.buttons[unit].class][spec]) end function Classicon:Test(unit) self:ENEMY_SPOTTED(unit) end function Classicon:ResetUnit(unit) local classIcon = self.frames[unit] if (not classIcon) then return end classIcon.texture:SetTexture("") end function Classicon:GetOptions() return { headerClassicon = { type = "header", name = L["Class Icon"], order = 2, }, classIconEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Class Icon Enabled"], order = 3, }), classIconSpecIcon = { type = "toggle", name = L["Show Spec Icon"], desc = L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"], order = 4, get = function() return Gladdy.db.classIconSpecIcon end, set = function(_, value) Gladdy.db.classIconSpecIcon = value if Gladdy.curBracket and Gladdy.curBracket > 0 then for i=1,Gladdy.curBracket do local unit = "arena" .. i if (Gladdy.buttons[unit] and Gladdy.buttons[unit].spec) then self:ENEMY_SPOTTED(unit) self:UNIT_SPEC(unit, Gladdy.buttons[unit].spec) end end end end }, group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { size = { type = "group", name = L["Icon size"], order = 1, args = { header = { type = "header", name = L["Icon size"], order = 1, }, classIconSize = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Icon size"], min = 3, max = 100, step = .1, order = 3, width = "full", }), classIconWidthFactor = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Icon width factor"], min = 0.5, max = 2, step = 0.05, order = 4, width = "full", }), }, }, position = { type = "group", name = L["Position"], order = 3, args = { headerPosition = { type = "header", name = L["Position"], order = 5, }, classIconXOffset = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Horizontal offset"], order = 11, min = -800, max = 800, step = 0.1, width = "full", }), classIconYOffset = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Vertical offset"], order = 12, min = -800, max = 800, step = 0.1, width = "full", }), }, }, border = { type = "group", name = L["Border"], order = 2, args = { headerBorder = { type = "header", name = L["Border"], order = 10, }, classIconBorderStyle = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", name = L["Border style"], order = 11, values = Gladdy:GetIconStyles() }), classIconBorderColor = Gladdy:colorOption({ type = "color", name = L["Border color"], desc = L["Color of the border"], order = 12, hasAlpha = true, }), }, }, frameStrata = { type = "group", name = L["Frame Strata and Level"], order = 4, args = { headerAuraLevel = { type = "header", name = L["Frame Strata and Level"], order = 1, }, classIconFrameStrata = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", name = L["Frame Strata"], order = 2, values = Gladdy.frameStrata, sorting = Gladdy.frameStrataSorting, width = "full", }), classIconFrameLevel = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", name = L["Frame Level"], min = 0, max = 500, step = 1, order = 3, width = "full", }), }, }, }, }, } end --------------------------- -- LAGACY HANDLER --------------------------- function Classicon:LegacySetPosition(classIcon, unit) if Gladdy.db.newLayout then return Gladdy.db.newLayout end classIcon:ClearAllPoints() local margin = (Gladdy.db.highlightInset and 0 or Gladdy.db.highlightBorderSize) + Gladdy.db.padding if (Gladdy.db.classIconPos == "LEFT") then classIcon:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", Gladdy.buttons[unit].healthBar, "TOPLEFT", -margin, 0) else classIcon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Gladdy.buttons[unit], "TOPRIGHT", margin, 0) end end