diff --git a/Gladdy.toc b/Gladdy.toc
index 21b3a2d..5c43168 100644
--- a/Gladdy.toc
+++ b/Gladdy.toc
@@ -35,4 +35,6 @@ Modules\XiconProfiles.lua
diff --git a/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/LibSpellRange-1.0.lua b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/LibSpellRange-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f7b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/LibSpellRange-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+--- = Background =
+-- Blizzard's IsSpellInRange API has always been very limited - you either must have the name of the spell, or its spell book ID. Checking directly by spellID is simply not possible.
+-- Now, in Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard changed the way that many talents and specialization spells work - instead of giving you a new spell when leaned, they replace existing spells. These replacement spells do not work with Blizzard's IsSpellInRange function whatsoever; this limitation is what prompted the creation of this lib.
+-- = Usage =
+-- **LibSpellRange-1.0** exposes an enhanced version of IsSpellInRange that:
+-- * Allows ranged checking based on both spell name and spellID.
+-- * Works correctly with replacement spells that will not work using Blizzard's IsSpellInRange method alone.
+-- @class file
+-- @name LibSpellRange-1.0.lua
+local major = "SpellRange-1.0"
+local minor = 15
+assert(LibStub, format("%s requires LibStub.", major))
+local Lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+if not Lib then return end
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber
+local strlower = _G.strlower
+local wipe = _G.wipe
+local type = _G.type
+local GetSpellTabInfo = _G.GetSpellTabInfo
+local GetNumSpellTabs = _G.GetNumSpellTabs
+local GetSpellBookItemInfo = _G.GetSpellBookItemInfo
+local GetSpellBookItemName = _G.GetSpellBookItemName
+local GetSpellLink = _G.GetSpellLink
+local GetSpellInfo = _G.GetSpellInfo
+local IsSpellInRange = _G.IsSpellInRange
+local SpellHasRange = _G.SpellHasRange
+-- isNumber is basically a tonumber cache for maximum efficiency
+Lib.isNumber = Lib.isNumber or setmetatable({}, {
+ __mode = "kv",
+ __index = function(t, i)
+ local o = tonumber(i) or false
+ t[i] = o
+ return o
+local isNumber = Lib.isNumber
+-- strlower cache for maximum efficiency
+Lib.strlowerCache = Lib.strlowerCache or setmetatable(
+{}, {
+ __index = function(t, i)
+ if not i then return end
+ local o
+ if type(i) == "number" then
+ o = i
+ else
+ o = strlower(i)
+ end
+ t[i] = o
+ return o
+ end,
+}) local strlowerCache = Lib.strlowerCache
+-- Matches lowercase player spell names to their spellBookID
+Lib.spellsByName_spell = Lib.spellsByName_spell or {}
+local spellsByName_spell = Lib.spellsByName_spell
+-- Matches player spellIDs to their spellBookID
+Lib.spellsByID_spell = Lib.spellsByID_spell or {}
+local spellsByID_spell = Lib.spellsByID_spell
+-- Matches lowercase pet spell names to their spellBookID
+Lib.spellsByName_pet = Lib.spellsByName_pet or {}
+local spellsByName_pet = Lib.spellsByName_pet
+-- Matches pet spellIDs to their spellBookID
+Lib.spellsByID_pet = Lib.spellsByID_pet or {}
+local spellsByID_pet = Lib.spellsByID_pet
+-- Updates spellsByName and spellsByID
+local function UpdateBook(bookType)
+ local max = 0
+ for i = 1, GetNumSpellTabs() do
+ local _, _, offs, numspells, _, specId = GetSpellTabInfo(i)
+ if specId == 0 then
+ max = offs + numspells
+ end
+ end
+ local spellsByName = Lib["spellsByName_" .. bookType]
+ local spellsByID = Lib["spellsByID_" .. bookType]
+ wipe(spellsByName)
+ wipe(spellsByID)
+ for spellBookID = 1, max do
+ local type, baseSpellID = GetSpellBookItemInfo(spellBookID, bookType)
+ if type == "SPELL" or type == "PETACTION" then
+ local currentSpellName = GetSpellBookItemName(spellBookID, bookType)
+ local link = GetSpellLink(currentSpellName)
+ local currentSpellID = tonumber(link and link:gsub("|", "||"):match("spell:(%d+)"))
+ -- For each entry we add to a table,
+ -- only add it if there isn't anything there already.
+ -- This prevents weird passives from overwriting real, legit spells.
+ -- For example, in WoW 7.3.5 the ret paladin mastery
+ -- was coming back with a base spell named "Judgement",
+ -- which was overwriting the real "Judgement".
+ -- Passives usually come last in the spellbook,
+ -- so this should work just fine as a workaround.
+ -- This issue with "Judgement" is gone in BFA because the mastery changed.
+ if currentSpellName and not spellsByName[strlower(currentSpellName)] then
+ spellsByName[strlower(currentSpellName)] = spellBookID
+ end
+ if currentSpellID and not spellsByID[currentSpellID] then
+ spellsByID[currentSpellID] = spellBookID
+ end
+ if type == "SPELL" then
+ -- PETACTION (pet abilities) don't return a spellID for baseSpellID,
+ -- so base spells only work for proper player spells.
+ local baseSpellName = GetSpellInfo(baseSpellID)
+ if baseSpellName and not spellsByName[strlower(baseSpellName)] then
+ spellsByName[strlower(baseSpellName)] = spellBookID
+ end
+ if baseSpellID and not spellsByID[baseSpellID] then
+ spellsByID[baseSpellID] = spellBookID
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Handles updating spellsByName and spellsByID
+if not Lib.updaterFrame then
+ Lib.updaterFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local function UpdateSpells()
+ UpdateBook("spell")
+ UpdateBook("pet")
+Lib.updaterFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", UpdateSpells)
+--- Improved spell range checking function.
+-- @name SpellRange.IsSpellInRange
+-- @paramsig spell, unit
+-- @param spell Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check the range of. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook.
+-- @param unit UnitID of the spell that you wish to check the range on.
+-- @return Exact same returns as http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsSpellInRange
+-- @usage
+-- -- Check spell range by spell name on unit "target"
+-- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+-- local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange("Stormstrike", "target")
+-- -- Check spell range by spellID on unit "mouseover"
+-- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+-- local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(17364, "mouseover")
+function Lib.IsSpellInRange(spellInput, unit)
+ if isNumber[spellInput] then
+ local spell = spellsByID_spell[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return IsSpellInRange(spell, "spell", unit)
+ else
+ local spell = spellsByID_pet[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return IsSpellInRange(spell, "pet", unit)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local spellInput = strlowerCache[spellInput]
+ local spell = spellsByName_spell[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return IsSpellInRange(spell, "spell", unit)
+ else
+ local spell = spellsByName_pet[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return IsSpellInRange(spell, "pet", unit)
+ end
+ end
+ return IsSpellInRange(spellInput, unit)
+ end
+--- Improved SpellHasRange.
+-- @name SpellRange.SpellHasRange
+-- @paramsig spell
+-- @param spell Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check for a range. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook.
+-- @return Exact same returns as http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/SpellHasRange
+-- @usage
+-- -- Check if a spell has a range by spell name
+-- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+-- local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange("Stormstrike")
+-- -- Check if a spell has a range by spellID
+-- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+-- local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange(17364)
+function Lib.SpellHasRange(spellInput)
+ if isNumber[spellInput] then
+ local spell = spellsByID_spell[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return SpellHasRange(spell, "spell")
+ else
+ local spell = spellsByID_pet[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return SpellHasRange(spell, "pet")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local spellInput = strlowerCache[spellInput]
+ local spell = spellsByName_spell[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return SpellHasRange(spell, "spell")
+ else
+ local spell = spellsByName_pet[spellInput]
+ if spell then
+ return SpellHasRange(spell, "pet")
+ end
+ end
+ return SpellHasRange(spellInput)
+ end
diff --git a/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/README.md b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..992f4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# LibSpellRange-1.0
+## Background
+Blizzard's `IsSpellInRange` API has always been very limited - you either must have the name of the spell,
+or its spell book ID. Checking directly by spellID is simply not possible.
+Now, since Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard changed the way that many talents and specialization spells work -
+instead of giving you a new spell when leaned, they replace existing spells. These replacement spells do
+not work with Blizzard's IsSpellInRange function whatsoever; this limitation is what prompted the creation of this lib.
+## Usage
+**LibSpellRange-1.0** exposes an enhanced version of IsSpellInRange that:
+* Allows ranged checking based on both spell name and spellID.
+* Works correctly with replacement spells that will not work using Blizzard's IsSpellInRange method alone.
+### `SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spell, unit)` - Improved `IsSpellInRange`
+#### Parameters
+- `spell` - Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check the range of. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook.
+- `unit` - UnitID of the spell that you wish to check the range on.
+#### Return value
+Exact same returns as [the built-in `IsSpellInRange`](http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsSpellInRange.html)
+#### Usage
+``` lua
+-- Check spell range by spell name on unit "target"
+local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange("Stormstrike", "target")
+-- Check spell range by spellID on unit "mouseover"
+local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(17364, "mouseover")
+### `SpellRange.SpellHasRange(spell)` - Improved `SpellHasRange`
+#### Parameters
+- `spell` - Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check for a range. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook.
+#### Return value
+Exact same returns as [the built-in `SpellHasRange`](http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/SpellHasRange.html)
+#### Usage
+``` lua
+-- Check if a spell has a range by spell name
+local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange("Stormstrike")
+-- Check if a spell has a range by spellID
+local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange(17364)
diff --git a/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/lib.xml b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/lib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1214c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibSpellRange-1.0/lib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Modules/RangeCheck.lua b/Modules/RangeCheck.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c242273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/RangeCheck.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+local UnitIsConnected = UnitIsConnected
+local UnitInPhase = UnitInPhase
+local UnitInRaid = UnitInRaid
+local UnitInParty = UnitInParty
+local UnitInRange = UnitInRange
+local CheckInteractDistance = CheckInteractDistance
+local C_Timer = C_Timer
+local UnitIsUnit = UnitIsUnit
+local UnitClass = UnitClass
+local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo
+local select, ipairs, type, tonumber, tostring, format = select, ipairs, type, tonumber, tostring, format
+local LibStub = LibStub
+local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy")
+local LSR = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0")
+local L = Gladdy.L
+local classSpells = {
+ ["MAGE"] = 118,
+ ["PRIEST"] = 32379,
+ ["DRUID"] = 33786,
+ ["SHAMAN"] = 10414,
+ ["PALADIN"] = 10308,
+ ["WARLOCK"] = 5782,
+ ["WARRIOR"] = 20252,
+ ["HUNTER"] = 27018,
+ ["ROGUE"] = 36554,
+local function defaultSpells()
+ local defaults = {}
+ for _,class in ipairs(Gladdy.CLASSES) do
+ defaults[class] = { min = classSpells[class] }
+ end
+ return defaults
+local RangeCheck = Gladdy:NewModule("Range Check", nil, {
+ rangeCheckEnabled = true,
+ rangeCheckDefaultSpells = defaultSpells(),
+ rangeCheckOorFactor = 1.5,
+ rangeCheckHealthBar = true,
+ rangeCheckHealthBarText = true,
+ rangeCheckPowerBar = true,
+ rangeCheckPowerBarText = true,
+ rangeCheckClassIcon = false,
+ rangeCheckTrinket = false,
+ rangeCheckRacial = false,
+function RangeCheck:Initialize()
+ self:RegisterMessage("JOINED_ARENA")
+ self:RegisterMessage("ENEMY_STEALTH")
+ self.playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"))
+function RangeCheck:Reset()
+ self.test = nil
+function RangeCheck:ResetUnit(unit)
+ local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
+ self:CancelTimer(button)
+ button.lastState = 0
+ self:SetColor(button, 1)
+function RangeCheck:Test(unit)
+ local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
+ if not button then
+ return
+ end
+ self.test = true
+ button.lastState = 0
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckEnabled then
+ if unit == "arena1" then
+ --button.unit = "target"
+ --self:CreateTimer(button)
+ self:SetRangeAlpha(button, nil)
+ else
+ self:SetRangeAlpha(button, true)
+ end
+ else
+ self:SetRangeAlpha(button, true)
+ end
+function RangeCheck:UpdateFrame(unit)
+ if self.test then
+ self:Test(unit)
+ end
+function RangeCheck:SetColor(button, oorFac)
+ if button.lastState == oorFac then
+ return
+ end
+ if not button.classColors then
+ if button.class then
+ button.classColors = { r = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].r, g = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].g, b = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].b }
+ else
+ button.classColors = { r = 0.66, g = 0.66, b = 0.66 }
+ end
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckHealthBar then
+ button.healthBar.hp:SetStatusBarColor(button.classColors.r/oorFac, button.classColors.g/oorFac, button.classColors.b/oorFac, 1)
+ else
+ button.healthBar.hp:SetStatusBarColor(button.classColors.r, button.classColors.g, button.classColors.b, 1)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckHealthBarText then
+ button.healthBar.nameText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.r/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.g/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.b/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.a)
+ button.healthBar.healthText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.r/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.g/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.b/oorFac, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.a)
+ else
+ button.healthBar.nameText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.a)
+ button.healthBar.healthText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.healthBarFontColor.a)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckPowerBar then
+ button.powerBar.energy:SetStatusBarColor(button.powerBar.powerColor.r/oorFac, button.powerBar.powerColor.g/oorFac, button.powerBar.powerColor.b/oorFac, 1)
+ else
+ button.powerBar.energy:SetStatusBarColor(button.powerBar.powerColor.r, button.powerBar.powerColor.g, button.powerBar.powerColor.b, 1)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckPowerBarText then
+ button.powerBar.raceText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.r/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.g/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.b/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.a)
+ button.powerBar.powerText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.r/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.g/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.b/oorFac, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.a)
+ else
+ button.powerBar.raceText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.a)
+ button.powerBar.powerText:SetTextColor(Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.r, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.g, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.b, Gladdy.db.powerBarFontColor.a)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckTrinket then
+ button.trinket.texture:SetVertexColor(1/oorFac, 1/oorFac, 1/oorFac)
+ else
+ button.trinket.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckClassIcon then
+ button.classIcon.texture:SetVertexColor(1/oorFac, 1/oorFac, 1/oorFac)
+ button.aura.icon:SetVertexColor(1/oorFac, 1/oorFac, 1/oorFac)
+ else
+ button.classIcon.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)
+ button.aura.icon:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckRacial then
+ button.racial.texture:SetVertexColor(1/oorFac, 1/oorFac, 1/oorFac)
+ else
+ button.racial.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ button.lastState = oorFac
+function RangeCheck:SetRangeAlpha(button, inRange)
+ local oorFac = Gladdy.db.rangeCheckOorFactor
+ if inRange then
+ RangeCheck:SetColor(button, 1)
+ else
+ RangeCheck:SetColor(button, oorFac)
+ end
+function RangeCheck:JOINED_ARENA()
+ self.test = nil
+ if Gladdy.db.rangeCheckEnabled then
+ for i = 1, Gladdy.curBracket do
+ local button = Gladdy.buttons["arena"..i]
+ --if i == 1 then button.unit = "focus" end
+ self:CreateTimer(button)
+ end
+ end
+function RangeCheck:ENEMY_STEALTH(unit, stealth)
+ local button = Gladdy.buttons[unit]
+ if not button then
+ return
+ end
+ button.lastState = 0
+ if stealth then
+ button.healthBar.hp:SetStatusBarColor(0.66, 0.66, 0.66, 1)
+ button.classColors = { r = 0.66, g = 0.66, b = 0.66 }
+ else
+ if button.class then
+ button.healthBar.hp:SetStatusBarColor(RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].b, 1)
+ button.classColors = { r = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].r, g = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].g, b = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[button.class].b }
+ end
+ end
+function RangeCheck.CheckRange(self)
+ local button = self.parent
+ local spell = Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[RangeCheck.playerClass].min
+ if( not UnitIsConnected(button.unit) or not UnitInPhase(button.unit) ) then
+ RangeCheck:SetRangeAlpha(button, false)
+ elseif( spell ) then
+ RangeCheck:SetRangeAlpha(button, LSR.IsSpellInRange(spell, button.unit) == 1)
+ -- That didn't work, but they are grouped lets try the actual API for this, it's a bit flaky though and not that useful generally
+ elseif( UnitInRaid(button.unit) or UnitInParty(button.unit) ) then
+ RangeCheck:SetRangeAlpha(button, UnitInRange(button.unit, "player"))
+ -- Nope, fall back to interaction :(
+ else
+ RangeCheck:SetRangeAlpha(button, CheckInteractDistance(button.unit, 4))
+ end
+function RangeCheck:CreateTimer(frame)
+ if not frame.range then
+ frame.range = C_Timer.NewTicker(0.05, RangeCheck.CheckRange)
+ frame.range.parent = frame
+ end
+function RangeCheck:CancelTimer(frame)
+ if frame.range then
+ frame.range:Cancel()
+ frame.range = nil
+ end
+function RangeCheck:ForceUpdate(frame)
+ if( UnitIsUnit(frame.unit, "player") ) then
+ frame.healthBar:SetAlpha(1)
+ frame.powerBar:SetAlpha(1)
+ self:CancelTimer(frame)
+ else
+ self:CreateTimer(frame)
+ self.CheckRange(frame.parent)
+ end
+function RangeCheck:GetOptions()
+ return {
+ header = {
+ type = "header",
+ name = L["Range Check"],
+ order = 2,
+ },
+ rangeCheckEnabled = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Enabled"],
+ desc = L["Enable racial icon"],
+ order = 3,
+ }),
+ group = {
+ type = "group",
+ childGroups = "tree",
+ name = L["General"],
+ order = 5,
+ args = {
+ general = {
+ type = "group",
+ name = L["General"],
+ order = 1,
+ args = {
+ header = {
+ type = "header",
+ name = L["General"],
+ order = 1,
+ },
+ rangeCheckOorFactor = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "range",
+ name = L["Out of Range Darkening Level"],
+ desc = L["Higher is darker"],
+ min = 1.1,
+ max = 5,
+ step = 0.1,
+ width = "full",
+ order = 2,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckHealthBar = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Health Bar"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 3,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckHealthBarText = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Health Bar Text"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 4,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckPowerBar = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Power Bar"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 5,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckPowerBarText = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Power Bar Text"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 6,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckClassIcon = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Class Icon"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 7,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckTrinket = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Trinket"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 8,
+ }),
+ rangeCheckRacial = Gladdy:option({
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Fade"] .. " " .. L["Racial"],
+ width = "full",
+ order = 9,
+ }),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ oorSpells = {
+ type = "group",
+ childGroups = "tree",
+ name = L["Spells"],
+ order = 5,
+ args = RangeCheck:GetSpells(),
+ },
+ }
+function RangeCheck:GetSpells()
+ local group = {
+ description = {
+ type = "description",
+ name = "Changing the spellID only applies to your player class!\n\nExample: If you are a Paladin and wish to change your range check spell to Repentance, edit the Paladin spellID to 20066.",
+ order = 1,
+ },
+ }
+ for i,class in ipairs(Gladdy.CLASSES) do
+ group[class] = {
+ type = "group",
+ order = i + 1,
+ icon = "Interface\\Glues\\CharacterCreate\\UI-CharacterCreate-Classes",
+ iconCoords = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS[class],
+ args = {
+ headerMin = {
+ type = "header",
+ name = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min) and format("|T%s:20|t %s - %dyds", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(6, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)))
+ or "nil",
+ order = 1,
+ },
+ min = {
+ type = "input",
+ name = "Spell ID", --format("|T%s:20|t %s", select(3, GetSpellInfo(k)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(k)))
+ order = 2,
+ width = "full",
+ pattern = "%d+",
+ validate = function(_, value)
+ LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):NotifyChange("Gladdy")
+ return type(tonumber(value)) == "number"
+ end,
+ --image = select(3, GetSpellInfo(defaultSpells()[class].min)),
+ get = function(_)
+ return tostring(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)
+ end,
+ set = function(_, value)
+ Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min = tonumber(value)
+ --Gladdy.options.args["Range Check"].args.oorSpells.args[class].args.min.name = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min) and format("|T%s:20|t %s", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)))
+ -- or "nil"
+ Gladdy.options.args["Range Check"].args.oorSpells.args[class].args.headerMin.name = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min) and format("|T%s:20|t %s - %dyds", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)), select(6, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].min)))
+ or "nil"
+ end
+ },
+ --[[headerMax = {
+ type = "header",
+ name = L["Max"],
+ order = 3,
+ },
+ max = {
+ type = "input",
+ name = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max) and format("|T%s:20|t %s", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max)))
+ or "nil",
+ order = 4,
+ width = "full",
+ pattern = "%d+",
+ validate = function(_, value)
+ return type(tonumber(value)) == "number"
+ end,
+ --image = select(3, GetSpellInfo(defaultSpells()[class].max)),
+ get = function(_)
+ return tostring(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max)
+ end,
+ set = function(_, value)
+ Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max = tonumber(value)
+ Gladdy.options.args["Range Check"].args.oorSpells.args[class].args.max.name = GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max) and format("|T%s:20|t %s", select(3, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max)), select(1, GetSpellInfo(Gladdy.db.rangeCheckDefaultSpells[class].max)))
+ or "nil"
+ end
+ }--]]
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ return group
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/embeds.xml b/embeds.xml
index 2413afb..6c9b9f6 100644
--- a/embeds.xml
+++ b/embeds.xml
@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file