diff --git a/Lang.lua b/Lang.lua index 887083b..30f1ca6 100644 --- a/Lang.lua +++ b/Lang.lua @@ -1,33 +1,34 @@ local setmetatable = setmetatable +local C_CreatureInfo = C_CreatureInfo local GetLocale = GetLocale local L = {} +-- Classes +L["Druid"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(11).className +L["Hunter"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(3).className +L["Mage"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(8).className +L["Paladin"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(2).className +L["Priest"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(5).className +L["Rogue"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(4).className +L["Shaman"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(7).className +L["Warlock"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(9).className +L["Warrior"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(1).className + +-- Races +L["Human"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(1).raceName +L["Orc"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(2).raceName +L["Dwarf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(3).raceName +L["Night Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(4).raceName +L["Undead"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(5).raceName +L["Tauren"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(6).raceName +L["Gnome"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(7).raceName +L["Troll"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(8).raceName +L["Blood Elf"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(10).raceName +L["Draenei"] = C_CreatureInfo.GetRaceInfo(11).raceName + if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then - -- Races - L["Human"] = "Человек" - L["Dwarf"] = "Дворф" - L["Night Elf"] = "Ночной эльф" - L["Gnome"] = "Гном" - L["Draenei"] = "Дреней" - L["Orc"] = "Орк" - L["Undead"] = "Нежить" - L["Tauren"] = "Таурен" - L["Troll"] = "Тролль" - L["Blood Elf"] = "Эльф крови" - - -- Classes - L["Druid"] = "Друид" - L["Hunter"] = "Охотник" - L["Mage"] = "Маг" - L["Paladin"] = "Паладин" - L["Priest"] = "Жрец" - L["Rogue"] = "Разбойник" - L["Shaman"] = "Шаман" - L["Warlock"] = "Чернокнижник" - L["Warrior"] = "Воин" - -- Specs L["Balance"] = "Баланс" L["Feral"] = "Сила зверя" @@ -157,40 +158,7 @@ if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Цвет полосы применений" L["Background color"] = "Цвет фона полосы" L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Цвет фона полосы применений" - L["Icon position"] "Расположение значка трансляции" - - -- Clicks.lua - L["Action #%d"] = "Действие #%d" - L["Left Click Enemy 1"] = "Левый клик по цели 1" - L["Left Click Enemy 2"] = "Левый клик по цели 2" - L["Left Click Enemy 3"] = "Левый клик по цели 3" - L["Left Click Enemy 4"] = "Левый клик по цели 4" - L["Left Click Enemy 5"] = "Левый клик по цели 5" - L["Right Click Enemy 1"] = "Правый клик по цели 1" - L["Right Click Enemy 2"] = "Правый клик по цели 2" - L["Right Click Enemy 3"] = "Правый клик по цели 3" - L["Right Click Enemy 4"] = "Правый клик по цели 4" - L["Right Click Enemy 5"] = "Правый клик по цели 5" - L["Left button"] = "Левая кнопка" - L["Right button"] = "Правая кнопка" - L["Middle button"] = "Средняя кнопка" - L["Button 4"] = "Кнопка 4" - L["Button 5"] = "Кнопка 5" - L["None"] = "Не назначено" - L["CTRL"] = "CTRL" - L["SHIFT"] = "SHIFT" - L["ALT"] = "ALT" - L["Cast Spell"] = "Применить заклинание" - L["Name"] = "Название" - L["Select the name of the click option"] = "Выбрать название опции клика" - L["Button"] = "Кнопка" - L["Select which mouse button to use"] = "Выбрать кнопку мыши для использования" - L["Modifier"] = "Модификатор" - L["Select which modifier to use"] = "Выбрать модификатор для использования" - L["Action"] = "Действите" - L["Select what action this mouse button does"] = "Выбрать действие, производимое данной кнопкой мыши" - L["Spell name / Macro text"] = "Название заклинания / Текст макроса" - L["Use *name* as unit's name. Like a '/rofl *name*'"] = "Используйте *name* в качестве имени игрока. Например, '/rofl *name*'" + L["Icon position"] = "Расположение значка трансляции" -- Diminishings.lua L["DR Cooldown position"] = "Позиция ДР таймеров" @@ -237,31 +205,146 @@ if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then -- Trinket.lua L["No cooldown count (OmniCC)"] = "Не показывать кулдаун (OmniCC)" L["Disable cooldown timers by addons (reload UI to take effect)"] = "Отключить таймер кулдаунов для аддонов (необходима перезагрузка интерфейса)" -elseif (GetLocale() == "deDE") then - -- Races - L["Human"] = "Mensch" - L["Dwarf"] = "Zwerg" - L["Night Elf"] = "Nachtelf" - L["Gnome"] = "Gnom" - L["Draenei"] = "Draenei" - L["Orc"] = "Ork" - L["Undead"] = "Untoter" - L["Tauren"] = "Taure" - L["Troll"] = "Тroll" - L["Blood Elf"] = "Blutelf" +elseif GetLocale() == "deDE" then + -- Announcements.lua + L["Announcements"] = "Meldungen" + L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "Wiederbeleben: %s (%s) " + L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "Talenspezalisierung entdeckt: %s - %s (%s)" + L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "Niedriges Leben: %s (%s)" + L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "Insiginie benutzt: %s (%s)" + L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "Insignie bereit: %s (%s)" + L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "Trinken: %s (%s)" + L["Self"] = "Selbst" + L["Party"] = "Gruppe" + L["Raid Warning"] = "Schlachtzugwarnung" + L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard Kampftext" + L["Trinket used"] = "Insignie benutzt" + L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Warnt, wenn ein Gegner seine Insignie benutzt" + L["Trinket ready"] = "Insignie bereit" + L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Warnt wenn die Insignie eines Gegner wieder bereit ist" + L["Drinking"] = "Trinken" + L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner sich zum Trinken hinsetzen" + L["Resurrection"] = "Wiederbelebung" + L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner versuchen Teammitglieder wiederzubeleben" + L["New enemies"] = "Neue Gegner" + L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Gibt an, wenn neue Gegner entdeckt wurden" + L["Spec Detection"] = "Talent Entdeckung" + L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Gibt an, wenn Talente eines Gegners entdeckt wurden" + L["Low health"] = "Wenig Leben" + L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Warnt, wenn das Leben eines Gegners unter einen bestimmten Prozentwert fällt" + L["Low health threshold"] = "Prozentwert: Wenig Leben" + L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Bestimme wie wenig Leben ein Gegner haben muss, damit vor wenig Leben gewarnt wird" + L["Destination"] = "Ziel" + L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Bestimme wo Warnungen dargestellt werden" - -- Classes - L["Druid"] = "Druide" - L["Hunter"] = "Jäger" - L["Mage"] = "Magier" - L["Paladin"] = "Paladin" - L["Priest"] = "Priester" - L["Rogue"] = "Schurke" - L["Shaman"] = "Schamane" - L["Warlock"] = "Hexenmeister" - L["Warrior"] = "Krieger" + -- ArenaCountDown.lua + L["Arena Countdown"] = "Arena Countdown" + L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."] = "" + L["Size"] = "Größe" - -- Specs + -- Auras.lua + L["Auras"] = "Auren" + L["Frame"] = "Frame" + L["Cooldown"] = "Abklingzeit" + L["No Cooldown Circle"] = "Verstecke Abklingzeitzirkel" + L["Cooldown circle alpha"] = "Abklingzeitzirkel Alpha" + L["Font"] = "Schrift" + L["Font of the cooldown"] = "Schrift der Abklingzeit" + L["Font scale"] = "Schriftskalierung" + L["Scale of the text"] = "Skalierungfaktor des Texts" + L["Font color"] = "Schriftfarbe" + L["Color of the text"] = "Farbe des Texts" + L["Border"] = "Rahmen" + L["Border style"] = "Rahmen Stil" + L["Buff color"] = "Buff Farbe" + L["Debuff color"] = "Debuff Farbe" + L["Check All"] = "Alle auswählen" + L["Uncheck All"] = "Alle abwählen" + L["Enabled"] = "Eingeschaltet" + L["Priority"] = "Priorität" + + -- BuffsDebuffs.lua + L["Buffs and Debuffs"] = "Buffs und Debuffs" + L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"] = "Buffs und Debuffs Modul einschalten" + L["Show CC"] = "Zeige Crowdcontrol" + L["Shows all debuffs, which are displayed on the ClassIcon as well"] = "Zeigt alle Buffs & Debuffs, die auch auf dem Klassensymbol dargestellt werden" + L["Buffs"] = "Buffs" + L["Size & Padding"] = "Größe und Abstand" + L["Icon Size"] = "Symbol Größe" + L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Größe der DR Symbole" + L["Icon Width Factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor" + L["Stretches the icon"] = "Streckt das Symbol" + L["Icon Padding"] = "Symbol Abstand" + L["Space between Icons"] = "Abstand zwischen den Symbolen" + L["Position"] = "Position" + L["Aura Position"] = "Aura Position" + L["Position of the aura icons"] = "Position der Aura Symbole" + L["Top"] = "Oben" + L["Bottom"] = "Unten" + L["Left"] = "Links" + L["Right"] = "Rechts" + L["Grow Direction"] = "Richtung" + L["Grow Direction of the aura icons"] = "In welche Richtung die Symbole wachsen" + L["Horizontal offset"] = "Horizontaler Offset" + L["Vertical offset"] = "Vertikaler Offset" + L["Alpha"] = "Alpha" + L["Debuffs"] = "Debuffs" + L["Dynamic Timer Color"] = "Dynamische Textfarbe" + L["Show dynamic color on cooldown numbers"] = "Verändert die Farbe des Textes dynamisch" + L["Color of the cooldown timer and stacks"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeit und Stapel" + L["Spell School Colors"] = "Zauberart Farbe" + L["Spell School Colors Enabled"] = "Zauberart Farbe Eingeschaltet" + L["Show border colors by spell school"] = "Färbt den Rahmen entspechend der Zauberart" + L["Curse"] = "Fluch" + L["Color of the border"] = "Farbe des Rahmens" + L["Magic"] = "Magie" + L["Poison"] = "Gift" + L["Physical"] = "Physisch" + L["Immune"] = "Immun" + L["Disease"] = "Erkrankung" + L["Aura"] = "Aura" + L["Form"] = "Form" + + -- Castbar.lua + L["Cast Bar"] = "Zauberleiste" + L["Bar"] = "Balken" + L["Bar Size"] = "Balken Größe" + L["Bar height"] = "Balken Höhe" + L["Height of the bar"] = "Höhe des Balken" + L["Bar width"] = "Balken Weite" + L["Width of the bars"] = "Weite des Balken" + L["Texture"] = "Textur" + L["Bar texture"] = "Balken Textur" + L["Texture of the bar"] = "Textur des Balken" + L["Bar color"] = "Balken Farbe" + L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Farbe des Balken" + L["Background color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe" + L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Hinergrundfarbe des Zauberbalkens" + L["Border size"] = "Rahmen Größe" + L["Status Bar border"] = "Balken Rahmen" + L["Status Bar border color"] = "Balken Rahmen Farbe" + L["Icon"] = "Symbol" + L["Icon size"] = "Symbolgröße" + L["Icon border"] = "Symbolrahmen" + L["Icon border color"] = "Farbe Symbolrahmen" + L["Spark"] = "Funke" + L["Spark enabled"] = "Funke eingeschaltet" + L["Spark color"] = "Funkenfarbe" + L["Color of the cast bar spark"] = "Farbe des Zauberleisten Funke" + L["Font of the castbar"] = "Schriftart der Zauberleiste" + L["Font size"] = "Schriftgröße" + L["Size of the text"] = "Schriftgröße" + L["Format"] = "Darstellung" + L["Timer Format"] = "Zeitdarstellung" + L["Remaining"] = "Verbleibend" + L["Total"] = "Total" + L["Both"] = "Beides" + L["Castbar position"] = "Zauberleistenposition" + L["Icon position"] = "Symbolposition" + L["Offsets"] = "Offsets" + + -- Classicon.lua + L["Class Icon"] = "Klassensymbol" L["Balance"] = "Gleichgewicht" L["Feral"] = "Wilder Kampf" L["Restoration"] = "Wiederherstellung" @@ -286,6 +369,145 @@ elseif (GetLocale() == "deDE") then L["Destruction"] = "Zerstörung" L["Arms"] = "Waffen" L["Fury"] = "Furor" + L["Show Spec Icon"] = "Zeige Spezialisierungssymbol" + L["Shows Spec Icon once spec is detected"] = "Zeigt das Talentspezialisierungs Symbol sobald die Spezialisierung erkannt wurde" + L["Icon width factor"] = "Symbol Breitenfaktor" + L["This changes positions with trinket"] = "Das tauscht die Position mit dem Trinket, wenn auf der gleichen Seite." + L["Border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe" + + --CombatIndicator.lua + L["Combat Indicator"] = "Kampfindikator" + L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"] = "Schalte Kampfindikator ein" + L["Anchor"] = "Anker" + L["This changes the anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Kampfindikatorsymbols" + L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the ci icon"] = "Dies ändert die Position relativ zum Anker" + + -- Cooldowns.lua + L["Cooldowns"] = "Abklingzeiten" + L["Enabled cooldown module"] = "" + L["Cooldown size"] = "Abklingzeit Größe" + L["Size of each cd icon"] = "Größe eines einzelnen Symbols" + L["Max Icons per row"] = "Maximale Anzahl an Symbolen pro Reihe" + L["Scale of the font"] = "Skalierung der Schrift" + L["Anchor of the cooldown icons"] = "Anker der Abklingzeiten Symbole" + L["Grow Direction of the cooldown icons"] = "Richtung der Abklingzeiten Symbole" + L["Offset"] = "Offset" + + -- Diminishings.lua + L["Diminishings"] = "DR" + L["Enabled DR module"] = "DR einschalten" + L["DR Cooldown position"] = "DR Position" + L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Position der Symbole" + L["DR Border Colors"] = "DR Rahmen Farbe" + L["Dr Border Colors Enabled"] = "DR Rahmen Farben eingeschaltet" + L["Colors borders of DRs in respective DR-color below"] = "Färbt die Rahmen der DR Symbole je nach Stärke der Verminderung" + L["Half"] = "Hälfte" + L["Quarter"] = "Viertel" + L["Categories"] = "Kategorien" + L["Force Icon"] = "Erzwinge Symbol" + L["Icon of the DR"] = "Symbol des DR" + + -- ExportImport.lua + L["Export Import"] = "Exportieren Importieren" + L["Profile Export Import"] = "Profile Exportieren Importieren" + + -- Healthbar.lua + L["Health Bar"] = "Lebensbalken" + L["DEAD"] = "TOT" + L["LEAVE"] = "VERLASSEN" + L["General"] = "Allgemein" + L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Farbe des Balkenhintergrunds" + L["Font of the bar"] = "Schriftart des Balken" + L["Name font size"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen" + L["Size of the name text"] = "Schriftgröße des Namen" + L["Health font size"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit" + L["Size of the health text"] = "Schriftgröße der Gesundheit" + L["Size of the border"] = "Rahmengröße" + L["Health Bar Text"] = "Lebensbalken Text" + L["Show name text"] = "Namen zeigen" + L["Show the units name"] = "Zeige den Namen des Gegners" + L["Show ArenaX"] = "ArenaX zeigen" + L["Show Arena1-5 as name instead"] = "Zeigt Arena1-5 anstatt des Namens" + L["Show the actual health"] = "Zeige die momentane Gesundheit" + L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Zeigt die momentane Gesundheit" + L["Show max health"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit" + L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Zeige maximale Gesundheit" + L["Show health percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert" + L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert der Gesundheit" + + -- Highlight.lua + L["Highlight"] = "Hervorhebung" + L["Show Inside"] = "Zeige innen" + L["Show Highlight border inside of frame"] = "Zeige die Hervorhebung innerhalb des Frames" + L["Colors"] = "Farben" + L["Target border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Ziels" + L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Ziels" + L["Focus border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines Fokus" + L["Color of the focus border"] = "Rahmenfarbe deines momentanen Fokus" + L["Highlight target"] = "Hervorhebung des Ziels" + L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Ziel hervorheben ein/ausschalten" + L["Show border around target"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Ziel" + L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein momentanes Ziel" + L["Show border around focus"] = "Zeige Rahmen um dein Fokus" + L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Zeigt Rahmen um dein Fokusziel" + + -- Pets.lua + L["Pets"] = "Begleiter" + L["Enables Pets module"] = "Schaltet das Begleiter Modul ein" + L["Width of the bar"] = "Breite des Balkens" + L["Health color"] = "Gesundheitsfarbe" + L["Color of the status bar"] = "Farbe des Balkens" + L["Portrait"] = "Portrait" + L["Health Values"] = "Gesundheitswerte" + + -- Powerbar.lua + L["Power Bar"] = "Mana/Energie Balken" + L["Power Bar Text"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Text" + L["Power Texts"] = "Mana/Energie Balken Texte" + L["Show race"] = "Rasse zeigen" + L["Show spec"] = "Spezialisierung zeigen" + L["Show the actual power"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana" + L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das momentane Mana" + L["Show max power"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana" + L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Zeige das maximale Mana" + L["Show power percentage"] = "Zeige Prozentwert" + L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Zeige Prozentwert" + + -- Racial.lua + L["Racial"] = "Rassenfertigkeit" + L["Enable racial icon"] = "Rassenfertigkeit einschalten" + L["This changes the anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert den Anker des Rassenfertigkeitssymbols" + L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"] = "Dies ändert doe Position relativ zu seinem Anker" + + -- TotemPlates.lua + L["Totem Plates"] = "Totem Symbole" + L["Customize Totems"] = "Individuelle Totemeinstellungen" + L["Custom totem name"] = "Individueller Totem Name" + L["Totem General"] = "Totems Allgemein" + L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"] = "" + L["Show friendly"] = "Zeige für freundliche" + L["Show enemy"] = "Zeige für feindliche" + L["Totem size"] = "Totem Größe" + L["Size of totem icons"] = "Größe der Totemsymbole" + L["Font of the custom totem name"] = "Schriftart der benutzerdefinierten Totem Namen" + L["Apply alpha when no target"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn kein Ziel anvisiert ist" + L["Always applies alpha, even when you don't have a target. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn man kein Ziel anvisiert hat. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1" + L["Apply alpha when targeted"] = "Wende den Alpha-Wert an, wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist" + L["Always applies alpha, even when you target the totem. Else it is 1."] = "Alpha immer anwenden, auch wenn das Totem als Ziel anvisiert ist. Sonst ist der Alpha-Wert 1" + L["All totem border alphas (configurable per totem)"] = "Alpha aller Totems" + L["Totem icon border style"] = "Totem Rahmenstil" + L["All totem border color"] = "Rahmenfarbe aller Totems" + + -- Trinket.lua + L["Trinket"] = "Insignie" + L["Enable trinket icon"] = "Insignie einschalten" + L["This changes positions of the trinket"] = "Dies ändert die Position der Insignie" + + -- XiconProfiles.lua + L["Profile"] = "Profil" + + -- Frame.lua + L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - ziehe um zu bewegen" -- Gladdy.lua L["Welcome to Gladdy!"] = "Willkommen bei Gladdy!" @@ -293,185 +515,50 @@ elseif (GetLocale() == "deDE") then L["Valid slash commands are:"] = "Gültige slash Befehle sind:" L["If this is not your first run please lock or move the frame to prevent this from happening."] = "Wenn dies nicht dein erster Start ist, sperre oder bewege das Bild um diese Meldung zu verhindern." - -- Frame.lua - L["Gladdy - drag to move"] = "Gladdy - ziehe um zu bewegen" - -- Options.lua - L["Announcements"] = "Meldungen" - L["Announcement settings"] = "Meldungseinstellungen" - L["Auras"] = "Auren" - L["Auras settings"] = "Aureneinstellungen" - L["Castbar"] = "Zauberleiste" - L["Castbar settings"] = "Zauberleisteneinstellungen" - L["Classicon"] = "Klassensymbol" - L["Classicon settings"] = "Klassensymboleinstellungen" - L["Clicks"] = "Klicks" - L["Clicks settings"] = "Klickeinstellungen" - L["Diminishings"] = "DR" - L["Diminishings settings"] = "DR Einstellungen" - L["Healthbar"] = "Lebensleiste" - L["Healthbar settings"] = "Lebensleisteneinstellungen" - L["Highlight"] = "warnung" - L["Highlight settings"] = "Warnungseinstellungen" - L["Nameplates"] = "Namensplaketten" - L["Nameplates settings"] = "Namensplaketteneinstellungen" - L["Powerbar"] = "Powerleiste" - L["Powerbar settings"] = "Powerleisteneinstellungen" - L["Score"] = "Score" - L["Score settings"] = "Scoreeinstellungen" - L["Trinket"] = "Insignie" - L["Trinket settings"] = "Insignieneinstellungen" - L["Reset module"] = "Model zurücksetzen" - L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Modul auf Standardeinstellungen zurücksetzen" + L["settings"] = "Einstellungen" + L["Reset module"] = "Modul zurücksetzen" + L["Reset module to defaults"] = "Setze das Modul auf seine Standardwerte zurück" L["No settings"] = "Keine Einstellungen" L["Module has no settings"] = "Modul hat keine Einstellungen" - L["General"] = "ОAllgemein" L["General settings"] = "Allgemeine Einstellungen" - L["Lock frame"] = "Sperre Bild" - L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Aktivieren falls das Bild bewegt werden kann" - L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Bild von unten nach oben aufbauen" - L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Falls aktiviert, wird das Bild von unten nach oben aufgebaut" - L["Frame scale"] = "Bildskalierung" - L["Scale of the frame"] = "Skalierung des Bildes" - L["Frame padding"] = "Bild Unterlage" - L["Padding of the frame"] = "Unterlage des Bildes" - L["Frame color"] = "Bildfarbe" - L["Color of the frame"] = "Farbe des Bildes" - L["Bar width"] = "Leistenbreite" - L["Width of the bars"] = "Breite der Leisten" - L["Bottom margin"] = "Unterer Abstand" - L["Margin between each button"] = "Abstand zwischen jedem Buttom" - - -- Announcements.lua - L["RESURRECTING: %s (%s)"] = "Wiederbeleben: %s (%s) " - L["SPEC DETECTED: %s - %s (%s)"] = "Talenspezalisierung entdeckt: %s - %s (%s)" - L["LOW HEALTH: %s (%s)"] = "Niedriges Leben: %s (%s)" - L["TRINKET USED: %s (%s)"] = "Insiginie benutzt: %s (%s)" - L["TRINKET READY: %s (%s)"] = "Insignie bereit: %s (%s)" - L["DRINKING: %s (%s)"] = "Trinken: %s (%s)" - L["Self"] = "Selbst" - L["Party"] = "Gruppe" - L["Raid Warning"] = "Schlachtzugwarnung" - L["Blizzard's Floating Combat Text"] = "Blizzard Kampftext" - L["MikScrollingBattleText"] = "MikScrollingBattleText" - L["Scrolling Combat Text"] = "Scrolling Combat Text" - L["Parrot"] = "Parrot" - L["Drinking"] = "Trinken" - L["Announces when enemies sit down to drink"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner sich zum Trinken hinsetzen" - L["Resurrection"] = "Wiederbelebung" - L["Announces when an enemy tries to resurrect a teammate"] = "Warnt wenn Gegner versuchen Teammitglieder wiederzubeleben" - L["New enemies"] = "Neue Gegner" - L["Announces when new enemies are discovered"] = "Gibt an, wenn neue Gegner entdeckt wurden" - L["Spec Detection"] = "Talent Entdeckung" - L["Announces when the spec of an enemy was detected"] = "Gibt an, wenn Talente eines Gegners entdeckt wurden" - L["Low health"] = "Wenig Leben" - L["Announces when an enemy drops below a certain health threshold"] = "Warnt, wenn das Leben eines Gegners unter einen bestimmten Prozentwert fällt" - L["Low health threshold"] = "Prozentwert: Wenig Leben" - L["Choose how low an enemy must be before low health is announced"] = "Bestimme wie wenig Leben ein Gegner haben muss, damit vor wenig Leben gewarnt wird" - L["Trinket used"] = "Insignie benutzt" - L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is used"] = "Warnt, wenn ein Gegner seine Insignie benutzt" - L["Trinket ready"] = "Insignie bereit" - L["Announce when an enemy's trinket is ready again"] = "Warnt wenn die Insignie eines Gegner wieder bereit ist" - L["Destination"] = "Ziel" - L["Choose how your announcements are displayed"] = "Bestimme wo Warnungen dargestellt werden" - - -- Auras.lua - L["Font color"] = "Schriftfarbe" - L["Color of the text"] = "Farbe der Schrift" - L["Font size"] = "Schriftgröße" - L["Size of the text"] = "Größe der Schrift" - - -- Castbar.lua - L["Bar height"] = "Leistenhöhe" - L["Height of the bar"] = "Höhe der Leiste" - L["Bar texture"] = "Leistentextur" - L["Texture of the bar"] = "Textur der Leiste" - L["Bar color"] = "Leistenfarbe" - L["Color of the cast bar"] = "Farbe der Zauberleiste" - L["Background color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe" - L["Color of the cast bar background"] = "Hintergrundfarbe der Zauberleiste" - L["Icon position"] "Position des Zauberleistensymbols" - - -- Clicks.lua - L["Action #%d"] = "Aktion #%d" - L["Left Click Enemy 1"] = "Linksklick Gegner 1" - L["Left Click Enemy 2"] = "Linksklick Gegner 2" - L["Left Click Enemy 3"] = "Linksklick Gegner 3" - L["Left Click Enemy 4"] = "Linksklick Gegner 4" - L["Left Click Enemy 5"] = "Linksklick Gegner 5" - L["Right Click Enemy 1"] = "Rechtsklick Gegner 1" - L["Right Click Enemy 2"] = "Rechtsklick Gegner 2" - L["Right Click Enemy 3"] = "Rechtsklick Gegner 3" - L["Right Click Enemy 4"] = "Rechtsklick Gegner 4" - L["Right Click Enemy 5"] = "Rechtsklick Gegner 5" - L["Left button"] = "Linke Taste" - L["Right button"] = "Rechte Taste" - L["Middle button"] = "Mittlere Taste" - L["Button 4"] = "Maus 4" - L["Button 5"] = "Maus 5" - L["None"] = "Keine" - L["CTRL"] = "STRG" - L["SHIFT"] = "SHIFT" - L["ALT"] = "ALT" - L["Cast Spell"] = "Wirke Zauber" - L["Name"] = "Name" - L["Select the name of the click option"] = "Wähle einen Namen für die Klickoption" - L["Button"] = "Taste" - L["Select which mouse button to use"] = "Wähle welche Maustaste genutzt werden soll" - L["Modifier"] = "Modifier" - L["Select which modifier to use"] = "Wähle welcher Modifier benutzt werdne soll" - L["Action"] = "Aktion" - L["Select what action this mouse button does"] = "Wähle welche Aktion die Maustaste durchführt" - L["Spell name / Macro text"] = "Zaubername / Makrotext" - L["Use *name* as unit's name. Like a '/rofl *name*'"] = "Benutzt *name* als Gegnername. Zum Beispiel '/rofl *name*'" - - -- Diminishings.lua - L["DR Cooldown position"] = "Position des DR Cooldowns" - L["Position of the cooldown icons"] = "Position des DR Cooldowns" - L["Left"] = "Links" - L["Right"] = "Rechts" - L["Icon Size"] = "Symbolgröße" - L["Size of the DR Icons"] = "Größe des DR Symbols" - - -- Healthbar.lua - L["Show the actual health"] = "Zeige das Leben an" - L["Show the actual health on the health bar"] = "Zeige das Leben auf der Lebensanzeige an" - L["Show max health"] = "Zeige Maximalleben an" - L["Show max health on the health bar"] = "Zeige Maximalleben auf der Lebensanzeige an" - L["Show health percentage"] = "Zeige prozentuales Leben" - L["Show health percentage on the health bar"] = "Zeige prozentuales Leben auf der Lebensanzeige an" - - -- Highlight.lua - L["Border size"] = "Rahmengröße" - L["Target border color"] = "Zielrahmenfarbe" - L["Color of the selected targets border"] = "Farbe des Rahmens des gewählten Ziels" - L["Focus border color"] = "Focusrahmenfarbe" - L["Color of the focus border"] = "Farbe des Focusrahmens" - L["Raid leader border color"] = "Schlachtzugleiterrahmenfarbe" - L["Color of the raid leader border"] = "Farbe des Rahmens für den Schlachtzugleiter" - L["Highlight target"] = "Highlight Ziel" - L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"] = "Включите, если необходима подсветка цели" - L["Show border around target"] = "Zeige Rahmen um das Ziel an" - L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"] = "Auswählen wenn ein Ramhen um das ausgewählte Ziel angezeigt werden soll" - L["Show border around focus"] = "Zeige Rahmen um Focus" - L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"] = "Auswählen wenn ein Ramhen um das ausgewählte Focusziel angezeigt werden soll" - L["Show border around raid leader"] = "Zeige Rahmen um Schlachtzugleiter" - L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the raid leader"] = "Auswählen wenn ein Ramhen um den ausgewählten SChlachtzugleiter angezeigt werden soll" - - -- Powerbar.lua - L["Show the actual power"] = "Zeige genaue Power" - L["Show the actual power on the power bar"] = "Zeige die genaue Power in der Powerleiste " - L["Show max power"] = "Zeige Maximalpower" - L["Show max power on the power bar"] = "Zeige Maximalpower in der Powerbau" - L["Show power percentage"] = "Zeige prozentuale Power" - L["Show power percentage on the power bar"] = "Zeige prozentuale Power in der Powerbau" - L["Color of the status bar background"] = "Hintergrundfarbe der Statusleiste" - - -- Trinket.lua - L["No cooldown count (OmniCC)"] = "Keine Cooldownanzeige (OmniCC)" - L["Disable cooldown timers by addons (reload UI to take effect)"] = "Deaktiviere Cooldownanzeige durch Addons (UI neu laden um zu wirken)" + L["Lock frame"] = "Sperre Frame" + L["Toggle if frame can be moved"] = "Aktivieren falls das Frame bewegt werden kann" + L["Grow frame upwards"] = "Frame von unten nach oben aufbauen" + L["If enabled the frame will grow upwards instead of downwards"] = "Falls aktiviert, wird das Frame von unten nach oben aufgebaut" + L["Down"] = "Runter" + L["Up"] = "Hoch" + L["Frame General"] = "Frame Allgemein" + L["Frame scale"] = "Frame Skalierung" + L["Scale of the frame"] = "Skalierung des Frames" + L["Frame padding"] = "Symbolabstand" + L["Padding of the frame"] = "Abstand zwischen den Elementen des Frames" + L["Frame width"] = "Frame Breite" + L["Margin"] = "Frame Abstand" + L["Margin between each button"] = "Abstand zwischen den Arena Einheiten" + L["Cooldown General"] = "Abklingzeiten Allgemein" + L["Font General"] = "Schriftart Allgemein" + L["General Font"] = "Allgemeine Schriftart" + L["Font color text"] = "Schriftfarbe von text" + L["Font color timer"] = "Schriftfarbe von Abklingzeiten" + L["Color of the timers"] = "Farbe der Abklingzeiten" + L["Icons General"] = "Symbol Allgemein" + L["Icon border style"] = "Rahmenstil" + L["This changes the border style of all icons"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Symbole" + L["This changes the border color of all icons"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Symbole" + L["Statusbar General"] = "Balken Allgemein" + L["Statusbar texture"] = "Balken Textur" + L["This changes the texture of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Textur aller Balken" + L["Statusbar border style"] = "Balken Rahmenstil" + L["This changes the border style of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert den Rahmenstil aller Balken" + L["Statusbar border offset divider (smaller is higher offset)"] = "Rahmenstil offset Quotient" + L["Offset of border to statusbar (in case statusbar shows beyond the border)"] = "Offset des Rahmens zur Statusbar (falls der Balken hinter dem Rahmen erscheint)" + L["Statusbar border color"] = "Balken Rahmenfarbe" + L["This changes the border color of all statusbar frames"] = "Dies ändert die Rahmenfarbe aller Balken" end + + -- Superhack allowing use key as value if not present in table LibStub("Gladdy").L = setmetatable(L, { __index = function(t, k) diff --git a/Modules/ArenaCountDown.lua b/Modules/ArenaCountDown.lua index 20e54bc..489cc2c 100644 --- a/Modules/ArenaCountDown.lua +++ b/Modules/ArenaCountDown.lua @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ -local floor, str_len, tostring, str_sub, str_find = math.floor, string.len, tostring, string.sub, string.find +local floor, str_len, tostring, str_sub, str_find, pairs = math.floor, string.len, tostring, string.sub, string.find, pairs local CreateFrame = CreateFrame +local GetLocale = GetLocale +local GetTime = GetTime local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L -local ACDFrame = Gladdy:NewModule("Countdown", nil, { +local ACDFrame = Gladdy:NewModule("Arena Countdown", nil, { countdown = true, arenaCountdownSize = 256 }) @@ -13,6 +15,11 @@ function ACDFrame:OnEvent(event, ...) end function ACDFrame:Initialize() + if ACDFrame.locales[GetLocale()] then + self.locale = ACDFrame.locales[GetLocale()] + else + self.locale = ACDFrame.locales["default"] + end self.hidden = false self.countdown = -1 self.texturePath = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\Countdown\\"; @@ -44,6 +51,8 @@ function ACDFrame:Initialize() self.ACDNumOne = ACDNumOne self:RegisterMessage("JOINED_ARENA") + self:RegisterMessage("ENEMY_SPOTTED") + self:RegisterMessage("UNIT_SPEC") end function ACDFrame.OnUpdate(self, elapse) @@ -82,50 +91,35 @@ function ACDFrame.OnUpdate(self, elapse) self.ACDNumOnes:Hide(); self.ACDNumOne:Hide(); end + if (GetTime() > self.endTime) then + self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) + end end function ACDFrame:JOINED_ARENA() self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL") self:SetScript("OnEvent", ACDFrame.OnEvent) + self.endTime = GetTime() + 70 self:SetScript("OnUpdate", ACDFrame.OnUpdate) end +function ACDFrame:ENEMY_SPOTTED() + ACDFrame:Reset() +end + +function ACDFrame:UNIT_SPEC() + ACDFrame:Reset() +end + function ACDFrame:CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL(msg) - if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 60 secondes !")) then - self.countdown = 61 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 30 secondes !")) then - self.countdown = 31 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 15 secondes !")) then - self.countdown = 16 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "L'ar\195\168ne ouvre ses portes dans 10 secondes !")) then - self.countdown = 11 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "One minute until the Arena battle begins!")) then - self.countdown = 61 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "Thirty seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then - self.countdown = 31 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "Fifteen seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then - self.countdown = 16 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "Ten seconds until the Arena battle begins!")) then - self.countdown = 10 - return - end - if (str_find(msg, "The Arena battle has begun!")) then - ACDFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) - return + for k,v in pairs(self.locale) do + if str_find(msg, v) then + if k == 0 then + ACDFrame:Reset() + else + self.countdown = k + end + end end end @@ -153,6 +147,7 @@ function ACDFrame:Test() end function ACDFrame:Reset() + self.endTime = 0 self.countdown = 0 self:UnregisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL") self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) @@ -171,7 +166,7 @@ function ACDFrame:GetOptions() }, countdown = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Turn on/off"], + name = L["Enabled"], desc = L["Turns countdown before the start of an arena match on/off."], order = 3, width = "full", @@ -186,3 +181,66 @@ function ACDFrame:GetOptions() }), } end + +ACDFrame.locales = { + ["default"] = { + [61] = "One minute until the Arena battle begins!", + [31] = "Thirty seconds until the Arena battle begins!", + [16] = "Fifteen seconds until the Arena battle begins!", + [0] = "The Arena battle has begun!", + }, + ["esES"] = { + [61] = "¡Un minuto hasta que dé comienzo la batalla en arena!", + [31] = "¡Treinta segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", + [16] = "¡Quince segundos hasta que comience la batalla en arena!", + [0] = "¡La batalla en arena ha comenzado!", + }, + ["ptBR"] = { + [61] = "Um minuto até a batalha na Arena começar!", + [31] = "Trinta segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", + [16] = "Quinze segundos até a batalha na Arena começar!", + [0] = "A batalha na Arena começou!", + }, + ["deDE"] = { + [61] = "Noch eine Minute bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", + [31] = "Noch dreißig Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", + [16] = "Noch fünfzehn Sekunden bis der Arenakampf beginnt!", + [0] = "Der Arenakampf hat begonnen!", + }, + ["frFR"] = { + [60] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans une minute\194\160!", + [30] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans trente secondes\194\160!", + [15] = "Le combat d'arène commence dans quinze secondes\194\160!", + [0] = "Le combat d'arène commence\194\160!", + }, + ["ruRU"] = { + [61] = "Одна минута до начала боя на арене!", + [31] = "Тридцать секунд до начала боя на арене!", + [16] = "До начала боя на арене осталось 15 секунд.", + [0] = "Бой начался!", + }, + ["itIT"] = { -- TODO + -- Beta has no itIT version available? + }, + ["koKR"] = { + [61] = "투기장 전투 시작 1분 전입니다!", + [31] = "투기장 전투 시작 30초 전입니다!", + [16] = "투기장 전투 시작 15초 전입니다!", + [0] = "투기장 전투가 시작되었습니다!", + }, + ["zhCN"] = { + [61] = "竞技场战斗将在一分钟后开始!", + [31] = "竞技场战斗将在三十秒后开始!", + [16] = "竞技场战斗将在十五秒后开始!", + [0] = "竞技场的战斗开始了!", + }, + ["zhTW"] = { + [61] = "1分鐘後競技場戰鬥開始!", + [31] = "30秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", + [16] = "15秒後競技場戰鬥開始!", + [0] = "競技場戰鬥開始了!", + }, +} + +ACDFrame.locales["esMX"] = ACDFrame.locales["esES"] +ACDFrame.locales["ptPT"] = ACDFrame.locales["ptBR"] diff --git a/Modules/Auras.lua b/Modules/Auras.lua index ffd8966..1f5c687 100644 --- a/Modules/Auras.lua +++ b/Modules/Auras.lua @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function Auras:Initialize() end function Auras:CreateFrame(unit) - local auraFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Gladdy.modules.Classicon.frames[unit]) + local auraFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) auraFrame:EnableMouse(false) auraFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") auraFrame:SetFrameLevel(3) @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function Auras:CreateFrame(unit) auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetAllPoints(auraFrame) auraFrame.icon.overlay:SetTexture(Gladdy.db.buttonBorderStyle) - local classIcon = Gladdy.modules.Classicon.frames[unit] + local classIcon = Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit] auraFrame:ClearAllPoints() auraFrame:SetAllPoints(classIcon) @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function Auras:UpdateFrame(unit) auraFrame:SetWidth(width) auraFrame:SetHeight(height) - auraFrame:SetAllPoints(Gladdy.modules.Classicon.frames[unit]) + auraFrame:SetAllPoints(Gladdy.modules["Class Icon"].frames[unit]) auraFrame.cooldown:SetWidth(width - width/16) auraFrame.cooldown:SetHeight(height - height/16) @@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ function Auras:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { cooldown = { type = "group", - name = "Cooldown", + name = L["Cooldown"], order = 1, args = { headerAuras = { @@ -272,6 +272,11 @@ function Auras:GetOptions() name = L["Font"], order = 2, args = { + headerAuras = { + type = "header", + name = L["Font"], + order = 1, + }, auraFont = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", name = L["Font"], @@ -300,7 +305,7 @@ function Auras:GetOptions() }, border = { type = "group", - name = "Border", + name = L["Border"], order = 3, args = { headerAuras = { @@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ function Auras:GetAuraOptions(auraType) ckeckAll = { order = 1, width = "0.7", - name = "Check All", + name = L["Check All"], type = "execute", func = function(info) for k,v in pairs(defaultSpells(auraType)) do @@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ function Auras:GetAuraOptions(auraType) uncheckAll = { order = 2, width = "0.7", - name = "Uncheck All", + name = L["Uncheck All"], type = "execute", func = function(info) for k,v in pairs(defaultSpells(auraType)) do diff --git a/Modules/BuffsDebuffs.lua b/Modules/BuffsDebuffs.lua index da0394e..a96d230 100644 --- a/Modules/BuffsDebuffs.lua +++ b/Modules/BuffsDebuffs.lua @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ local LibClassAuras = LibStub("LibClassAuras-1.0") local L = Gladdy.L local defaultTrackedDebuffs = select(2, Gladdy:GetAuras(AURA_TYPE_DEBUFF)) local defaultTrackedBuffs = select(2, Gladdy:GetAuras(AURA_TYPE_BUFF)) -local BuffsDebuffs = Gladdy:NewModule("BuffsDebuffs", nil, { +local BuffsDebuffs = Gladdy:NewModule("Buffs and Debuffs", nil, { buffsEnabled = true, buffsShowAuraDebuffs = false, buffsAlpha = 1, @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() }, buffsEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Enable"], + name = L["Enabled"], desc = L["Enabled Buffs and Debuffs module"], order = 3, }), @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 5, args = { buffs = { @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() args = { size = { type = "group", - name = "Size & Padding", + name = L["Size & Padding"], order = 1, args = { header = { @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() }, position = { type = "group", - name = "Position", + name = L["Position"], order = 3, args = { header = { @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() args = { size = { type = "group", - name = "Size & Padding", + name = L["Size & Padding"], order = 1, args = { header = { @@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() }, position = { type = "group", - name = "Position", + name = L["Position"], order = 3, args = { header = { @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() }, cooldown = { type = "group", - name = "Cooldown", + name = L["Cooldown"], order = 3, args = { header = { @@ -885,6 +885,7 @@ function BuffsDebuffs:GetOptions() type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 9, + width = "full", }), buffsCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", diff --git a/Modules/Castbar.lua b/Modules/Castbar.lua index 7f1c07c..3fd2f10 100644 --- a/Modules/Castbar.lua +++ b/Modules/Castbar.lua @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local BackdropTemplateMixin = BackdropTemplateMixin local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local AceGUIWidgetLSMlists = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists -local Castbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Castbar", 70, { +local Castbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Cast Bar", 70, { castBarHeight = 20, castBarWidth = 160, castBarIconSize = 22, @@ -544,12 +544,12 @@ function Castbar:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { barFrame = { type = "group", - name = "Bar", + name = L["Bar"], order = 1, args = { headerSize = { @@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ function Castbar:GetOptions() }, icon = { type = "group", - name = "Icon", + name = L["Icon"], order = 2, args = { headerSize = { @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ function Castbar:GetOptions() }, spark = { type = "group", - name = "Spark", + name = L["Spark"], order = 3, args = { header = { @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ function Castbar:GetOptions() }, font = { type = "group", - name = "Font", + name = L["Font"], order = 4, args = { header = { @@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ function Castbar:GetOptions() }, position = { type = "group", - name = "Position", + name = L["Position"], order = 5, args = { header = { diff --git a/Modules/Classicon.lua b/Modules/Classicon.lua index 2648e4e..a82fe19 100644 --- a/Modules/Classicon.lua +++ b/Modules/Classicon.lua @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local L = Gladdy.L -local Classicon = Gladdy:NewModule("Classicon", 80, { +local Classicon = Gladdy:NewModule("Class Icon", 80, { classIconPos = "LEFT", classIconSize = 60 + 20 + 1, classIconWidthFactor = 0.9, @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function Classicon:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { size = { diff --git a/Modules/CombatIndicator.lua b/Modules/CombatIndicator.lua index c9ca5c7..20d015b 100644 --- a/Modules/CombatIndicator.lua +++ b/Modules/CombatIndicator.lua @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local ANCHORS = { ["LEFT"] = "RIGHT", ["RIGHT"] = "LEFT", ["BOTTOM"] = "TOP", [" local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L -local CombatIndicator = Gladdy:NewModule("CombatIndicator", nil, { +local CombatIndicator = Gladdy:NewModule("Combat Indicator", nil, { ciEnabled = true, ciSize = 20, ciAlpha = 1, @@ -107,21 +107,21 @@ end function CombatIndicator:GetOptions() return { - headerTrinket = { + header = { type = "header", - name = L["Racial"], + name = L["Combat Indicator"], order = 2, }, ciEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Enabled"], - desc = L["Enable ci icon"], + desc = L["Enable Combat Indicator icon"], order = 3, }), group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { general = { diff --git a/Modules/Cooldowns.lua b/Modules/Cooldowns.lua index 46406c9..228c8f6 100644 --- a/Modules/Cooldowns.lua +++ b/Modules/Cooldowns.lua @@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions() }, cooldown = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Enable"], + name = L["Enabled"], desc = L["Enabled cooldown module"], order = 2, }), group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { icon = { @@ -646,6 +646,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions() type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 8, + width = "full", }), cooldownCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", @@ -778,7 +779,7 @@ function Cooldowns:GetOptions() cooldowns = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Cooldowns", + name = L["Cooldowns"], order = 4, args = Cooldowns:GetCooldownOptions(), }, diff --git a/Modules/Diminishings.lua b/Modules/Diminishings.lua index 2cba67a..7033786 100644 --- a/Modules/Diminishings.lua +++ b/Modules/Diminishings.lua @@ -359,14 +359,14 @@ function Diminishings:GetOptions() }, drEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Enable"], + name = L["Enabled"], desc = L["Enabled DR module"], order = 3, }), group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { icon = { @@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ function Diminishings:GetOptions() type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 8, + width = "full", }), drCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", diff --git a/Modules/ExportImport.lua b/Modules/ExportImport.lua index 3253929..c20281c 100644 --- a/Modules/ExportImport.lua +++ b/Modules/ExportImport.lua @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local function table_copy(t) return t2; end -local ExportImport = Gladdy:NewModule("ExportImport", nil, { +local ExportImport = Gladdy:NewModule("Export Import", nil, { }) diff --git a/Modules/Healthbar.lua b/Modules/Healthbar.lua index 2418535..73ab9df 100644 --- a/Modules/Healthbar.lua +++ b/Modules/Healthbar.lua @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ local RAID_CLASS_COLORS = RAID_CLASS_COLORS local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local AceGUIWidgetLSMlists = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists -local Healthbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Healthbar", 100, { +local Healthbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Health Bar", 100, { healthBarFont = "DorisPP", healthBarHeight = 60, healthBarTexture = "Smooth", @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function Healthbar:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { general = { @@ -478,12 +478,14 @@ function Healthbar:GetOptions() name = L["Show name text"], desc = L["Show the units name"], order = 2, + width = "full", }), healthNameToArenaId = option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Show ArenaX"], desc = L["Show Arena1-5 as name instead"], order = 3, + width = "full", disabled = function() return not Gladdy.db.healthName end }), healthActual = option({ @@ -491,18 +493,21 @@ function Healthbar:GetOptions() name = L["Show the actual health"], desc = L["Show the actual health on the health bar"], order = 4, + width = "full", }), healthMax = option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Show max health"], desc = L["Show max health on the health bar"], order = 5, + width = "full", }), healthPercentage = option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Show health percentage"], desc = L["Show health percentage on the health bar"], order = 6, + width = "full", }), }, }, diff --git a/Modules/Highlight.lua b/Modules/Highlight.lua index a543dab..aef2fb8 100644 --- a/Modules/Highlight.lua +++ b/Modules/Highlight.lua @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function Highlight:CreateFrame(unit) return end - local healthBar = Gladdy.modules.Healthbar.frames[unit] + local healthBar = Gladdy.modules["Health Bar"].frames[unit] local targetBorder = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, button, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate") targetBorder:SetBackdrop({ edgeFile = Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("border", Gladdy.db.highlightBorderStyle), edgeSize = Gladdy.db.highlightBorderSize }) @@ -241,16 +241,9 @@ function Highlight:GetOptions() order = 8, hasAlpha = true, }), - leaderBorderColor = Gladdy:colorOption({ - type = "color", - name = L["Raid leader border color"], - desc = L["Color of the raid leader border"], - order = 9, - hasAlpha = true, - }), headerEnable = { type = "header", - name = L["Enable/Disable"], + name = L["Enabled"], order = 10, }, highlight = Gladdy:option({ @@ -258,24 +251,21 @@ function Highlight:GetOptions() name = L["Highlight target"], desc = L["Toggle if the selected target should be highlighted"], order = 11, + width = "full", }), targetBorder = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Show border around target"], desc = L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the selected target"], order = 12, + width = "full", }), focusBorder = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", name = L["Show border around focus"], desc = L["Toggle of a border should be shown around the current focus"], order = 13, - }), - leaderBorder = Gladdy:option({ - type = "toggle", - name = L["Show border around raid leader"], - desc = L["Toggle if a border should be shown around the raid leader"], - order = 14, + width = "full", }), } end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/Pets.lua b/Modules/Pets.lua index 3041bf6..7e04763 100644 --- a/Modules/Pets.lua +++ b/Modules/Pets.lua @@ -333,21 +333,21 @@ end function Pets:GetOptions() return { - headerHealthbar = { + header = { type = "header", - name = L["Health Bar"], + name = L["Pets"], order = 2, }, petEnabled = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Enable"], - desc = L["Enabled Pets module"], + name = L["Enabled"], + desc = L["Enables Pets module"], order = 3, }), group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { general = { diff --git a/Modules/Powerbar.lua b/Modules/Powerbar.lua index 88d420b..2a11278 100644 --- a/Modules/Powerbar.lua +++ b/Modules/Powerbar.lua @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local CreateFrame, UnitPower, UnitPowerType, UnitPowerMax, UnitExists = CreateFr local Gladdy = LibStub("Gladdy") local L = Gladdy.L local AceGUIWidgetLSMlists = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists -local Powerbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Powerbar", 90, { +local Powerbar = Gladdy:NewModule("Power Bar", 90, { powerBarFont = "DorisPP", powerBarHeight = 20, powerBarTexture = "Smooth", @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ function Powerbar:UpdateFrame(unit) return end - local healthBar = Gladdy.modules.Healthbar.frames[unit] + local healthBar = Gladdy.modules["Health Bar"].frames[unit] powerBar.bg:SetTexture(Gladdy.LSM:Fetch("statusbar", Gladdy.db.powerBarTexture)) @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ function Powerbar:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 3, args = { general = { diff --git a/Modules/Racial.lua b/Modules/Racial.lua index 8fcc2a1..b5e1f27 100644 --- a/Modules/Racial.lua +++ b/Modules/Racial.lua @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ function Racial:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { general = { @@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ function Racial:GetOptions() type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 7, + width = "full", }), racialCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", @@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ function Racial:GetOptions() args = { header = { type = "header", - name = L["Position"], + name = L["Icon position"], order = 4, }, racialAnchor = Gladdy:option({ @@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ function Racial:GetOptions() }), racialPos = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", - name = L["Position"], + name = L["Icon position"], desc = L["This changes position relative to its anchor of the racial icon"], order = 21, values = { diff --git a/Modules/TotemPlates.lua b/Modules/TotemPlates.lua index 67cca14..4c00d4a 100644 --- a/Modules/TotemPlates.lua +++ b/Modules/TotemPlates.lua @@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ local localizedTotemData = { [string_lower(select(1, GetSpellInfo(3738)))] = totemData[string_lower("Wrath of Air Totem")], -- Wrath of Air Totem [string_lower(select(1, GetSpellInfo(25908)))] = totemData[string_lower("Tranquil Air Totem")], -- Tranquil Air Totem }, + ["frFR"] = { + [string_lower("Totem d'\195\169lementaire de terre")] = totemData[string_lower("Earth Elemental Totem")], -- Earth Elemental Totem + [string_lower("Totem d'\195\169lementaire de feu")] = totemData[string_lower("Fire Elemental Totem")], -- Fire Elemental Totem + }, + ["ruRU"] = { + [string_lower("")] = totemData[string_lower("Sentry Totem")], -- Sentry Totem + } } local function GetTotemColorDefaultOptions() @@ -106,7 +113,7 @@ local function GetTotemColorDefaultOptions() }, enabled = { order = 2, - name = "Enabled", + name = L["Enabled"], desc = "Enable " .. format("|T%s:20|t %s", indexedList[i].texture, select(1, GetSpellInfo(indexedList[i].id))), type = "toggle", width = "full", @@ -188,7 +195,7 @@ end --------------------------------------------------- -local TotemPlates = Gladdy:NewModule("TotemPlates", nil, { +local TotemPlates = Gladdy:NewModule("Totem Plates", nil, { npTotems = true, npTotemsShowFriendly = true, npTotemsShowEnemy = true, @@ -286,7 +293,7 @@ function TotemPlates:NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED(...) totemName = string_gsub(totemName, "%s+[I,V,X]+$", "") --trim rank totemName = string_lower(totemName) local nameplate = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unitID) - local totemDataEntry = localizedTotemData["default"][totemName] + local totemDataEntry = localizedTotemData["default"][totemName] or localizedTotemData["frFR"][totemName] or localizedTotemData["ruRU"][totemName] if totemDataEntry and Gladdy.db.npTotemColors["totem" .. totemDataEntry.id].enabled then-- modify this nameplates if #self.totemPlateCache > 0 then @@ -384,12 +391,12 @@ function TotemPlates:GetOptions() return { headerTotems = { type = "header", - name = L["Totem General"], + name = L["Totem Plates"], order = 2, }, npTotems = Gladdy:option({ type = "toggle", - name = L["Totem icons on/off"], + name = L["Enabled"], desc = L["Turns totem icons instead of nameplates on or off. (Requires reload)"], order = 3, width = 0.9, @@ -411,7 +418,7 @@ function TotemPlates:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { icon = { @@ -590,7 +597,7 @@ function TotemPlates:GetOptions() }, npTotemColors = { order = 50, - name = "Customize Totems", + name = L["Customize Totems"], type = "group", childGroups = "tree", args = select(2, Gladdy:GetTotemColors()) diff --git a/Modules/Trinket.lua b/Modules/Trinket.lua index b471fd6..2158e37 100644 --- a/Modules/Trinket.lua +++ b/Modules/Trinket.lua @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ function Trinket:GetOptions() group = { type = "group", childGroups = "tree", - name = "Frame", + name = L["Frame"], order = 4, args = { general = { @@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ function Trinket:GetOptions() header = { type = "header", name = L["Size"], - order = 4, + order = 1, }, trinketSize = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", - name = L["Trinket size"], + name = L["Size"], min = 5, max = 100, step = 1, @@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ function Trinket:GetOptions() type = "toggle", name = L["No Cooldown Circle"], order = 7, + width = "full", }), trinketCooldownAlpha = Gladdy:option({ type = "range", @@ -321,12 +322,12 @@ function Trinket:GetOptions() args = { header = { type = "header", - name = L["Position"], + name = L["Icon position"], order = 4, }, trinketPos = Gladdy:option({ type = "select", - name = L["Trinket position"], + name = L["Icon position"], desc = L["This changes positions of the trinket"], order = 21, values = { diff --git a/Modules/XiconProfiles.lua b/Modules/XiconProfiles.lua index 22dc490..b13264a 100644 --- a/Modules/XiconProfiles.lua +++ b/Modules/XiconProfiles.lua @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ local XiconProfiles = Gladdy:NewModule("XiconProfiles", nil, { }) function XiconProfiles:ApplyKlimp() - local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetKlimpProfile()) + local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetKlimpProfile()) if deserialized then - Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) + Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) end Gladdy:Reset() Gladdy:HideFrame() @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ function XiconProfiles:ApplyKlimp() end function XiconProfiles:ApplyKnall() - local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetKnallProfile()) + local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetKnallProfile()) if deserialized then - Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) + Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) end Gladdy:Reset() Gladdy:HideFrame() @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:ApplyKnall() end function XiconProfiles:ApplyClassic() - local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetClassicProfile()) + local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetClassicProfile()) if deserialized then Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) end @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ function XiconProfiles:ApplyClassic() end function XiconProfiles:ApplyBlizz() - local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetBlizzardProfile()) + local deserialized = Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:Decode(Gladdy:GetBlizzardProfile()) if deserialized then - Gladdy.modules["ExportImport"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) + Gladdy.modules["Export Import"]:ApplyImport(deserialized, Gladdy.db) end Gladdy:Reset() Gladdy:HideFrame() @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() return { headerProfileBlizzard = { type = "header", - name = L["Blizzard Profile"], + name = "Blizzard " .. L["Profile"], order = 2, }, blizzardProfile = { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() XiconProfiles:ApplyBlizz() end, name = " ", - desc = "Blizzard Profile", + desc = "Blizzard " .. L["Profile"], image = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\BasicProfiles\\Blizz1.blp", imageWidth = 350, imageHeight = 175, @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() }, headerProfileClassic = { type = "header", - name = L["Classic Profile"], + name = "Classic " .. L["Profile"], order = 4, }, classicProfile = { @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() XiconProfiles:ApplyClassic() end, name = " ", - desc = "Classic Profile", + desc = "Classic " .. L["Profile"], image = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\BasicProfiles\\Classic1.blp", imageWidth = 350, imageHeight = 175, @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() }, headerProfileKnall = { type = "header", - name = L["Knall's Profile"], + name = "Knall's " .. L["Profile"], order = 6, }, knallProfile = { @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() XiconProfiles:ApplyKnall() end, name = " ", - desc = "Knall's Profile", + desc = "Knall's " .. L["Profile"], image = "Interface\\AddOns\\Gladdy\\Images\\BasicProfiles\\Knall1.blp", imageWidth = 350, imageHeight = 175, @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() }, headerProfileKlimp = { type = "header", - name = L["Klimp's Profile"], + name = "Klimp's " .. L["Profile"], order = 8, }, klimpProfiles = { @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function XiconProfiles:GetOptions() imageWidth = 350, imageHeight = 175, name = " ", - desc = "Klimp's Profile", + desc = "Klimp's " .. L["Profile"], width = "full", order = 9, }, diff --git a/Options.lua b/Options.lua index 1631a9f..56453ca 100644 --- a/Options.lua +++ b/Options.lua @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function Gladdy:SetupModule(name, module, order) self.options.args[name] = { type = "group", name = L[name], - desc = L[name .. " settings"], + desc = L[name] .. " " .. L["settings"], childGroups = "tab", order = order, args = {}, @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ local function pairsByKeys(t) for k in pairs(t) do tinsert(a, k) end - tsort(a) + tsort(a, function(a, b) return L[a] < L[b] end) local i = 0 return function() @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function Gladdy:SetupOptions() }, group = { type = "group", - name = "General", + name = L["General"], order = 4, childGroups = "tree", args = {